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DD in young people
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01/03/2013 00:34
01/03/2013 00:34
Re: DD in young people

im 22 and have just been diagnosed with DD.. felt a nodule 2 years ago and it has slowly developed and now the chord is beginning to tighten.

Would be great to hear how your DD has developed and if whatever treatments you may have had has worked or not

Edited 01/03/13 02:35

02/24/2013 22:10
02/24/2013 22:10
Re: DD in young people

I'm a 21 years old girl.

Last week my hand was very stiff, more stiff than it usually is in the mornings, and it didn't go away as the day went on. Two days later I woke up and I could not unbend my ring finger!!!! It was quite frightening. I went to the nurse at my work and she diagnosed it as Dupuytren's. After talking to my Grandma, I found out my Grandpa also has Dupuytren's. I never knew this.

I saw a doctor the next day and was also said it was Dupuytrens. I haven't really been told much information about what to expect as far as how often this will happen, if it will get worse, or really been told anything other than the fact that it is something I will have my whole life.

I'm worried, is there any way to know what to expect? Is it just a case-by-case basis? Does it always get worse with age? The fact that my Grandpa has never had his fingers bend like mine worries me- I'm already ahead of HIM it seems! (The lumps in his palm make it so he can't lay his hand flat, though, and my hand is able to lay flat again already within a week.)


02/24/2013 23:40
02/24/2013 23:40
Re: DD in young people

Kelly Jo, Stephenie, Nevermind, and anyone else I missed-

We should keep in contact because I'm pretty scared to see what might happen, since we have so much time ahead of us! It's not like it's a very common thing like arthritis or migraines that a lot of people can give me insight on. Especially in young'ns like us. (I still haven't met anyone except my Grandpa who knew what it was, and he doesn't even know anything about it.)

02/25/2013 00:12
02/25/2013 00:12
Re: DD in young people

I really doubt that this was caused by Dupuytren's. It almost always takes months or years for contraction to happen. Sounds like you have a tendon problem that is mimicking Dupuytren's.

Also, once your finger is contracted with Dupuytren's it doesn't become "uncontracted" like yours did.

Edited 02/25/13 02:15

02/25/2013 00:59
02/25/2013 00:59
Re: DD in young people

Well you would think... but I have the nodules in my palm and everything. The nurse practitioner and full MD diagnosed it as dupuytrens. When I wake up in the morning it isn't working all the way, it's a little stiff. There was no type of injury or anything at all (recent or in my past) that would lead to the contracture.. I would love to say it was just a pulled something-or-another, but I have it in my genetics, plus there is a nodule in my other palm as well, and I've always said I think I have arthritis (I really feel like an old woman in a young body), so maybe I was just mis-interpreting what I was feeling for arthritis pain?

02/25/2013 02:25
02/25/2013 02:25
Re: DD in young people

You might have Dupuytren's, but that is not the reason for this, "Two days later I woke up and I could not unbend my ring finger!!!!"

02/25/2013 02:59
02/25/2013 02:59
Re: DD in young people

Oh I see!! That's strange. I guess that's what I mean, I don't know anything! It was stuck, finger to palm, though. It was loosening up when I got to my doctor a couple days after the initial contracture, so he said to keep massaging it, gave me an information sheet and a few other things. He said it will keep coming back and if it gets worse there are different options...

02/25/2013 03:13
02/25/2013 03:13
Re: DD in young people

That was not Dupuytren's causing the contracture.

02/25/2013 07:35


02/25/2013 07:35


Re: DD in young people

A contracture caused by Dupuytren's is the result of a cord of collagen tissue that's usually quite hard and prominent on examination. It cannot be opened 'a few days later' except by trauma with lots of pain and bruising or via one of the treatment options. Stiffness in joints is often caused by an arthritic or rheumatic condition, or swelling due to injury. You need to see a doctor who can give you a proper differential diagnosis.

The lumps may be due to Dupuytren's, or not. Possibly a lump is impinging on a tendon and causing stiffness? So if the lumps are Dupuytren's nodules, the stiffness and bent finger could be a side-effect of this, but is not a 'contracture'.

07/19/2022 10:04
07/19/2022 10:04

Re: DD in young people

Rebecca :)
Diagnosed at 19/Female/Family History of Dupuytren

This post was a very long time ago so you might not see this message...but hi anyway! I am a female and I was diagnosed with DD in my late teens a couple of years ago.

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