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Dupuytren's & age
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05/06/2008 11:25
05/06/2008 11:25
Re: Dupuytren's & age

So many great replies! Deffinately makes you feel better talking to other people in similar situations. I agree keeping fit, carrying on as normal deffinately helps. I must admit DC hasn't stopped me doing anything and I will carry on as normal for as much as possible. I too take care with what I eat (although the odd vodka might slip by!) organic, natural foods as much as possible. Most of the people I know probably see my DC as a bit of a novelty (especially the children!) as no1 else I know has heard of it or seen it, also not in my family. I saw a chiropractor last year, and he did lots of research on my behalf, finding out about NA and actually contacting a Dr in the US. He also advised massage, that it may not make it better but could help it from getting worse. This is certainly something we can all do and it's free! I was advised to massage quite hard on the nodules, uncomfortable but not painful. Mine does seem to be getting worse constantly, but maybe this is just a phase and luckily not affected my feet yet! The 'saddles' on my knuckles ache the most and are easly knocked which hurts and also stops me wearing my rings. It would be easy to let it get me down, but also makes me realise how lucky I am and also life is for living now.
Nice to hear from other females (no offence men!).

05/06/2008 11:34
05/06/2008 11:34
Re: Dupuytren's & age

Yes, I do; I will monitor to see if it coincides with the state of the nodes. Have you seen this regarding the insulin connection?


I have constant sugar cravings and will attempt to go on a low sugar diet. I've also started taking 1000IUs daily. See the last paragraph here:


How is yours manifest? Do you have Ledderhose as well? At present I only have the one knuckle pad and what feels like subtle ridges in the palms. And what exactly do you mean by flare ups? My knuckle pad has been steadily growing for the past year and a half to the point I want it out since it is obvious and is uncomfortable when I type. The Ledderhose is uncomfortable but I wouldn't consider surgery as I've read that the nodes can come back with a vengeance.

This morning I had my first acupuncture treatment--I'll post about that in the thread I've created for it.

05/07/2008 02:18
J Ann

not registered

05/07/2008 02:18
J Ann

not registered

Re: Dupuytren's & age

I have had my sugar tested and it is normal and I try to never eats sweets and have no craving for them anymore. I have no knuckle pads , Mine is in my fingers not the palm it circles around the tendons under the knuckles and then pulls down from there making the joints not work. I have it bad in my pip joint and have had two failed surgeries 6 months apart. I also have a fleshy nodule on ring finger under the middle joint slight contracture on that one.. I have been able to help my grip and fingers with constant stretching and wgt training but no hope for the pip. Doctors in Indiana say I have the worst kind to treat.. No NA ,no injections, and surgery has not been good for me. Mine runs in cycles I can tell when it will flare, it tingles and itches and my stomach and digestive system gets messed up and I know it is coming!! I have just started in the past two weeks with the flare up, so far I see no new nodules..

05/07/2008 02:45
05/07/2008 02:45
Re: Dupuytren's & age

J Ann,
In my experience, stretching is not a good thing for Dupuytren's. It just stimulates the growth. Same with greater than normal exercise.

05/07/2008 14:50
05/07/2008 14:50
Re: Dupuytren's & age

It's unbelievable how this disease has a mind of it's own and one could feel quite alone with it.

Over the past week I've been down about it and have become almost obsessed with checking my hands daily. I live in London and was looking at the multitudes of hands on the underground. Not one with any sign of DC from what I could see. Reading this board makes me feel like this is quite a common affliction, yet it is obviously not. I went to three doctors (two GPs and one rheumatologist) who each said my knuckle pad was a ganglion. One even said it's the kind of thing people hit with a bible in the old days to make them go away!

I am intrigued by radiotherapy but am worried about the risks given my age. Not sure what to do about the vigorous exercise either -- it's only the start of the regatta season! I'd hate to think my training has aggravated it. I am not a quitter, but I don't want to make things worse either.

05/08/2008 00:12
J Ann

not registered

05/08/2008 00:12
J Ann

not registered

Re: Dupuytren's & age

As you can tell from reading the board everyone has their own story and treatments with different results. DC does have a mind of it's own and effects people in different ways. I would trust your judgement on what you think will work for you, with a big race coming up I am not sure I would try anything new. What till down season and see what happens. You sound like you are a young heathy athlete and you are probably more in tune with you body than the average person. I to have read more than my fair share of blogs on the internet aboyt DC, Ledderhose, and it can be overwhelming!! I had a really bad time when I first found out but have since become stronger because of it. I can tell you from my experience I worked out really hard for now almost 2 years and 10 months of that time had a personal trainer ( ironman competitor and professional cyclist) and he by no means took it easy on me!! I have had no flare ups since then, my stomach has not been acting up since just a couple of weeks ago and I at my peak worked out 1.5 hours a day 5 days a week and only seen improvement in my strength and mobility. I think for me anyway when I was not working out ( because I read some stuff on the internet that said too much exercise and gripping will make it spread) I not only had constant pain my hands stopped wprking properly and I dropped stuff a lot and nodles formed quickly!! The doctor at that time told me I had a very serious case and it would probably spread quickly, and he was right to a point until I got up off my butt and said ;NO MORE I can not sit around and wait for this to happen!! My doctor even had told me if there was trips I wanted to take and activities I wanted to do I should do it quickly while I still had mobility to do so!! See no one knows the cure or how it happen just have a little faith and take really good care of you health..

05/08/2008 07:34
05/08/2008 07:34
Re: Dupuytren's & age

Thanks for the pep talk, J Ann. You've got a great attitude about it. Shame we're all so spread out around the world -- it would be nice to have a support group meeting! Thank goodness for this forum.

05/08/2008 22:06
J Ann

not registered

05/08/2008 22:06
J Ann

not registered

Re: Dupuytren's & age

It is good to have others to talk with about this crazy disease, if you do not have it, it is very hard to relate. I am glad I found you as well I have been on this site off and on the past year and it was hard to find someone in the same boat .. thanks

05/09/2008 10:39
Linda B

not registered

05/09/2008 10:39
Linda B

not registered

Re: Dupuytren's & age

Hello Friends,
I first started watching the forum about 2oo3..just before Dr. Eaton started practicing....I read and read and put off the traditional surgery..I am soooo glad.....I have since gone to Dr. Eaton for N.A. IN 2004 AND COULD NOT HAVE BEEN HAPPIER.. it is time to repeat..
I have spoken to 3 people and people that know people that had the traditional surgery.. not once but twice..It was months and years for rehabilitation and painfull and did not work...It is also almost impossible to have n.a. after traditional surgery..Go to the wem site on WWWHANDCENTER.ORG and look at pictures of traditinal surgery on other links there.....I would avoid this at all cost and have been told that you can only have traditional surgery 3 times and then amputation....You can have N.A. OVER AND OVER.. THATIS GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME.......Since Dr. Eaton gave his report to medical socoiety I bellieve insurance is covering this N.A. procedure now....It depends on how your doc weites it up for insurance company..
I am a female that noticed lumps at age 58..now 69...My 2 paternal cousin/twins also have Dups....I DO NOT DIRNK..DO NOT HAVE DIABETIS..HAVE HAD FROZEN SHOULDER and took Xanax for many years.. but no more.

Good Luck to you all..

05/09/2008 10:46
Linda B

not registered

05/09/2008 10:46
Linda B

not registered

Re: Dupuytren's & age


Dr. Eatons web site says not to exercise hands also avoid aloes and healing agents as the hand rushes in to repair the inflamation and it causes more..www.handcenter.org.....also, I was using a splint for the hand that was made at Eaton's office.. It holds the hand in a soft support all night and keeps fingers from curling in over night.. I really think it helps..at least your hand feels a little relaxed in the morning.. This was made to mold to your hand in the rehabilitation dept.

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