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Dupuytren's & age
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05/14/2008 16:29
05/14/2008 16:29
Re: Dupuytren's & age

Pixi, I take the 600mg of NAC/day. I thought about radiation but there is nothing close by to me and because you need a course of treatment over time, I've dismissed it at least for now. Ive been more on a mission to have a hand surgeon here in Michigan (hopefully one in my HMO) learn NA. So far no takers.

I don't know who you could notify (I've mentioned it to my health care providers) about the possible correlation and what good it would do any way. Accutane and all persciption drugs for that matter come with a laundry list of possible side effects. Most people don't pay attention to them. When your young (or middle age in my case) and have Zits, you just want them to go away!

05/15/2008 01:40
05/15/2008 01:40
Re: Dupuytren's & age


I can remember pits in my hand and toes at a very very young age long before Accutane was taken. I first took Accutane after the birth of 2nd child when I started getting a bad break-out that no other acne treatment would solve. I had 2 cycles back to back at that time and my 3rd and last cycle was 7 years later. My nodules started to form 3 to 4 years later approx. I have had no past injury to my hands or any family history that I can find. It sure seems to be a connection to the medication. I also had no stomach issues until after the accutane as well. My tingling and itchy feeling has returned to my hands and feet over the past few weeks along with a constant upset stomach and bowl and that has been a sign in the past of an acceleration in my DC . So far no new nodules but soon time will tell. I have started my 2 raw meal a day to try and de-tox my body I hope this will help again like it has in the past.
J Ann

05/15/2008 09:36
05/15/2008 09:36
Re: Dupuytren's & age

Thanks, Dave. I'm working in Paris this week, but as soon as I get back to London I will track down some NAC. Good luck finding a hand surgeon to do NA in Michigan. It's mind-boggling that this ancient disease has taken so long to motivate the medical community worldwide. I'm American and am now even more glad to live over here, even though the UK as has been documented on this forum is also behind. This forum has been more helpful than all of the surgeons, GPs and specialists I have seen combined.

That's interesting, J Ann. I was offered a second course of the drug because the acne eventually came back, but I never took it. I commend you for going raw. Wish I had the discipline. However, I did do a 3.5 day fasting/cleansing in Thailand earlier this year before I was diagnosed, and I recall that my symptoms diminished.

05/15/2008 10:01
05/15/2008 10:01
Re: Dupuytren's & age

your 3 day cleansing, how did you do it?? I just woke up and my gut is in knots!! J Ann

05/15/2008 11:23
05/15/2008 11:23
Re: Dupuytren's & age

It was a supervised fast with clay/fiber shakes, herbal supplements and daily colonics. One of the best things I've ever done.

You probably know what you're doing, but raw food is often harder to digest because it's so bulky in fiber. Have you tried ground flax seed? I take a spoonful of it in my oatmeal/porridge every morning. I got my mother onto it as well and now she no longer needs laxatives.

05/15/2008 17:05
05/15/2008 17:05
Re: Dupuytren's & age


Where in Mich do you live?

05/16/2008 01:39
05/16/2008 01:39
Re: Dupuytren's & age


I do use ground flaux seed in my food as well as wheat germ. I try my best to balance fiber and protien in my diet since I do not like meat.

05/19/2008 11:33
05/19/2008 11:33
Re: Dupuytren's & age


I live in the Brighton/Howell area.

07/11/2008 20:06
07/11/2008 20:06
Re: Dupuytren's & age

Hi all, I'm a 21 year old female and just got diagnosed with Dupuytren's. The doctor I went to told me the only thing to do was wait until it became very serious and then operate, but after researching it I think radiation therapy sounds very promising since my fingers haven't started to contract, i just have a couple of nodules. I talked to Dr. Rescigno in NY and Dr. Weiss in VA who were listed on this site for radiation therapy for Dup's in the US (I live in Arkansas), but those I talked to seemed reluctant or unwilling to do radiation on someone so young because of the risk of cancer. Has anyone else in their 20s had radiation therapy?? I'm terrified that it'll get worse quickly, and I want to do something about it before my fingers start to contract

07/12/2008 17:19
07/12/2008 17:19
Re: Dupuytren's & age

Hello i'm alan -- I found out that i had dupuytrens when i had a medical after a road traffic accident , mine doesn't seem to have advanced much in the last 5 yrs, i do an excercise where i touch the fingers of one hand with the other and press like hell - so stretching the palms of my hands this seems to help me , one thing i have noticed is the lumps itch , is this normal ? .

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