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Advice on Xiaflex
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06/17/2012 02:57
06/17/2012 02:57
Re: Advice on Xiaflex

Skin grafts replaces thick,skin with thin skin taken from under your arm.Its like trading cardboard thick skin for paper thin skin.There is one of our regulars who has had like 20 grafts,it all depends on how agressive your dups are.If you have a nasty,case it does not matter what u do.Its comin back worse,every time you mess with it.It will show up in your feet too,if you mess with it enough.Just sayin.Dave

Edited 06/17/12 05:58

06/17/2012 06:28


06/17/2012 06:28


Does skin grafting avoid recurrence?

Hi Tusk,

the effect of skin grafting is still controversial. A year ago a British hand surgeon who had reviewed many cases told me that to his opinion skin grafting doesn't make a difference. He claimed that the key is how well the surgery itself was done. But that was never published. It seems to be sure that the disease can recur after skin grafting. The question is what the probability is.

Fairly recent publications are
Ullah AS, Dias JJ, Bhowal B, J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2009 Mar;91(3):374-8.
"Does a 'firebreak' full-thickness skin graft prevent recurrence after surgery for Dupuytren's contracture?: a prospective, randomised trial"

Villani F, Choughri H, Pelissier P, Chir Main. 2009 Dec;28(6):349-51. Epub 2009 Sep 11.
"Importance of skin graft in preventing recurrence of Dupuytren's contracture"

J. R. Armstrong, J. S. Hurren, A. M. Logan, J Bone Joint Surg [Br] 2000;82-B:90-4.
"Dermofasciectomy in the management of Dupuytren’s disease"


Wolfgang, regarding surgery and recurrence, can the disease recur under a skin graft? Of course it might extend to a new location but I've read there are some who say it doesn't recur under a skin graft. There are unique surgical situations that call for a skin graft and several posters have mentioned they've had one or more. Just curious.

Edited 06/17/12 09:30

06/17/2012 09:12
06/17/2012 09:12

Re: Does Skin Grafting Avoid Reoccurrence.

Hi Tusk
I've had 4 grafts with the donor area being from the top of the leg- groin area . The grafts were considered after reapeat surgery and were not the first option . Grafting on the inside of the hand is not always successfull or easy. You would not want to have any sign of diabetes to hinder the recovery. One of my grafts covers the face of the ring and little finger.Recover is a long road . I have not had any sign of recorrence under the grafts but have had recorrence in other areas. When I was diagnosed 40 odd years ago NA. was not heard of. There are many factors to consider these days and age is one. Regards

Edited 06/17/12 12:37

06/20/2012 16:31
06/20/2012 16:31
Re: Advice on Xiaflex

I'm getting ready to have my first of several injections over the next few months. I am a female (60 yrs. old) and have Dupuytrens (both), Ledderhose (both), frozen shoulder (left), and knuckle pads (both). I am getting my left hand done since I am left-handed and it is the most affected by the disease. The cords are affecting 3 fingers and my thumb. I am trying to get back some function to help me get through the next few years before I retire. I can't afford to be off of work for the time required with standard surgery. My insurance (BCBS PPO) covered all but $80 dollars for the first round of Xiaflex.

I am a bit nervous, but hopeful this will help. Just hope it helps for a while. My doctor said reoccurrence rates are higher if you have more than one related disease or more than one affected hand. He also said that NA for person's with high reoccurence rates does not last as long as Xiaflex. I'll post again after my procedure...

06/20/2012 17:50


06/20/2012 17:50


Re: Advice on Xiaflex

No reason to be nervous, all will work out well. The good news is that recurrence slows down as we are getting older. You have a fair chance that your results will be stable for several years, with a little bit of luck even 5 years. And the injection can be repeated.

It would be interesting to know where your doctor got the information that "NA for persons with high reoccurence rates does not last as long as Xiaflex". There aren't any studies available comparing those two treatments. These studies are just getting started and will take several years before they can provide useful results. Maybe he got it from a Xiaflex sales person ...


I am a bit nervous, but hopeful this will help. Just hope it helps for a while. My doctor said reoccurrence rates are higher if you have more than one related disease or more than one affected hand. He also said that NA for person's with high reoccurence rates does not last as long as Xiaflex. I'll post again after my procedure...

06/20/2012 23:52
06/20/2012 23:52
Re: Advice on Xiaflex

Im sure a Drug rep pumped him with numbers.Get them released and keep them released,splint stretch,bowling is great for it.Its a great time for all of us with the new treatments.Dave

10/07/2012 05:39
10/07/2012 05:39
Re: Advice on Xiaflex

I am going in on Monday (10-08-12) for the injection with Dr Verheyden in Bend who has done close to 200 of these with almost 100% success rate. I've talked to several of his patients who responded to a newspaper article about the fact the I was retiring from music due to Dupuytrens. I feel now like I will have a new lease on my musical life.

Dr Verheyden has modified the manufacturer's recommendation - he injects into multiple locations in the contracture, and waits for the injection to work a bit - then injects some more. So his success rate is quite a bit higher than most, I would guess, because of this. My guess is that the reoccurrence rate will be less than surgery as well. Surgery seems to actually aggravate the condition in my experience (3 surgeries). I've talked with people that have had good results with NA - but the reoccurrence rate seems high. And it makes sense - it's not really getting rid of any material - it's just breaking it up a bit in one area. With Dr Verheyden's technique the enzyme is dissolving the cord in multiple places - so not as fertile ground for reoccurrence. Also the injection is way less invasive (no scar tissue etc). Also NA and surgery have the opportunity to damage the nerve, which happened to me during my last surgery. The Xiaflex procedure has a lot less risk for this. You can Google his name and the drug and find his pamphlet and a newspaper article about him.

Anyway I will post at the end of the week with my experience.

10/07/2012 12:44
10/07/2012 12:44
Re: Advice on Xiaflex

Good Luck,Its cool stuff.What finger are you having fixed?Dave

10/07/2012 15:49
10/07/2012 15:49
Xiaflex Injection

The left hand pinkie has had previous surgery and is now contracted about 90 deg. The index finger has a large nodule in the upper palm which is starting to develop contractures going up and down. So he will inject into both. Day before yesterday I noticed I'm getting one in my right hand - for the first time. I started getting these when I was 35 - I'm 64 now.

My advice - get someone who has done a lot of these and has a high success rate. Here in Eugene there are a couple of docs that do them - but they've only performed a handful each. The doc in Bend, OR has done quite a few and has adapted the technique - apparently his work is being closely followed in the industry as it may become the new 'best practice'.

10/07/2012 16:05
10/07/2012 16:05
Re: Advice on Xiaflex

What kind of a surgeon did your previous surgery? I had surgery on my "left hand pinkie" (contracted at the time over 90 degrees) 11 years ago and it shows no sign that I ever had Dupuytren's on that hand except for a very faint scar. It just seems so different for different people. My surgeon only operated on hands.

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contraction   Wolfgang   Reoccurrence   surgery   experience   procedure   disease   swelling   Xiaflex   because   surgeries   recurrence   nodules   contracted   surgeon   different   brianprice   contracture   injections   injection