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Does this sound like Dupuytren?
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03/11/2019 04:03
03/11/2019 04:03
Does this sound like Dupuytren?

Ok, so I'm freaking out..... being a pro guitar player and just now reading about Dupuytren. Here's what happened....

I'm in my 50's and lift rather heavy weights to stay in shape. I've noticed over the last few years the "meat" in my hands has begun slowly deteriorating just from age so it hurts sometimes when I lift heavy. The other night I was bench pressing and suddenly felt a stabbing pain in my left palm (but in a different location than any previous pains). I took a short break, and finished the workout without any major pain. The next day however I noticed a small bump in my palm that looks similar in size to a mosquito bite but a bit more under the skin. It is down-line below my small finger a little closer to the wrist than the base of the finger. It's not "hard", rather somewhat firm and if I massage it or clench my hand for a moment it seems to disappear entirely, until I wait maybe 10 seconds and it might return. And it may come and go on it's own throughout the day. It sort of seems to have a slight hue similar to other healthy veins in my hand. So here's my question: Does anybody know if Dupuytren involves a lump that can be made to go away like mine, or rather do Dupuytren bumps tend to be hard and generally always present? Any guess what mine could be or any keywords to search on ?



Edited 03/11/19 06:13

03/11/2019 06:24


03/11/2019 06:24


Re: Does this sound like Dupuytren?

Hi Sonic

Diagnosis via Internet is problematic. Best to see a Dr, one who works on hands. Dupuytren’s nodules have different texture depending on their age or progression, can start quite soft eventually going hard and forming cords. An experienced hand Dr will want to feel, palpate, the lump and try to differentiate between other possibilities. Could be a cyst, ganglion, nodule, other fibroma. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2600075/ Can you share a photo anyway? Any family history?

Let’s say it is DD, most people do not get a contracture, then for those wishing to take preventative action there is treatment to slow down or prevent further progression, and then there is effective treatment to correct contracture, so for most it is not the end of the world. I myself was diagnosed 10 years ago, have nodules and cords, and am still playing piano.

Let us know after you have a diagnosis. Best wishes SB

Edited 03/11/19 08:41

03/11/2019 15:29
03/11/2019 15:29
Re: Does this sound like Dupuytren?

No family history.

A photo won't show anything, it's not obvious enough. So attached is a photo from the link you provided which I doctored to show the location.

Today so far this morning it seems slightly improved from last night, let's hope it keeps moving that direction. As far as pain, it sort of burns/stings a bit now and again. It symptomatically has attributes of a vein who's walls have become compromised, or maybe I tore some muscle tissue that created a bit of a hernia for other tissue to poke thru. Or aggravated a tendon or ligament that has swelled acutely in the area where pressure from the bar was applied. Again, it's about the size, feel and height of a mosquito bite, but as I said, some massaging or clenching of fist seems to temporarily make it go away completely. As long as it doesn't impede my ability to play guitar in the future I don't care what it is.


Edited 03/11/19 17:32

DupOrNot.JPG DupOrNot.JPG (24x)

Mime-Type: image/jpeg, 17 kB

03/11/2019 16:41


03/11/2019 16:41


Re: Does this sound like Dupuytren?

Thanks for sharing the photo. That’s a pretty unusual place for DD to start, so maybe it’s not. There is a link between trauma and onset of DD, and we get a few rock climbers, weight lifters on here, so maybe consider a little care with your hands? See if that hard spot goes after a few weeks or lingers and develops further. Best wishes.

03/11/2019 20:59
03/11/2019 20:59
Re: Does this sound like Dupuytren?

Thanks. Funny you mention that because it was a final question I had: Does an accute injury bring on Dupuytren? Or rather might that only happen in people already having genetic predisposition to developing Dupuytren? Or asked yet another way, can just anyone develop Dupuytren from an injury?



P.S. Agreed this doesn't seem like conventional DD, I'm leaning toward some kind of vein or tendon/ligment crush injury against the pinky bone in the palm that has now inflamed. Or maybe even a tear (hernia) in the muscle fiber structure that is now allowing soft tissue to poke through. Because I can make the lump go away but it will return and it burns. Something is definitely not right, hopefully it will resolve but right now I'm quite concerned this could be the kind of thing I will be stuck with and there goes weightlifting out the door. Let's just at least hope it doesn't turn into Dupuytren.

Edited 03/11/19 23:06

03/12/2019 06:03


03/12/2019 06:03


Re: Does this sound like Dupuytren?

Thanks. Funny you mention that because it was a final question I had: Does an accute injury bring on Dupuytren? Or rather might that only happen in people already having genetic predisposition to developing Dupuytren? Or asked yet another way, can just anyone develop Dupuytren from an injury?



P.S. Agreed this doesn't seem like conventional DD, I'm leaning toward some kind of vein or tendon/ligment crush injury against the pinky bone in the palm that has now inflamed. Or maybe even a tear (hernia) in the muscle fiber structure that is now allowing soft tissue to poke through. Because I can make the lump go away but it will return and it burns. Something is definitely not right, hopefully it will resolve but right now I'm quite concerned this could be the kind of thing I will be stuck with and there goes weightlifting out the door. Let's just at least hope it doesn't turn into Dupuytren.
Who knows, but some reading for you https://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuyt...ure_trauma.html

03/13/2019 10:39
03/13/2019 10:39

Re: Does this sound like Dupuytren?

I'd say "yes and no", because anyone can have a genetic predisposition and knows it is the case only once DD manifests itself. And that seems to be the case only for injuries at a certain age, because I had lots of them before I knew I had DD at age 44.


[56, Dupuytren diagnosis 2006, RH contracture and PNF/NA 2014, radiotherapy RH 2015, LH 2017 & 2018, night splint glove RH since 2015]

03/16/2019 01:41
03/16/2019 01:41
Re: Does this sound like Dupuytren?

Quick update:

I'm 99% sure what I have is a vein injury. To be more specific Superficial Phlebitis of the Palm attributed to acute injury.

Scary stuff because if I'm correct then it may or may not heal, and my lifting days may be over without surgery. I'll know more within another week or so. It continues to improve each day - however it could instantly recur under pressure if the vein walls have been sufficiently injured/compromised. Basically a similar paradigm to hemorrhoids, although in this case it would be a....handorrhoid?


03/16/2019 07:21


03/16/2019 07:21


Re: Does this sound like Dupuytren?

Thanks for the update. Can it be treated, if necessary, using sclerotherapy techniques? Let us know how it turns out.

06/21/2019 17:27
06/21/2019 17:27
Re: Does this sound like Dupuytren?

Ok, so I hate it when people don't follow up, therefore I am back closing out the story....

So, seems I was correct in my assumption it was a vein injury. The hand has now healed as much as it is going to. It is functional without pain or other issues at this point BUT that spot will still bulge a bit if I'm lifting or gripping rather hard. Which basically means at some point it could blow out altogether. Hopefully that won't happen, but as anyone with vein injuries knows, it is kind of a one-way street, they never really heal fully. All that said, it could instead be the problem is actually a tiny herniation in the muscle over the vein, allowing it to pop through, rather than the vein itself being compromised. Hard to say for certain.


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