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California calling-radiation therapy for Dupuytren's on West Coast?
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10/03/2007 07:21
M.M. Lusk

not registered

10/03/2007 07:21
M.M. Lusk

not registered

Re: California calling-radiation therapy for Dupuytren's on West Coast?

I looked into radiation therapy in the San Francisco Bay Area. Dr. Denkler referred me to a Dr. Torrigoe, affiliated with Marin General Hospital in Greenbrae. After meeting with me, Dr. Torrigoe read the German research, concluded that the treatment would be safe, and was willing to give it a try. However, since my insurance (Kaiser) didn't cover either the procedure or Dr. Torrigoe, I would have had to pay out of pocket. And as we all know, people who pay out of pocket get reamed in the USA. The cost to me would have been about $7000. Insurance companies of course get a much better price, so if your insurance co. is willing to cover it, it might be feasible.

I actually ended up going to Essen, Germany, for treatment at Dr. Siegelschmidt's clinic at the Alfried Kruppe Krankenhaus (Kruppe Hospital, in English). They offer a two week, seven course treatment regime. Since I was obliged to stay in Essen for only two weeks, and since I was going to Europe anyway for other purposes, it made the whole thing reasonably economical.

However, I'm sorry to report that the radiotherapy did no good in my case. It has now been over a year since I took treatment, and it seems to have made no difference. My Dupuytren's tissue continues to grow, at about the same rate as before the treatment. If memory serves, the Siegelschmidt study claimed that the two week seven course regime stopped the growth in 88% of cases. It may be I'm one of the unlucky 12%. Or it may be that a longer course with more courses as recommended by other researchers would be more effective. Or maybe radiotherapy doesn't work at all.

- Michael Lusk

10/12/2007 09:44

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10/12/2007 09:44

not registered

no result

Michael, sorry to hear that radiation didn't work out for you! How did your Dupuytren look like when you started radiotherapy? Tiny nodules or already stronger cords? Personally I believe that it works best on the infant nodules. They seem to yield well to radiation while cords consist to a larger extent of collagen, which is fairly stable. But that's only my personal view, based on my own experience

Are now looking into NA or is that too early?


10/12/2007 16:08
10/12/2007 16:08
Re: California calling-radiation therapy for Dupuytren's on West Coast?

I know Dr. Kline only recommends radiation very, very early on, or after NA with 100 % success, then the radiation, to stop the NA from coming back. At least that is what I believe he told me. I don't think he even recommends radiation to remove the cords or nodules.

10/19/2007 08:04
10/19/2007 08:04

Re: California calling-radiation therapy for Dupuytren's on West Coast?

Australia Calling.Hi just reporting my results Its now some 6 weeks since I had 5 X3 G treatments to my hands. I had 4 target arears avoiding skin grafts . Prof Seegenschmeidt gave me the initial interview and treatment in Essen Germany. Ive had l5 operations 4 skin grafts over past l5 yrs . Over the last couple of days I have noticed nodules getting softer and diminishing in size. I am hopefull this may break the cycle of my surgery.
Regards from down under.

11/09/2007 20:02
11/09/2007 20:02
Re: California calling-radiation therapy for Dupuytren's on West Coast?

When I spoke with Dr. Torrigoe in September of this year he told me that XRT for Dupuytren's was not considered a standard treatment in this country and that he had medical malpractice concerns and would not even think about treating me. I needed a second set of treatments (the first was done in Essen but 2 days before I was to fly to Germany the treatment session was postponed due to equipment problems) and finally was able to get treated by Dr. Penny Snead at the UCSF Medical Center which is a teaching hospital.

Dr. Snead is a former colleague of Dr. Seegenschmiedt's who respects the professor highly and so was willing to perform the second set of five treatments in San Francisco.


11/10/2007 00:02

not registered

11/10/2007 00:02

not registered

Re: California calling-radiation therapy for Dupuytren's on West Coast?

Thank you for the information about Dr. Snead. I would like to contact her to see if she might be willing to do the Radiation Therapy for me. I was just diagnosed a few weeks ago. I have nodules in my right hand, but no chord growth as yet. Is this procedure done for people who have not yet started growing chords? Apparently the hand surgery I had after a fracture triggered the DD.


11/10/2007 03:29
11/10/2007 03:29
Re: California calling-radiation therapy for Dupuytren's on West Coast?


I have DD in the very early stages - one nodule on right hand - and am hoping that radiation therapy will help. I live in a regional town in Queensland Australia and notice that there does not seem to be any treatment in Australia other than Perth. Can anyone advise of somewhere in the eastern states of Australia. Is it a better option to go to Germany where they are obviously so experienced in this treatment? I am very much on a steep learning curve so any advice would be appreciated.

11/11/2007 18:50
11/11/2007 18:50
Re: California calling-radiation therapy for Dupuytren's on West Coast?

Hello all,

It's nice to see that this thread continues to grow, and I would like to thank everyone for providing valuable new information. It's great to learn there is a physician at UCSF who is now familiar with RT and can be consulted. It's also sobering to hear Michael Lusk's continued progression despite treatment. I was able to briefly meet Prof. Seegenschmiedt in LA and he was very helpful and knowledgable, but acknowledged it is a personal choice as to what to do treatment wise.

I am 37 years old and I have been told by one radiation oncologist (somewhat informally) to be cautious about RT because of the potential cancer risk 15-30 years down the line. This person understood the protocol and explained to me that the radiation dose was small compared to cancer treatment but not insignificant (he called it the "high end amount of radiation we would use for palliative care of cancer"). He suggested "waiting" for collegenase to become available, but I know other doctors that think that treatment is too "imprecise" and of course it's not preventative. And I would hate to incur collateral damage. I have been experimenting with taking NAC and stopping glucosamine, but I don't believe I've halted the progression of my nodules and cords. I don't really have any contracture, so it's easy to prostrantinate/postpone any treatment decisions. I have been able to continue to climb hard (technical rock climbing), which also may be the reason the DC continues. Is there anyone out there who has had RT and uses their hands vigorously/intensely and can comment on any changes, or a stop in the progression despite heavy use of the hands?

Hope springs eternal for a halting of the progression, but informing oneself seems the wisest choice.

Good luck to all,


11/15/2007 21:26

not registered

11/15/2007 21:26

not registered

Re: California calling-radiation therapy for Dupuytren's on West Coast?

Bstenman wrote about a Dr. Penny Snead at UCSF who was willing to do the Radiological Treatment, but I have been unable to track down her number. Dr. Denkler says ho knows of no one in the SF area who is willing to provide the treatment. Does anyone have Penny Snead's telephone number???


03/17/2011 17:57
03/17/2011 17:57
Re: California calling-radiation therapy for Dupuytren's on West Coast?

Ethan, I am also in the Bay Area and would be interested in knowing how you ended up pursuing treatment. If you see this message, would you consider providing an update on this thread?

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calling-radiation   prostrantinate   experience   radiotherapy   Germany   radiologist   information   therapy   treatment   progression   radiation   treatments   obsessive-compulsive   California   dupuytrenscenter   Seegenschmiedt   procedure   Dupuytren   Denkler   insurance