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doctor in NYC? i'm back, with a new nodule
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12/22/2011 20:27


12/22/2011 20:27


Re: doctor in NYC? i'm back, with a new nodule

Argh. Not sure what to do.

Why not, either get a second opinion on the need for the surgery and implications for people who are susceptible to Dupuytren's, or wait a bit longer, say 3 months?

Then decide based on the aggravation or how well you can cope, perhaps with some adjustment, during that time.

01/02/2012 18:38
01/02/2012 18:38
Re: doctor in NYC? i'm back, with a new nodule

Thank you all for your feedback.

I'm typing this with a partially-bandaged hand: I did decide to go through with the surgery after getting a second (and third!) opinion. It seems the cysts are not related to Dupuytren's. The post-op is much better than I expected.

Hope you all have a happy and healthy new year.

01/02/2012 18:53


01/02/2012 18:53


Re: doctor in NYC? i'm back, with a new nodule

Thank you all for your feedback.

I'm typing this with a partially-bandaged hand: I did decide to go through with the surgery after getting a second (and third!) opinion. It seems the cysts are not related to Dupuytren's. The post-op is much better than I expected.

Hope you all have a happy and healthy new year.
What did you have surgery on - just the cyst on the thumb?

Happy New Year and best wishes for good healing.

01/05/2012 20:59
01/05/2012 20:59
Re: doctor in NYC? i'm back, with a new nodule

Thanks -- I had both the cyst on the knuckle and the one below the thumb combined with trigger finger.

And the saga continues:

I went for my first post-op visit today to get the bandages off and start physical therapy. It was the first time I'd seen the doctor since my surgery (I was knocked out). He said that during surgery he saw that the cysts were "Dupuytren-ish" but also cyst like.

So there we go. Back to my initial suspicions.

Again, such a misunderstood disease.

05/22/2013 14:16
05/22/2013 14:16
Re: doctor in NYC? i'm back, with a new nodule

Hi, all.

I've been posting on and off for the past couple of years. I have Ledderhose and so far no contracture in the hands. In Dec 2011, I had surgery to remove two cysts/nodes -- one on the top of my middle finger, and one under my thumb.

The one on top of my finger came right back 10 months later. I'm very frustrated about having gone through the surgery only to wind up in the same place. I've since also developed another nodule at the base of the other thumb.

I went back to the surgeon this week who ordered an MRI.

Just wanted to update. I'm 38 years old, and my mother also has both DD and LD, but her onset was much later.

05/22/2013 14:21
05/22/2013 14:21
Re: doctor in NYC? i'm back, with a new nodule

Was your operation for Dupuytren's or cysts? Did they know the identity before the surgery? If they were Dupuytren's ... why have the surgery?

05/23/2013 12:39
05/23/2013 12:39
Re: doctor in NYC? i'm back, with a new nodule

Hi, Callie. It's a mixed bag. The bump on the top of my finger was said to be a ganglion cyst, but after he removed it as well as the one under my thumb, he said they were "Dupuytren-ish." Whatever that means.

05/23/2013 13:37
05/23/2013 13:37
Re: doctor in NYC? i'm back, with a new nodule

That doesn't sound good. Firstly, often it is best to let a ganglion cyst cure itself without surgery. I had one last year that went away on its own. Secondly, the surgery, if unnecessary, can produce other problems.

05/23/2013 13:57
05/23/2013 13:57
Re: doctor in NYC? i'm back, with a new nodule

Well, it's too late now.

I had the cyst for five years, and it never went away. And now it's back.

I am unhappy with this doctor and want to find a new one, but even in NY it's not easy to find someone who is well-versed in DD.

05/23/2013 18:02


05/23/2013 18:02


Re: doctor in NYC? i'm back, with a new nodule

Like carrie I've had ganglions on the finger joints and also wrist. I left them alone since apart from the 'bump' they were usually not painful or interfering with anything. They have nearly all gone now, although a couple were persistent and stayed around for 2-3 years. I think a good hand doctor is able to differentiate on examination between a DD nodule and a cyst or ganglion. Certainly ProfS was able to do that with me, and explain the difference (he found a ganglion in the palm MCP joint I thought was a nodule).

So, if your bumps are in fact cysts or ganglions (which can come back after surgery if the joint sac or cyst sac is not closed properly) then I would leave them alone if they are not causing any trouble. If they are DD nodules, same thing until or unless they spread, harden, cords develop. Then consider options for treatment. But your doctor should be giving the advice.

We do constantly hear reports on here from people who have had hand surgery for something other than DD only to develop DD modules.

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contracture   because   Sanfilippo   appointment   knuckle   misunderstood   Dupuytren-ish   diagnosed   TRIGGER   differentiate   misdiagnosed   possibilities   exceptionally   partially-bandaged   Dupuytren   clicking   cortisone   radiation   surgery   ganglion