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Collecting data on the effect of NAC
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08/01/2007 19:31
08/01/2007 19:31
Re: Collecting data on the effect of NAC

I am in the very early stages of DC: just one nodule on my left (dominant) hand around the tendon leading to the middle finger. I believe it started about six months ago but seems to be progressing fairly quickly.

Today I am starting 2 x 600 mg of NAC (timed realease by Jarrow) daily. I am hoping that this will stop or at least slow down the progression of this disease.

I will also look into radiation therapy although it sounds like the closest doctor is in Virginia. Maybe I can convince a doctor here in Santa Barbara, CA to start the radio therapy.



08/02/2007 01:33
08/02/2007 01:33
Re: Collecting data on the effect of NAC

Hey Jason,

I was also recently diagnosed with DC and am in early stage. I called the Dr. Cuttino in Virginia and was able to
convince a radiologist in New York City to do radiotherapy. He called and e-mailed Dr. Cuttino and received
specifics on how it is done.

I am almost done with the treatments and hoping it helps to put the brakes on.

Good luck and if you find a open minded doctor out there, Dr. Cuttino should be able to help.


08/02/2007 15:18
08/02/2007 15:18
Re: Collecting data on the effect of NAC

Hi Raynora,

Thank you for this information. I will see if I can do something similar out here in California if possible. It is great to hear that Dr. Cuttino is so helpful.

Good luck with your treatment!


09/24/2007 12:17


09/24/2007 12:17


Re: Collecting data on the effect of NAC

Hi macphgw, hiw is your finger doing? Did you have your NA already? Had taking NAC any effect?



Also, with this surgeon, I have had little problem with recurrence in the areas he has cleared. But I have had problems with the disease spreading following surgery, to the other side of the finger when a band on one side is cleared and to an adjacent finger. I have never had a recurrence in either palm or in the little finger of left hand or ring finger of right hand after both sides done. However, all of the fingers that have been operated on and no long have dupytren's tissue, still have some degree of contraction, loss of flexibility when stretching the fingers apart, and the little finger of the left hand has some flexion loss as well in the end joint. The attentuation of function is more a problem for me than the contraction. I play guitar and my technique has become more restricted as the disease advance (nonetheless my playing has improved).

What I want now is to preserve function, or else I'll have to learn slide guitar.

The finger on which I want NA has never been operated on before and has a single, clearly defined (though thick) band. I'll be very happy if I can cut the amount of contraction by half without incurring any other functional loss.

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