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Colles fracture and Dupuytrens
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06/25/2016 21:13
06/25/2016 21:13
Colles fracture and Dupuytrens

Hi, I had a Colles fracture end October 2015 - uncomplicated and healed well after 6 weeks in plaster. The fracture was to my right wrist. On 21 June I found a weird hard lump on the palm of my right hand. Naturally I googled about weird lumps in your palm and that threw up information about Dupuytrens. When I looked at the images they looked the same as my lump. I saw the doctor on 24 June and she confirmed its Dupuytrens. I've since read an academic paper linking Dupuytrens to Colles fracture. I'm not aware of any family history so that may be the cause in my case. I just wondered if anyone had had a similar experience and if so what the progression was in their case?

06/26/2016 06:15


06/26/2016 06:15


Re: Colles fracture and Dupuytrens

Hi Telford,

Dupuytren's can be triggered by healing processes which usually follow what doctors call a "trauma", i.e. some sort of injury or physical damage http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytr...ure_trauma.html. Unfortunately it's not possibl to predict about how quickly Dupuytren's will develop. It may well be that it stabilizes and may stay like that for 10 or 20 years but it can also progress. I would suggest to just watch it for maybe 1/2 year and see how it develops. It it keeps growing you might consider radiotherapy http://www.dupuytren-online.info/radiation_therapy.html.


06/26/2016 06:44
06/26/2016 06:44
Re: Colles fracture and Dupuytrens

Hi Wolfgang, thanks for getting back to me. I was quite shocked when I found out so its good to hear a calm voice. I've been reading about radiotherapy but wasn't sure how long to monitor it before asking about the possibility of getting it. Really appreciate you responding.

06/26/2016 09:58


06/26/2016 09:58


Re: Colles fracture and Dupuytrens

Welcome to the forum Telford

Your mind can play tricks and go into overdrive imagining things, so I always recommend keeping a photo log or record and a small diary with notes of symptoms. That way you have objective proof of any changes or progression or otherwise, and if you do chose RT it will be handy to have as evidence for a consultation. Maybe weekly, and in between try and forget about it, although I also suggest wearing gloves for some sport, or DIY type activities where previously you had not.

Best wishes

06/26/2016 13:04
06/26/2016 13:04
Re: Colles fracture and Dupuytrens

Many thanks for responding it's difficult not to go into panic mode - I was thinking about keeping a diary and will definitely do so now. My doctor just printed out the information on the internet I'd already read when I saw her so I didn't find it a very helpful meeting. As she didn't give my hand more than a cursory glance she doesn't have a proper baseline recorded in my notes.

06/26/2016 15:03


06/26/2016 15:03


Re: Colles fracture and Dupuytrens

While you are in the wait and see mode you might massage your nodule(s) daily. Use a massaging oil or cream to avoid damaging the skin and massage with slight pressure. It might help reducing the size of the nodule. This worked for some but not for everyone but why not try.


06/26/2016 16:47
06/26/2016 16:47
Re: Colles fracture and Dupuytrens

Thanks Wolfgang I'll get some and give it a try. I've got 2 obvious nodules both with lines running downwards towards the wrist. I've taken photos so I can track them. One is below the middle finger and one between the little finger and the ring finger. Grateful for all tips and advice.

06/27/2016 12:52
06/27/2016 12:52
Re: Colles fracture and Dupuytrens

Hi Telford,

I also had a fracture in 2010 and developed nodules in December of 2015. I have wondered if my fracture triggered the development of DD. My heritage is German/English but no known family members has had the disease.

Just completed radiation treatment and hopefully it will stop or slow the progression,

06/27/2016 18:32
06/27/2016 18:32
Re: Colles fracture and Dupuytrens

Hi Nancy, it's very kind of you to get back to me. I'm English/Irish heritage and like you I'm not aware of anyone else in the family having DD. If you don't mind me asking which country did you have radiotherapy in? I'm UK based and I'm not clear how well known as a treatment it is here. I hope it works for you.

Best wishes.


06/27/2016 19:57


06/27/2016 19:57


Re: Colles fracture and Dupuytrens

Hi Nancy, it's very kind of you to get back to me. I'm English/Irish heritage and like you I'm not aware of anyone else in the family having DD. If you don't mind me asking which country did you have radiotherapy in? I'm UK based and I'm not clear how well known as a treatment it is here. I hope it works for you.

Best wishes.

The BDS has a clickable map of clinics private and NHS known to be doing RT of DD in the UK. http://dupuytrens-society.org.uk/treatme...-organisations/

For the NHS the difficulty is fighting for the referral or against your local trust or CCG.

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