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Dupuytren's in Florida
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05/19/2011 15:20
05/19/2011 15:20
Dupuytren's in Florida

I am really new to this site. I have been reading all the info which has been very HELPFUL...

I have been diagnosed with Dupuytrens about 2 years ago. I am at the early stages of it. By the way, my dad, who is 88 has Dupuytrens. He did the NA years and years ago.... I do not want to get to that point, so when I went to see my hand specialist near my home, he gave me few shots of cortisone. I am still feeling very uncomfortable with my hands, since, now I developed a trigger finger along with tendonitis. Asking my hand surgeon about RT, he is very much against it. I am very confused about all of this. If its done in Germany and the UK, why is it that the american physician does not approve of healthy tissue putting radiation on it????

I would like to do Radiation Therapy in my hands.... I want to hear all the positive and negatives so that I could make my decision.... I have contacted Radiologists in my area which are willing to do it for me. HELP!!! is this the right route???? Am I making the right decision???


05/19/2011 15:51


05/19/2011 15:51


Re: Dupuytren's in Florida

Welcome Betty

You will find lots of information on this site, including clinics in the US treating Dupuytrens with Radiotherapy, and once contracted also NA and Xiaflex, and surgery. The forum additionally has user experiences of the different treatments.

Many cases of Dupuytrens do not lead to functional problems or contraction of the fingers or hand. So the difficulty in making a decision about considering radiotherapy, where there is a tiny tiny tiny risk of cancer, is whether to wait or not. But then if there is contraction it may be too late for radiotherapy at that stage until you've had another treatment to straighten the fingers or hand.

Many surgeons do not advise radiotherapy. This seems to be due to lack of knowledge of this developing field, but it is documented quite well with good rates of perceived success going back 10 - 20 years.

Radiotherapy is only effective on early stage Dupuytrens when the disease is active, as indicated typically by tingling, aching, growth of nodules, changes in the fascia of the hand and so on. As an example, the Professor in Germany, who has the most experience, will not treat Dupuytrens with radiotherapy even if he finds evidence of nodules and cords, unless there are symptoms of active disease.

Explore the site, read more on the forum, ask questions, and best wishes.

05/19/2011 19:11
Carol Noel

not registered

05/19/2011 19:11
Carol Noel

not registered

Re: Dupuytren's in Florida

I too have been looking into RT and I am impressed with what I find. My DC is in stage N and is currently active....but I need to light a fire under my MD and Kaiser to even see a surgeon for his confirmation that it IS DC. Just red tape...but I don't want to miss this 'window'.

I am 70. I will NOT run the risk of waiting to see if my
DC advances to contractures... I have too much to do with the rest of my life to roll over and play 'complacent'....

You might try Googling Dr. Kielholz and reading the different publications talking about RT

05/19/2011 23:00
05/19/2011 23:00
Re: Dupuytren's in Florida

Thank you spanishbuddha and Carol Noel. Spanishbuddha, I have a bit of tingling in my fingers, I did not even think that came from the DC, the combo of tendonitis and the trigger finger are enough to drive me crazy. I have to be so careful opening up doors, and carrying grocery bags with my hands. So, I guess, I am within the protocol of the German doctor then.....

Carol Noel, I can not find info on Dr. Kielholz. Do you have a first name, or could you be kind enough to send me some link?

I think, I have found a radiologist that would be able to do RT.

05/21/2011 07:32


05/21/2011 07:32


Re: Dupuytren's in Florida

Hi Betty,

you find information on RT on http://www.dupuytren-online.info/radiation_therapy.html and reference to literature on http://www.dupuytren-online.info/radioth...literature.html. Maybe Carol referred to Ludwig Keilholz who published on radiotherapy. He is cooperating with Heinrich Seegenschmiedt who also publishes frequently on RT.


05/23/2011 18:33
05/23/2011 18:33
Re: Dupuytren's in Florida

Thank you very much Wolfgang.

I have a question for you.... I am thinking on doing RT on both hands. But, I have not seen any info about, if down the road, if I were to do surgery or NA, or even shots, or whatever else would be available at that time. Would I be able to do surgery on the hands. ????

I am planning on doing RT, but I am also thinking ahead.....

Also any ideas how to pick a Radiologist Oncologist?????


05/24/2011 17:29


05/24/2011 17:29


Re: Dupuytren's in Florida

To my knowledge (but no guarantees) you still can have surgery after RT and NA and shots anyway. Some surgeons mightclaim that RT will change the tissue so much that they can't operate anymore but when you query them they usually they have difficulties to prove this. And surgeons told me that they had no difficulty to operate fter RT. It might be a question of the amount and energy of the radiation.

How to pick a radiologist? I would say either by experience with this disease or by vicinity. Doing it the first time is not so difficult, quite different to NA or surgery where you do need a lot of experience. The advantage of exprience is for RT to exactly find where you need to irradiate and to find spots where the disease is already starting and which you yourself might not yet have detected.


Thank you very much Wolfgang.

I have a question for you.... I am thinking on doing RT on both hands. But, I have not seen any info about, if down the road, if I were to do surgery or NA, or even shots, or whatever else would be available at that time. Would I be able to do surgery on the hands. ????

I am planning on doing RT, but I am also thinking ahead.....

Also any ideas how to pick a Radiologist Oncologist?????


05/24/2011 22:26
05/24/2011 22:26
Re: Dupuytren's in Florida

I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon with a new Radiologist Oncologist that is very close to my home.

Last week I went to see a Radiologist, in Miami, and had to drive about 2 1/2 hours one way. She was very knowledgeable with Dupuytren's and knows Prof. Heinrich Seegenschmiedthe. When I asked her how many of these procedures had she done??? Her answer was "NONE" We then drove home, another 2 1/2 hours, and I would have to do that for 5 days. My husband and I decided to see if we could find somebody closet to our home..... You were so right with your answer... We chose vicinity; even though, we felt she was very qualified to do RT, vicinity won.....

As luck would have it, when I spoke on the phone with the new Radiologist, he was acquainted with DC, and told me the amount of radiation that I would be needing, which is what I had read here and what she told me as well..... Thus, the meeting tomorrow. By the way, he is 5 minutes door to door....

I will ask him the same question I asked you about surgery if needed in the future, I am curious what his answer would be.

The New Radiologist told me that I would have to come in days before doing RT to do simulations, have CT scan, in other words, they have to make a plan of action.

Thanks again for this info. Will keep you posted with my meeting tomorrow.


05/24/2011 23:41
05/24/2011 23:41
Re: Dupuytren's in Florida


My understanding also is that NA and Xiaflex can be done after RT.

Glad to hear that you found someone close and that he is knowledgeable about Dupuytren's. I have no qualms about a radiologist not having done RT for DD. They know how to do radiation for specific cancers and if they research about treatment for DD, that's good. The one I found at Loma Linda University MC teaches in the radiology department, and did research specifically about RT for Dupuytren's.

Having someone practically in your back yard is a definite plus.


05/25/2011 13:16
05/25/2011 13:16
Re: Dupuytren's in Florida

I fully agree Flojo. Very well said!

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