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Does this sound like Dupuytren?
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10/15/2020 04:53
10/15/2020 04:53
Re: Does this sound like Dupuytren?

Ok, so I'm freaking out..... being a pro guitar player and just now reading about Dupuytren. Here's what happened....

I'm in my 50's and lift rather heavy weights to stay in shape. I've noticed over the last few years the "meat" in my hands has begun slowly deteriorating just from age so it hurts sometimes when I lift heavy. The other night I was bench pressing and suddenly felt a stabbing pain in my left palm (but in a different location than any previous pains). I took a short break, and finished the workout without any major pain. The next day however I noticed a small bump in my palm that looks similar in size to a mosquito bite but a bit more under the skin. It is down-line below my small finger a little closer to the wrist than the base of the finger. It's not "hard", rather somewhat firm and if I massage it or clench my hand for a moment it seems to disappear entirely, until I wait maybe 10 seconds and it might return. And it may come and go on it's own throughout the day. It sort of seems to have a slight hue similar to other healthy veins in my hand. So here's my question: Does anybody know if Dupuytren involves a lump that can be made to go away like mine, or rather do Dupuytren bumps tend to be hard and generally always present? Any guess what mine could be or any keywords to search on ?



Hi Sonic
Does this sound like Dupuytren?
Hey, I hope you are doing well now, I think you confuse about "Who suffers from Dupuytren’s Contracture Disease"?

Dupuytren’s Disease is a condition that affects the fingers of the hand. It causes the fingers to bend in towards the palm, usually starting as a small nodule on the hand and gradually getting larger. Although not painful, the condition does make it challenging to do daily activities.

The Disease can be caught by anyone but is most common in people of Northern European descent. Dupuytren’s Disease, also known as Dupuytren’s Contracture, is usually found in people 50 years or older. It is even more likely to affect men than women. The condition is hereditary, so it is common for relatives to suffer from it, and is passed down from generation to generation.

Dupuytren’s Disease seems to be set off by a chemical imbalance in the body. Due to this, people who drink alcohol heavily often suffer from Dupuytren’s as do those who smoke heavily, 25 or more cigarettes a day. It is also more common in manual laborers and those with a previous hand injury. People with diabetes, epilepsy, and HIV are also known to suffer from Dupuytren’s Contracture. It is also common in people who have a lower than average body mass.

I hope this information will helpful to you. If you want to know information about how to progressing Dupuytren’s Contracture. Read here:

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