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Bummed in Dallas
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07/31/2009 23:15

not registered

07/31/2009 23:15

not registered

Re: Bummed in Dallas

I had dupuytren's contracture in my left pinkie and ring fingers that was so bad that I could no longer play the guitar. Last year I was involved in the phase 3 collagenase injection trials going on in the country. The treatment was a complete sucess for me and I can now play as well as I did before this nightmare began. I don't know if this will be applicable to the problem you have in your knuckles, which I have as well to a lesser degree, but it might give you some hope to know that there might be a cure some day for you as well

08/01/2009 04:38
diane s

not registered

08/01/2009 04:38
diane s

not registered

Re: Bummed in Dallas

get on a plane to San Francisco and see Dr. Keith Denkler. If anybody can help you, he can. He can use a variety of things to improve your situation. Also, the enzyme treatment xiaflex will be available soon. good luck

08/01/2009 14:27
08/01/2009 14:27
Re: Bummed in Dallas

Thanks folks, very happy to hear some positive testimonial from the collagenase trials. This is encouraging news indeed even though I do not (yet) have palmar nodules or cords.

Kmac, thank you for addressing my post! I was hoping to hear from more guitarists...

Which joints are you referring to as "knuckles"? There's always confusion here since "knuckle pads" is a misnomer. Knuckle pads actually affect the middle joints (PIP joints) more frequently than the knuckles (MCP joints). Was there any noted improvement in your middle finger joints (PIPs) ? Based on information I've pieced together from many a confused doctor, I am considering the possibility that my joint problems are caused by dups tissue from my PIP pads growing inward towards the joint and interfering with tendon and tendon sheath function.

If this theory proves true then I suppose it's possible that collagenase injections may eventually help restore my full range of PIP motion.

12/28/2009 19:24
12/28/2009 19:24
Re: Bummed in Dallas

I've had similar pain in my knuckles that started after a few months of playing Guitar Hero (how embarrassing!). I thought for sure that it was an overuse injury but after a year of doctor visits, I had no relief and no answers. In the process of doing some research for my dad, who has dupuytren's, I discovered that knuckle pads were often a precursor. Then I found out that my mother's father had pretty severe dupuytren's in both hands, so I'm convinced that the condition is related. I'm starting to think, however, that I was pre-disposed to the knuckle pads, but that playing guitar hero is what triggered its progression through overuse of those joints. I will tell you that cortisone shots will relieve the pain for awhile (my pain was basically gone for 6 to 7 months, but just returned recently, much to my dismay), so that may be a good first route to go. From the research I've done, there unfortunately doesn't appear to be a magic bullet, but I'm trying to stay positive. What I've found is that there is still such a lack of awareness of the PIP join pain issue, mostly because it is often misdiagnosed as arthritis or some other auto-immune disease. Good luck to you, and please let me know if you find relief. I'll do the same!


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playing   Dupuytren   surgery   definately   dupuytren-online   dupuytrens   problem   osteoarthritis   contributions   poly-arthritis   problems   soriceconsulting   encouragement   pre-disposed   experiencing   relationships   stiffness   unfortunately   knuckle   collagenase