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Dupuytren Pain
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02/12/2013 10:28
02/12/2013 10:28
Re: Dupuytren Pain

I have suffered with DD for nearly 20 years but only last February did I first have a needle fasciotomy on my left hand rind finger, followed a few weeks later by a full operation.

Since the operation I have suffered far more pain than before and the DD has become very aggressive in both hands.

My consultant said that DD raley causes pain but despite trying all the drugs prescribed, I have not been pain free for over a year. The pain seems to get far worse at night causing me to stay up all night long.

Fortunately the pain seem less when I am working and as I am self employed and work from home, I just stay up and work all night.

I am getting in a bad state, my consultant wanted to discharge me, my physio said that they cant do anything until the pain is under control but both GP and Consultant are arguing as to who should refer me, I feel that I have been left on the shelf.

If anyone knows of any treatment that may not have been suggested I would love to hear from you.

If you are having pain while sleeping, pay attention to your sleeping position.

Avoid putting any weight on the damaged hand.

Typing vigorously on the computer keyboard inflames the damaged palm.

Take small freezer packs to bed with you and freeze your palm as thoroughly as possible .

Extremely effective @reducing pain is get those flexible blue gel thermal freezer bags and embed them in your palm and wrap them tightly to the damaged hand with a tensor bandage. It will be cold at first but as the nerves cool and the ice bag warms you feel nothing but immense pain relief.

The wrapping also serves to remind you not to put weight on your damaged hand

(for example:avoiding actions such as tucking the damaged hand under your pillow or crawling about the bed on your damaged palm)

The wrapping also prevents you from unconsciously clenching your damaged palm while asleep.

Before bed take one capsule of Circumin with one capsule of Quercetin mixed and dissolved in a tablespoon of olive oil.

If you can get it, chewing a tablespoon of marijuana prior to bed will bring you to deep sleep a couple of hours after falling asleep.

Before applying the ice pack, massage your palm with an electric vibrating massager.

Do some hand massage to stretch the palm from the nodules out, applying pressure to hold the damaged tissue in place while stretching the undamaged tissue of the palm to the edges of your palm.

The idea is to stretch the palm without tearing or inflaming the nodules. This makes the entire palm more elastic
and reduces the structural/muscular pressure on the damaged portion of your palm.

After massage, apply DMSO gel mixed with Vitarub and Flexcin and collagen cream.

Next, wrap the hand in a frozen blue ice bag with a tensor bandage
or just freeze your palm with a square blue plastic ice pack.

Avoid mouth breathing at night as this creates bodily inflammation and makes any pain from injuries much worse.

Tape your mouth closed with duct tape . Seriously, it actually works , to slow your breathing enough and oxygenate the brain by forcing nose breathing to the point that you can fall asleep.

Essentials to sleeping with pain:

No caffeine after noon .

Have a warm bath while preparing to sleep.

Drink a herbal sleep formula tea as you take your pain medication, your circumin etc.,

Take an anti -itching pill (antihistamines if you are taking codeine , which causes skin itching that prevents sleep. Pain killers often cause insomnia by creating extremely disturbing itching)

While drinking your sleep tea, take all your vitamins and meds.

Thoroughly clean your mouth (brush your tongue and teeth with fluoride free toothpaste, floss with hand held disposable dental flossers, antiseptic MW.

Tape the mouth tightly closed with high quality duct tape thirty minutes prior to even trying to fall asleep;
After your mouth is taped, sit on the floor or couch while doing some gentle leg stretches , the hand massage , the painn cream application, etc., while listening to music or soothing talk show (oneradionetwork.com health talk radio show , I suggest)

While stretching be extremely careful not to place too much weight on your damaged palm and be careful not to hyper-extend your palm. Then do the freezing or wrapping of the damaged palm while still stretching your legs out on the floor with the duct tape forcing you to breath only through your nose. Try doing all of this as a ritual prior to even lying down. You will feel drowsy and pain free before even hitting the sack and fall asleep immediately. The duct tape often falls off during the night , but it serves its purpose to train nose breathing and help you fall asleep. The extra sleep and rest will enable your body to heal itself. Minimize your use of the damaged hand and supplement your diet with collagen and MSM complex and kelp.
To remind you not to injure the hand , wear a wrist brace which can be bought at any drug store

Edited 02/12/13 20:27

02/12/2013 14:46
02/12/2013 14:46
Re: Dupuytren Pain

Is that some kind of a joke?

02/12/2013 14:47
02/12/2013 14:47
Re: Dupuytren Pain

I have suffered with DD for nearly 20 years but only last February did I first have a needle fasciotomy on my left hand rind finger, followed a few weeks later by a full operation.

Since the operation I have suffered far more pain than before and the DD has become very aggressive in both hands.

My consultant said that DD raley causes pain but despite trying all the drugs prescribed, I have not been pain free for over a year. The pain seems to get far worse at night causing me to stay up all night long.

Fortunately the pain seem less when I am working and as I am self employed and work from home, I just stay up and work all night.

I am getting in a bad state, my consultant wanted to discharge me, my physio said that they cant do anything until the pain is under control but both GP and Consultant are arguing as to who should refer me, I feel that I have been left on the shelf.

If anyone knows of any treatment that may not have been suggested I would love to hear from you.

If you are having pain while sleeping, pay attention to your sleeping position.

Avoid putting any weight on the damaged hand.

Typing vigorously on the computer keyboard inflames the damaged palm.

Take small freezer packs to bed with you and freeze your palm as thoroughly as possible .

Extremely effective at reducing pain is: get those flexible blue thermal gel
freezer bags and embed them in your palm and wrap them tightly to the damaged hand with a tensor bandage. It will be cold at first but as the nerves cool and the ice bag warms you feel nothing but immense pain relief.

The wrapping also serves to remind you not to put weight on your damaged hand

(for example: avoiding actions such as tucking the damaged hand under your pillow or crawling about the bed on your damaged palm)

The wrapping also prevents you from unconsciously clenching your damaged palm while asleep.

Before bed take one capsule of Circumin with one capsule of Quercetin mixed and dissolved in a tablespoon of olive oil.

If you can get it, chewing a tablespoon of marijuana prior to bed will bring you to deep sleep a couple of hours after falling asleep.

Before applying the ice pack, massage your palm with an electric vibrating massager.

Do some hand massage to stretch the palm from the nodules out, applying pressure to hold the damaged tissue in place while stretching the undamaged tissue of the palm to the edges of your palm.

The idea is to stretch the palm without tearing or inflaming the nodules. This makes the entire palm more elastic
and reduces the structural/muscular pressure on the damaged portion of your palm.

After massage, apply DMSO gel mixed with Vitarub and Flexcin and collagen cream.

Next, wrap the hand in a frozen blue gel bag with a tensor bandage
or just freeze your palm with a square blue plastic ice pack.

Avoid mouth breathing at night as this creates bodily inflammation and makes any pain from injuries much worse.

Tape your mouth closed with duct tape . Seriously, it actually works , to slow your breathing enough and oxygenate the brain by forcing nose breathing to the point that you can fall asleep.

Essentials to sleeping with pain:

No caffeine after noon .

Have a warm bath while preparing to sleep.

Drink herbal sleep formula tea as you take pain meds, tryptophan, circumin etc.

Take an anti -itching pill (antihistamines if you are taking codeine , which causes skin itching that prevents sleep. Pain killers often cause insomnia by creating extremely disturbing itching)

While drinking your sleep tea, take all your vitamins and meds.

Thoroughly clean your mouth (brush your tongue and teeth with fluoride free toothpaste, floss with hand held disposable dental flossers, antiseptic M.W.)

Tape the mouth tightly closed with high quality duct tape thirty minutes prior to even trying to fall asleep;
After your mouth is taped, sit on the floor or couch while doing some gentle leg stretches , the hand massage , & the pain cream application, while listening to music or soothing talk show (oneradionetwork.com health talk radio show , I suggest)

While stretching be extremely careful not to place too much weight on your damaged palm and be careful not to hyper-extend your palm. Then do the freezing or wrapping of the damaged palm while still stretching your legs out on the floor with the duct tape forcing you to breath only through your nose. Try doing all of this as a ritual prior to even lying down. You will feel drowsy and pain free before even hitting the sack and fall asleep immediately. The duct tape often falls off during the night , but it serves its purpose to train nose breathing and help you fall asleep. The extra sleep and rest will enable your body to heal itself. Minimize your use of the damaged hand,& supplement your diet with collagen & MSM complex and kelp.
To remind you not to injure the hand wear a wrist brace from a drug store

Edited 02/12/13 20:33

02/12/2013 15:11
02/12/2013 15:11
Re: Dupuytren Pain

Is that some kind of a joke?

No. It actually works. The only joke around here is the useless medical advice, poisonous meds,
useless expensive tests, misdiagnoses, and mutilating surgeries doled out by the white-coats during
their vaunted five-minutes-per-visit cookie-cutter consultations. Useless.

If you all want to run around pretending you have some great big mysterious disease called 'Dupytren's Contracture'
instead of the simple mechanical injury via hyperextension & malnutrition that it really is 99% of the time, fill your boots. Jump through all the hoops, make the doctors rich,get the surgeries, etc.

btw, I put a considerable amount of thought and time into contributing what I've learned from 20 years
experience dealing with my own injuries, so skimming through and speed-reading to 'duct tape' and then
snorting a one -sentence oinker in response is so.....Rosie O'Donnel. Or ,maybe its just ignorant.

Edited 02/12/13 17:23

02/13/2013 03:21
02/13/2013 03:21
Re: Dupuytren Pain

Computer typing definitely irritates my palm nodule pain. What I discovered is that typing with my ring finger, is the major cause of irritation, because the nodule is underneath that finger. If I keep a bandaid on the finger, to prevent it from curling, this forces me to keep the finger straight while typing, and puts less stress on the palm, allowing me to type for a longer period. FWIW. - Mark

02/13/2013 10:35
02/13/2013 10:35
Re: Dupuytren Pain

Callie, this guy isn't a joke. But he seems to be some kind of new wave flake nutjob. I dunno, but the idea of taping ice packs to my hands at night, which can cause freeze burns and/or frost bite, and taping your mouth shut with duct tape to prevent mouth breathing is so freakin' over the top. So, what about those of us with sinus issues? Duct tape would be strangulation. But, then again, a sinus problem could be cured, I suppose with some other kind of bizarre curative crap, maybe like some kind of high colonic with herb tea or something.

Freshpain, or whatever the hell your name is, I'm so happy these things worked for you. Makes me wonder if you even have/had DC. But, to come here and preach your new age-y kind of nonsense is patronizing and offensive. So, if I seem a bit patronizing and offensive to you, well then, we're even.

02/13/2013 10:52
02/13/2013 10:52
Re: Dupuytren Pain

I great deal of information, some of which I can only take with a pinch of salt!!!!!

MRL, I find that typing actually helps with the pain. As a website designer i spend a great deal of time on the computer and find when the pain keeps me awake, I get up and do some work and the pain subsides, this could just be that concentration on the work makes me forget the pain rather than lying in bed worrying about it.

Maybe the tape over the mouth would work better on my wife as she wont keep telling me to go to sleep when i cant!!!!!!

02/13/2013 11:01


02/13/2013 11:01


Re: Dupuytren Pain

Let's keep this civil. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, and share their experiences as long as there is no attempt to promote an unproven therapy for gain, or the sale of something with no verified benefits. We can all make our own conclusions without insulting others.

Edited 02/13/13 13:06

02/13/2013 19:23
02/13/2013 19:23
Re: Dupuytren Pain

I agree that we need to keep it civil. There's no need for name calling.

02/13/2013 23:55
02/13/2013 23:55
Re: Dupuytren Pain

Calthe idea of taping ice packs to my hands at night, which can cause freeze burns and/or frost bite, and taping your mouth shut with duct tape to prevent mouth breathing is so freakin' over the top.

Freezer burns? Get serious . I do this every night with no freezer burns. I use frozen
blue gel packs and all it does is numb the tendons of the palm until you fall asleep.
You wake up in the morning and the gel pack is warm because its completely thawed
and then it absorbs body heat because they are designed to either freeze or store
heat .

There is nothing wrong with using tape to eliminate mouth breathing.
If you have sinus poroblems, you have to solve the sinus problems first,
obviously. There are simple products like Dristan tablets and Sinutab
or whatever it takes to restore air flow to one's nostrils.

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oneradionetwork   inflammation   stretching   extremely   consultant   [Transcutaneous   surgery   five-minutes-per-visit   nodules   damaged   unfortunately   hyperextension   sleeping   operation   treatment   Dupuytren   something   antihistamines   breathing   massage