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Dupuytren's & age
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05/09/2008 11:57
05/09/2008 11:57
Re: Dupuytren's & age

Linda, your link doesn't work and I can't find the part on Dr Eaton's site that talks about exercise and aloes. Would you please re-paste the link?

J Ann, have you ever considered radiotherapy? I am looking into this now.

As for surgery, my mother has had four, the first of which was very painful as the doctor did not do sutures. This was done in Florida and my mother never heard of NA until I found out about it through this forum. However she now shows no signs of DC.

I still can't believe that there is not a suitable alternative to surgery for knuckle pads when NA is such a miracle procedure. Mine is making it very uncomfortable for me to type, something I do all day long. I brought up cortisone injections to the hand specialist but he waved it away. At this point I am considering going in for the removal but am worried about recurrence.

05/10/2008 22:51
J Ann

not registered

05/10/2008 22:51
J Ann

not registered

Re: Dupuytren's & age

Linda B.
I have forwarded Dr Eaton my pictures and information 2 years ago and was turnned down for NA ( because of location on my nodules, finger joints) I have in the past slept in night and or day hand braces, have had 2 failed surgeries where the DC came back even before my surgical scars healed. I am also not a candidate in trail study for collegenese injections ( went thru the entire medical testing to be turnned down at the last minute because of the location of the nodules there was a great chance they would blow-out my knuckles . I to have read that exercise on the hand would hurt but I am living proof so far it has not made any flare ups happen in fact they stopped.
I have not tried radio theraphy but have had one session of lazer therapy. I am planning on going thru a 5 session plan and the cast my small pip for a period of time to try and break up the scar tissue and try to staighten it some. I have put off the casting and lazer theraphy because it will keep me from training and was going into my track season . I will start back up in a week and I will keep you posted.

05/13/2008 11:21
05/13/2008 11:21
Re: Dupuytren's & age

Just curious if any of the younger members have taken Accutane/Roaccutane for acne?

I came across an old post by a woman who had taken this powerful drug and later developed DC. While I don't believe one could develop it if you don't have a family history, I am now fairly convinced my Accutane course ten years ago triggered my DC given I'm only 33. I recall I had to discontinue the tablets at one point because it threw my liver functions out of whack...the liver/DC connection.

05/13/2008 13:58
05/13/2008 13:58
Re: Dupuytren's & age

I'm not on of the young ones Pixi, but I did under go a round of accutance in my early forties. It was shortly after this that my first knuckle pad appeared. I'm convinced that this was the trigger of my Dupuytren's. I mentioned this to Dr. Eaton about three years ago when I had my NA with him. He noted it was "interesting"

05/13/2008 14:34
05/13/2008 14:34
Re: Dupuytren's & age

Interesting indeed, Dave. I really wouldn't be surprised. Do you have a history of DC in your family? My mom has it but only since she was in her early 50s. I now wish I hadn't taken the drug -- way too powerful, something I knew but didn't fully appreciate in my early 20s when I wanted clear skin.

On a similar note, what has been your experience with the knuckle pads? I have one that started early last year and is now quite noticeable. I'm considering having it removed. I fear there is another one developing in my other hand. At what point did yours settle down, if ever, and have you had any of them removed or injected? It really bothers me when I type.

Also do you have Ledderhose (I do) and when did your palmar signs appear following the knuckle pads? Sorry so many questions, but few people seem to have these pads!

05/13/2008 18:43
05/13/2008 18:43
Re: Dupuytren's & age

Yes I have Knuckle pads and Ledderhose. I had two pads on both middle fingers removed. I had not yet had the proper diagnosis and the doctor wanted to remove them and have them biopsied. Unfortunately they came back quickly and double the size. Needless to say as others came I've left them alone (there on all fingers except the Thumb). I guess the good thing was because of that experience I did not wish surgery and sought alternatives thus the NA with Eaton. I know its easy to be self contious about them but also surprised at the number of people who never noticed them unless I specifically mentioned it.

No history in my family, guess I just got the bad gene. Best advice is I watch my diet, mostly avoid processed carbs and red meat. Take NAC. When I stick to that it doesn't seem too noticeable. I continue to run, lift weights, golf, etc. and barley notice any probelms with my feet. I don't let it interfere with what I enjoy doing. I had the one NA with Eaton and that fingure remains straight. Probably will need one on the other hand at some point but its been fairly stable in my hands for the last couple of years.

I know when your first diagnosed especially at a young age its a concern especially the fear of the unkown. But all things considered, its not too bad to deal with. This site along with Eaton's has the best source of information available on the subject. Keep in tune with them, I'm certain if any new advances happen, they'll show up here first.

05/13/2008 20:49
05/13/2008 20:49
Re: Dupuytren's & age

Thanks, Dave, that's encouraging. I am very self conscious about the pad, so the thought of having more is frightening. You're right, fear of the unknown is taking over. I have always been a positive person, and this thing is really testing me.

Have you ever considered radiation therapy? Also would you please tell me how much NAC you take a day? Is it the 600mg suggested in another thread?

Thanks again for your kind support and for sharing your story.

05/13/2008 23:40

not registered

05/13/2008 23:40

not registered

Re: Dupuytren's & age

Hey Good day to all, I am newbie on this website. so do you know of a best therapist in NY that specializes on back pains?
I've been having a this pain for quite some time now.

This is a comprehensive addiction portal focusing on topics of alcohol and drug abuse.

05/14/2008 10:24
J Ann

not registered

05/14/2008 10:24
J Ann

not registered

Re: Dupuytren's & age


I have alsp taken Accutane , 3 cycles starting in my mid 20's. I to read that it could make it appear sooner if you had it already in your gene make-up

05/14/2008 12:13
05/14/2008 12:13
Re: Dupuytren's & age

Well, that's enough proof for me. There should be some kind of study that tracks down former Accutane users to see what percentage have developed DC. Finding out how Isotretinoin can potentially trigger DC could help us find out how the condition might actually be cured.

What does everybody think? It's probably useless to write directly to the manufacturers, but somebody needs to be notified.

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