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L-Cystiene Vs NAC
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09/26/2007 18:13
09/26/2007 18:13
Re: L-Cystiene Vs NAC

>>Do you think its possible to control the disease through diet? Just hoping.<<

I think that it would be foolish to think that diet has no bearing on DC. I have seen posts on this forum that flatly reject any connection between diet and the progression of the disease. I imagine that diet cannot stop or start a case of dupuytrens, however it is likely that there is a metabolic factor in how the disease flourishes or not.

I have seen a doctor who told me that all auto immune diseases that involve over growth and swelling of tissue are encouraged by an acidic balance in the bloodstream. Our acid/alkaline balance is controlled largely by what we eat.

Sugar is acid forming in our blood; alchohol breaks down as a sugar. Is there a connection to regular achohol use?
I don't know, but I think about it when contemplating a second glass of wine.

I am not saying that I know that there is a connection to our diets; I am open to the idea that changes in our diet may inhibit or enhance the state of the disease.

09/27/2007 08:50

not registered

09/27/2007 08:50

not registered

Diet and Dupuytren

To Sandy and raynora:

I would agree that diets can influence many diseases, the question is to what extent. I haven't so far seen any statical sound research on a diet's effect on Dupuytren. But there is some anecdotal evidence for the positive effect of some diets, for whatever this is worth.

- two years ago Jey reported on the positive effect of eating lots of tomatoes. He assumed that the effect might be due to the high amount of lycopene in the tomatoes, a very strong natural antioxidant. You can e.g. search our forum for "lycopene" to find related posts. But you must be aware that Jey observed this good effect when he was harvesting his tomatoes and eat many, many tomatoes every day. Probably difficult, and maybe even unhealthy, to maintain this level of tomato consumption over a longer period of time.

- some time ago Kevin suggested a link between Dupuytren and Insulin level. His theory is not generally accepted but maybe a little along what raynora is writing. If there is at least a link then a diet (e.g. low carb) might be useful. Anyway good to loose weight. But this linking might just be accidential because there is, to my knowledge, no correlation between Dupuytren and heavy weight or Dupuytren and diabetes.

- taking NAC regularly could also be viewed as a sort of diet, using a nutritional supplement. Similar ingredients might e.g. be available through some specific food as well and then it could become a real diet (it actually might have a similar effect as lycopene). We have collected data on NAC over the last 6 months and will publish them soon. There seems to be a positive effect but not a very strong one and only when taken at least 3 - 6 months. But there might be nutrition that has a similar effect.


>>Do you think its possible to control the disease through diet? Just hoping.<<

I think that it would be foolish to think that diet has no bearing on DC. I have seen posts on this forum that flatly reject any connection between diet and the progression of the disease. I imagine that diet cannot stop or start a case of dupuytrens, however it is likely that there is a metabolic factor in how the disease flourishes or not.

I have seen a doctor who told me that all auto immune diseases that involve over growth and swelling of tissue are encouraged by an acidic balance in the bloodstream. Our acid/alkaline balance is controlled largely by what we eat.

Sugar is acid forming in our blood; alchohol breaks down as a sugar. Is there a connection to regular achohol use?
I don't know, but I think about it when contemplating a second glass of wine.

I am not saying that I know that there is a connection to our diets; I am open to the idea that changes in our diet may inhibit or enhance the state of the disease.

11/17/2012 02:41
11/17/2012 02:41
Re: L-Cystiene Vs NAC

I have had nodules on both my hands for over 5 years. I just thought they were part of ageing process, until this year, when my little finger on my left hand started to curve. My left hand is my dominant hand. The Doctor didn't seem to know much and suggested we watch the process.

I decided to try NAC. I ordered it from the US together with some other supplements. I received the other supplements but not the NAC, with no explanation. I assume there must be some legal issues exporting it to Australia. Anyway, to the opening poster, you can buy it in Australia from body-building stores. It comes as a powder. I had to buy a kilogram, about A$64.

I'm taking about 800-1000 mg of the powder a day (quarter teaspoon). It stinks, tastes horrible and produces a bad smelling urine.

It's only been a week, but I have noticed that the feeling of "tightness" in both my little fingers has reduced greatly; so that is keeping me hopeful.

Shall keep in touch with my progress.


11/17/2012 03:28
11/17/2012 03:28
Re: L-Cystiene Vs NAC

Please keep us posted! Many people have started some sort of treatment and we see beginning favorable results, then we never hear from them again, and it's quite frustrating...Please don't let us down!

11/18/2012 07:48
11/18/2012 07:48
Re: L-Cystiene Vs NAC

Brief update on NAC. Doseage on the packet was listed as 200-2000mg. I read that some people suffer nausea and digestive problems when they go over 1000mg, so I've stayed just below 1000mg and thought I would gradually increase.

Nice warm day today, and I've been in and out doing various things. Sat down for a while, and my body odour WOW! Normally other people notice our odour before we do. It smelled, just like the urine I mentioned in my previous post. I'm retired so it is not such an issue. If I was still working (I was a teacher), I don't think I would be trying NAC.

It's not going to stop me, as I can shower just before I go out. I think, if was working full time, I'd have an arsenal of deoderant, after shave with me.

When I work out how to get a photo off my smartphone I will post a photo of my contracture before I started NAC.


11/18/2012 10:26


11/18/2012 10:26


Re: L-Cystiene Vs NAC

Ray, N-Acetylcystein should be easy to buy and ought to be cheap, too. It's often sold as ACC or with similar product names. Other brand names are e.g. Ecomucyl®, Fluimucil®, Mucostop® und Solmucol®. These products are typically easier to administer and don't smell that bad.

The typical dose is 600 mg/day. Years ago we had collected reports from several patients taking NAC http://www.dupuytren-online.info/researc..._dupuytren.html. Our impression was that it takes about 3-6 month before you see an effect. If you increase the dose the effect might come earlier but I don't know how safe it is to increase the dose.


11/26/2012 09:22
11/26/2012 09:22
Re: L-Cystiene Vs NAC

Ray, N-Acetylcystein should be easy to buy and ought to be cheap, too. It's often sold as ACC or with similar product names. Other brand names are e.g. Ecomucyl®, Fluimucil®, Mucostop® und Solmucol®. These products are typically easier to administer and don't smell that bad.

The typical dose is 600 mg/day. Years ago we had collected reports from several patients taking NAC http://www.dupuytren-online.info/researc..._dupuytren.html. Our impression was that it takes about 3-6 month before you see an effect. If you increase the dose the effect might come earlier but I don't know how safe it is to increase the dose.


Thanks Wolfgang,

I have read the reports on people taking NAC. I had photos to post, but lost them trying to go from smartphone. I somehow deleted them. I really am not good with sliding my fingers over images and transferring to somewhere else. Rather click a button, like on my old Nokia.

Anyway, I am at 2 weeks of NAC, and probably taking 800-1,000 mg a day. I have no accurate way of measuring it. A graduated spoon came with the packet.

Things to point out :

I have had no adverse affect to NAC, despite the high doses. It is supposed to be a high antioxidant, affecting body processes.

For more than a year, I have had scaling skin on my face and ears (internal ear as well), to the point that I was using moisturiser daily. I'm now down to 2 times a week.

I have 'liver spots' on my face (I'm 61 years of age) and these are starting to fragment.

It is all subjective. My fingers are much the same, but I have confidence, and have gained in other ways from NAC.

Will continue to report, love the forum.


12/27/2012 03:33
12/27/2012 03:33
Re: L-Cystiene Vs NAC

Another month has passed since I started NAC. That makes about 2 months.

I think my left pinky is slightly worse.

Nodules on my right hand do not seem to have changed. I haven't noticed any softening in them etc., though your limited research suggests that could take 3 months.

I am, as mentioned in my previous post, still enjoying secondary benefits of scaley skin and dandruff control.

Shall try and get photos over this holiday break.

Hope you all had a great festive season, and may the new year bring you happiness.

01/12/2013 07:32
01/12/2013 07:32
Re: L-Cystiene Vs NAC

My last post was off a bit in time, it was 6 weeks not 2 months.

It is now 2 months. Over that time, I have religiously taken the NAC (YUK), pharmacy grade multivitamin, and Omega 3-6-9 complex. I also take 100mg Aspirin.

The only change I've noticed is that the amount of contracture in my left pinky can change for the better. If I then flex it it goes back to what it was.

My question. Is it usual for the degree of contraction to change during the day?

Thinking of getting some magnesium oil. Any thoughts on that?

06/12/2013 02:29
06/12/2013 02:29
Re: L-Cystiene Vs NAC

Any updates by anyone on the success of using NAC? I just bought a bottle of 120 capsule, 600mg each and plan to take twice a day. My DD has recently begun to get active after being dormant. I am desperate to calm it down. Hoping this might work. Would love to hear so updates on using NAC

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correlation   noticed   Dupuytren   N-Acetylcystein   results   glucosamine   Wolfgang   dupuytren-online   L-Cystiene   connection   acetyl-l-carnitine   body-building   contemplating   between   consumption   progressing   concentration   suggested   disease   N-acetylcysteine