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Dupuytren’s recurring on web of hand
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02/01/2012 16:41
02/01/2012 16:41
Dupuytren’s recurring on web of hand

I had Dupuytren surgery on my left hand 11 months ago. The Dupuytren’s removed went from the mid plum of the hand half way up my ring finger and a small nodule at the base of the middle finger. A couple of months ago what appears to be a nodule formed on the end of the web of my left hand between the thumb and index finger. I haven’t read anything on Dupuytren’s occurring in this area. My question is; is it possible for this small bump to be Dupuytren disease?

02/01/2012 16:47
02/01/2012 16:47
Re: Dupuytren’s recurring on web of hand

I have a nodule in the exact position as you described. No doubt in my mind it is Dupuytren's. Mine is on the other hand than I had surgery 10 years ago.

02/01/2012 16:54
02/01/2012 16:54
Re: Dupuytren’s recurring on web of hand

I have a nodule in the exact position as you described. No doubt in my mind it is Dupuytren's. Mine is on the other hand than I had surgery 10 years ago.
How long have you had this nodule and has it affected any motion or flexibility of your thumb or index finger?

02/01/2012 17:49
02/01/2012 17:49

Re: Dupuytren’s recurring on web of hand

I have had surgery on both thumbs and forefingers plus a large graft in the web of the left hand as well as a graft on the lower joint of the right thumb. Unfortunately Duputrens in the web is an indicator of an agressive disease.

02/01/2012 18:46
02/01/2012 18:46
Re: Dupuytren’s recurring on web of hand


I noticed this nodule about six months ago. The hand has been dormant with Dupuytren's for about 15 years. About six months ago a nodule popped up at the base of my little finger and in the web between thumb and forefinger. This happened almost simultaneously. Very small cord starting to form in little finger. No cord in thumb area.

So far, no problem with motion or flexibility.

Edited 02/01/12 20:47

02/09/2012 23:28
02/09/2012 23:28
Re: Dupuytren’s recurring on web of hand


I noticed this nodule about six months ago. The hand has been dormant with Dupuytren's for about 15 years. About six months ago a nodule popped up at the base of my little finger and in the web between thumb and forefinger. This happened almost simultaneously. Very small cord starting to form in little finger. No cord in thumb area.

So far, no problem with motion or flexibility.

I have experienced similar rapid growth recently,with almost the exact same history. A new mass between the middle and ring finger, and a cord running up to the first knukle on my L middle finger. Probably been there for years, but just noticed it over the last 9 months. The main nodule has always been in the middle of my palm projecting down from the ring finger. Now with these other areas developing at the base of the ring finger and a pad forming half way between thumb and fore finger, my left hand is full Stage 1. Are collagense injections the first line of action typically, or is NA the ticket? It appears from this newbie's reading that Xiaflex and fully surgery are last in line, like if fingers are closed >50 degrees. My L ringfinger is now at 0-15.
Has anyone tried deep tissue massage to loosen the contracture and release fingers slightly using this?
I wonder if this will slow down the advancement while increasing flexibility, or could the pressure stimulate advanced the growth and be counter-productive?

02/10/2012 03:46
02/10/2012 03:46
Re: Dupuytren’s recurring on web of hand


I noticed this nodule about six months ago. The hand has been dormant with Dupuytren's for about 15 years. About six months ago a nodule popped up at the base of my little finger and in the web between thumb and forefinger. This happened almost simultaneously. Very small cord starting to form in little finger. No cord in thumb area.

So far, no problem with motion or flexibility.

I have experienced similar rapid growth recently,with almost the exact same history. A new mass between the middle and ring finger, and a cord running up to the first knukle on my L middle finger. Probably been there for years, but just noticed it over the last 9 months. The main nodule has always been in the middle of my palm projecting down from the ring finger. Now with these other areas developing at the base of the ring finger and a pad forming half way between thumb and fore finger, my left hand is full Stage 1. Are collagense injections the first line of action typically, or is NA the ticket? It appears from this newbie's reading that Xiaflex and fully surgery are last in line, like if fingers are closed >50 degrees. My L ringfinger is now at 0-15.
Has anyone tried deep tissue massage to loosen the contracture and release fingers slightly using this?
I wonder if this will slow down the advancement while increasing flexibility, or could the pressure stimulate advanced the growth and be counter-productive?

I had Dupuytren surgery on my left hand a year ago; mid plum of the hand half way up my ring finger and a small nodule at the base of the middle finger. With dedicated home therapy, daily, with the use of a mini hand vibrator from www.beabletodo.com item number NC70209 my hand is healed about 90% with very little scar tissue.

A couple months after the surgery I noticed nodules growing again on the left palm plus on the arches of both feet. My left foot has one the size of a pellet just behind the ball of my foot and the right has one the size of a small jelly bean about three inches behind the ball. I decided on mechanical treatment using my hand vibrator and vitamin E oil as a lubricant on the hand and feet nodules every morning coupled with stretching exercises.

The nodule on the hand palm is gone and right foot has downsized about 90%. The left foot the nodule is the same size but has not grown. A couple of months ago another nodule appeared on the end of the web of the thumb near my index finger of my left hand. I can’t believe how relentless this disease is; so I included the hand vibrator and vitamin E oil on the new nodule. The growth did stop with months of dedicated daily home therapy. I will continue with the home war on this disease until I win. This may or may not work for you but has had somewhat of a positive impact with me. I did look and study the device on the link you posted, its worth a try, may even have an edge compared to what I am using. Give it a try and keep us posted.

02/10/2012 13:09
02/10/2012 13:09

Re: Dupuytren’s recurring on web of hand


with regard to deep tissue massage for the stage 1, I know that good results can be achieved with thumb and finger (cross fiber friction and compression) so I can't see any reason why this tool would not help achieve a similar level of relief. Its a shame their research does not mention Dupuytrens. http://www.grastontechnique.com/Outcome_Data.html

I have experienced similar rapid growth recently,with almost the exact same history. A new mass between the middle and ring finger, and a cord running up to the first knukle on my L middle finger. Probably been there for years, but just noticed it over the last 9 months. The main nodule has always been in the middle of my palm projecting down from the ring finger. Now with these other areas developing at the base of the ring finger and a pad forming half way between thumb and fore finger, my left hand is full Stage 1. Are collagense injections the first line of action typically, or is NA the ticket? It appears from this newbie's reading that Xiaflex and fully surgery are last in line, like if fingers are closed >50 degrees. My L ringfinger is now at 0-15.
Has anyone tried deep tissue massage to loosen the contracture and release fingers slightly using this?
I wonder if this will slow down the advancement while increasing flexibility, or could the pressure stimulate advanced the growth and be counter-productive?

02/10/2012 14:51
02/10/2012 14:51
Re: Dupuytren’s recurring on web of hand

You ask a difficult question. You asked, "I wonder if this will slow down the advancement while increasing flexibility, or could the pressure stimulate advanced the growth and be counter-productive?"

My feeling is that increased activity is a stimulant. But, that is just a guess from my experience. This disease does not act in linear fashion. It is remarkably different for everyone. That is why I have concern for the different treatments for Dupuytren's. The treatments are not reliably consistent. And, sometimes doing nothing can work.

02/10/2012 14:51
02/10/2012 14:51
Re: Dupuytren’s recurring on web of hand


I am curious as to what your thoughts are as to how you will or will not treat this new nodule and cord. Will you try RT if it looks like it is changing or ???

BTW, I agree with you on the stimulant. Deep massage made mine more painful, and did not help one bit.


Edited 02/10/12 16:54

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stopped   grastontechnique   treatments   Dupuytren’s   Unfortunately   advancement   disease   recurring   Dupuytren   simultaneously   between   uncomfortable   experienced   fingers   different   counter-productive   flexibility   treatment   surgery   dormant