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Dupuytren & Frozen Shoulder
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01/27/2010 05:41

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01/27/2010 05:41

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Dupuytren & Frozen Shoulder

Hi! I noticed a small nodule and thickened cord in my left hand this evening - no pain or restricted range of motion at all yet. So, I was searching around trying to figure out what it might be and I started reading about Dupuytren's disease. I was shocked to find that one of the related diseases is frozen shoulder! I have been dealing with a frozen shoulder (resulting from a disclocation/fracture about 10 months ago) in the same arm. Has anyone else had a frozen shoulder and then noticed the occurrence of a nodule on the hand of the same arm? It is a pretty common occurrence? Is it a bad sign that I have the nodule and the frozen shoulder?

    01/27/2010 09:47
    01/27/2010 09:47

    Re: Dupuytren & Frozen Shoulder

    Hi Australia Calling. Sound like Dupuytrens in the hand. Many who have had frozen shoulder report also having Dupuytren. Have you read up -Left Marging -click related diseases- frozen shoulder. There is a start for you. Do you have any contraction. Regards.

      01/27/2010 13:18
      01/27/2010 13:18
      Re: Dupuytren & Frozen Shoulder

      Hi I'm 57 and a woman. I had a frozen left shoulder about 12 yrs ago, then a frozen right shoulder 2 yrs later, both recovered nicely, each took about 10 to 12 months but there was no residual lose of range of motion. 18 months ago I noticed the lumps in my left palm and last Jan my little finger started contracting. In Nov. I had surgery only on my little finger, results are not good. The surgery seems to have started a flare up and now I have at least 3 cords in my palm, my hand hurts and I'm still going to physiotherapy to try to get back to where I was before the surgery. My ring finger is starting to contract, I'm now looking into the needle procedure. If you do have Dup., research it well before any treatment.

        02/02/2010 01:15

        not registered

        02/02/2010 01:15

        not registered

        Re: Dupuytren & Frozen Shoulder

        I had frozen shoulder on the right side 9 years ago, then the left about 4 years ago. About a year ago I noticed what must be a Lederhose nodule on my right foot, which I've been massaging slowly away (I hope). I never put X, Y and Z together until this week when I was researching for my cousin's recent case of Dupuytren. Now, I think I'll show it to a doctor.

          02/02/2010 08:09
          02/02/2010 08:09

          Re: Dupuytren & Frozen Shoulder

          Hi Australia Calling. What the surgeon does not tell you that generally when you have surgery the clock starts clicking towards the next surgery. I 've had 15 surgeries including 4 skin grafts. Consider Radiotherapy!!!!!!! It was not until I found the Dupuytren Society that I found there were other options..

            02/03/2010 19:48
            02/03/2010 19:48
            Re: Dupuytren & Frozen Shoulder

            I have been reading quite a lot about Dupuytren over the last few weeks, I suffered a trauma to the right arm about 7 yrs ago when I fell
            off a ladder, carried on working at the time thought nothing of it but 2 months later my shoulder was agony and it lasted 2 years.
            That shoulders fine now. next I developed nodules on my feet left then right about 12 months later.
            They don't cause me any trouble but about 18 months ago the other shoulder played up, painful especially when I lie on it, its getting better.
            Before Christmas I went to the doctor who diagnosed Dupuytren in my right hand and I am in the process of arranging radiotherapy in
            I suffered some bruising and tedonitis in my hand and arm after mending a fence (I was using a hammer too hard for my own good)
            about two years ago
            Yesterday my Doctors manager called and told my wife they wanted to see me in relation to a letter I wrote on Jan 1st so have arranged another appointment.
            My experience and other reading about these various problems suggests that a frozen shoulder or DC are due to a tissue change which is
            predisposed genetically but can be triggered by some trauma.


              03/16/2010 00:36
              03/16/2010 00:36
              Re: Dupuytren & Frozen Shoulder

              I was diagnosed with Dupuytren's in my early twenties with just a few nodules but it lay dormant for about 15 years (I'm now 40 years old)
              I contracted frozen shoulder last year and suffered terrible pain from this condition and pretty much lost the use of my left arm,I received a steroid injection from my doctor and then went on daily physiotherapy for about 2 months,but as soon as I regained the use of my arm my Dupuytren's has come back with a vengeance but this time with contracture,I put this down to coincidence but now after reading some articles on-line i'm not so sure.

                03/16/2010 11:28

                not registered

                03/16/2010 11:28

                not registered

                Re: Dupuytren & Frozen Shoulder

                I just discovered this site tonight. Researching Dupuytren's Diseases, I have decided my current shoulder problems (bi cep) , and DC in both hands and wrist are all related. I was diagnosed with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and Complex Food Allergies 20 years ago. At that time, one of the things I noticed, was potato's caused hand stiffness and swelling. Somewhere around that time I had the first DC, which hasn't changed over the years (-35) But now, I have new ones. Even though I am strict with my diet, there might be something outside my awareness.

                What I need right now, is to find the culprit causing all of this recent flair up. I am very interested in what triggers the inflammation. I need to be tested again for something in my environment, be it foods, exposures to chemicals (fragrances, cleaning products, pesticides weed killer etc etc) I will also be checking in with my chiropractor about treatments.


                  03/16/2010 19:01

                  not registered

                  03/16/2010 19:01

                  not registered

                  Re: Dupuytren & Frozen Shoulder

                  The relationship between frozen shoulder, Ledderhose, and Dupuytrens seems quite evident to me. When I was in my late teens I had a bump removed from the bottom of my left foot. I now believe it was a nodule. I have several on both feet now. In my early forties I had both shoulders freeze one after the other. Around the same time I noticed a bump in the middle of my right hand and a couple of years later the matching bump on the left. I’m 50 now, and though no contracture yet, it feels like it might start happening soon. I’ve been following Dupuytrens on the web since the first bump on my right hand. First on the Biospecifics site and then here. When the time comes I will likely travel somewhere to try needle Aponevrotomy before trying surgery if necessary.

                  The thing I would like to mention and this is strictly anecdotal. When I get plenty of sunshine (Vitamin D) my hands and feet seem to ache less and feel better. Living in a northern climate (Winnipeg) day light and exposure to the sun can be rather limited for long periods of time. Luckily, I have a south facing window at work and I can usually manage a couple of hours of sun even in darkest winter. When we don’t see the sun for a few weeks I really notice a difference. Both in the way my hands and feet feel and in my general physical well being. I think I should likely be taking a supplement. I don’t know if this will help anyone here but you might want to keep it in mind.


                    03/16/2010 20:01
                    03/16/2010 20:01
                    Re: Dupuytren & Frozen Shoulder

                    I first noticed knuckle pads on my fingers 20 yrs ago but was only unofficially diagnosed with dupuytrens by my Chiropractor within the last 4 years.

                    10 yrs. ago I fell while skiing, broke a bone in my left shoulder and have had frozen shoulder (both left and right) ever since. The same Chiroprator helped with the frozen shoulder by doing deep muscle massage. The massage helped alot but not 100%.

                    In the past medical doctor's have not been much help to me and one even suggested I was a hypochondriac. Thankfully his year I finally found a Doctor who is helping.

                    I also have a nodule in the arch of my foot which appeared within the last 2 years and I don't even have to see my doctor to know it's ledderhose.

                    Anyway, in my case it seems to all be related.


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                      rheumatologist   physiotherapy   disease   therapy   Ledderhose   painful   Dupuytrens   surgery   dupuytren-online   Dupuytren   contracture   Shoulder   because   shoulders   physical   surgeries   related   radio-therapies   noticed   researching