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3 fingers - 4 years - two letters N&A - & Jupiter (the fifth planet from the sun)
04/14/2013 06:03
04/14/2013 06:03
3 fingers - 4 years - two letters N&A - & Jupiter (the fifth planet from the sun)

As a 53 year old male with dupytrens it's now nice to have some options.. Just over 10 years ago I received the news from my MD that the situation with my fingers was something I needed to see an orthopedic surgeon about, and have surgery. After getting one had done I hesitated on my left hand, but then after getting a second opinion with another top hand specialist & having him confirm that is really your only option I went back under the knive for my second open hand surgery. After a out of sight & out of mind seven years it returned in both hands. Both specialists agreed it was time for more of the same. I was hesitant & reluctant, and didn't want to face another surgery & physical therapy and really thought there must be another way. With some limited research on the internet I found about a place in Jupiter which was in Florida, but could have very well have been Saturn or Mercury or some other universe.
Once I was told to take a few pictures & send them to be looked at it all seemed so strange, and like I was drawing straws.
When the word came back that they thought they might be able to help but must of course see me in person I reminded myself that I at least had the awareness that this wasn't going to be fixed by mail or go away by itself, and that it was getting worse.
I took the chance & a lonley trip myself and felt more like a detective than a patient. Once I arrived, and couldnt think of any more clever or outside the box questions it came down to giving NA a chance & see what could be done on one hand or maybe the other, and maybe even both.
As it turns out Jupiter was part of this cosmos and its still hard to believe it. It turns out I was just one of many who went on a recommendation or just did enough research to see what else was out there.
I missed the chance to repeat my trip to Jupiter & see the staff that put me at ease, and a doctor that seemed more like a magician with an attitude of Santa Claus in the gift giving business.
Next week I will stay closer to home in the central part of the country & will be hoping that NA was once again the right choice for me. I'm hoping a week from now ill be shaking hands, reaching or coins in my pocket & be back on the mountain bike knowing I have a flat hand to save me if I fall! I will send an update. For all of us out there that can let's help support
finding a cure & make a donation to the international Dupuytren Society.
Thanks for there being such a forum to read others experiences & opinions.

04/23/2013 12:51
04/23/2013 12:51
Re: 3 fingers - 4 years - two letters N&A - & Jupiter (the fifth planet from the sun)

my update below (& sorry about all the typos in previous post)
It was one week ago today that I drove to Memphis for my NA. I had the advantage this time of knowing what I wanted. Xiaflex had been highly recommended to me and I already had surgery on both hands in 2003 & 2005, & NA in both hands in 2009. The doctor was able to do NA to both my ring finger, and pinky on my right hand. The ring finger had about a 45-50 bend in it & although the pinky was pretty straight there was a chord that was starting to pull it down as well. Once done with breaking the chords the doctor was able to almost straighten the finger 100 percent when holding it in that position. It does tend to go back to about 20 percent bent. I am using these safety pin splints 3 times a day (for 15-20 minutes) & wearing the night splint every evening. Once I take the sprint off in the morning it seems straighter than it is at the end of the day. I'm hoping the splints help increase or at least reinforce what was just done. Either way I am happy with the fact that I feel i have stopped the finger from going more than 50 down & feel it is a strong improvement over before.
I would appreciate any comments, suggestions, or hearing about others experiences.

04/24/2013 21:34
04/24/2013 21:34
Re: 3 fingers - 4 years - two letters N&A - & Jupiter (the fifth planet from the sun)

Hi Kenny. I had NA done on two fingers in January, both at the PIP joint. I splint every night and sometimes for a bit during the day. My fingers are pretty straight in the morning and bent again by the middle of the day. Don't know what will happen in the end, but I'm hoping the splinting will keep them from getting worse than they were before I had the NA. Going from 50 to 20 degrees sounds pretty good. I hope it stays that way for you.

04/25/2013 00:35
04/25/2013 00:35
Re: 3 fingers - 4 years - two letters N&A - & Jupiter (the fifth planet from the sun)

are you wearing the same splint during the day that you wear at night?
I am wearing these single finger splints 3 times a day on each finger & the larger splint that holds my 2 fingers together at night.
Has anyone noticed an improvement after wearing the splint for 3 months. That is what I was told to do & that's what I am going for.

04/26/2013 13:55
04/26/2013 13:55
Re: 3 fingers - 4 years - two letters N&A - & Jupiter (the fifth planet from the sun)

I don't wear it during the day. Maybe I should try that, though.

04/26/2013 18:26
04/26/2013 18:26
Re: 3 fingers - 4 years - two letters N&A - & Jupiter (the fifth planet from the sun)

Where are you located?
I am from Chicago, but currently live in Nashville, TN

04/26/2013 19:49
04/26/2013 19:49
Re: 3 fingers - 4 years - two letters N&A - & Jupiter (the fifth planet from the sun)

As previously written been wearing splints since 2008 after na with the best from Jupiter..

Fingers still perfect... but just noticed a small nodule starting at base of thumb..

international   recommended   wearing   straighter   specialists   surgery   getting   orthopedic   straighten   suggestions   improvement   experiences   fingers   recommendation   splints   previously   specialist   Jupiter   letters   appreciate