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32 years old with DC
05/31/2023 18:39
05/31/2023 18:39
32 years old with DC

Hey guys,

I want to share a short story with all of you and maybe you guys can take some panic from me.

In 2014 I had an accident and amputated a bit from my right pinky. At first it seems like it was needed that more has to be amputed but the Dr. said we could try and see where it goes. Long story short, It healed somewhat, not pretty but good enough I thought.
So over the years, I really didnt notice how long it took, but the pinky contracted to the point where it was in a good 90° angle. At the time I thought maybe it just happend due to it being smaller and me holding the pinky in weird positions.

I didnt really think so much about it since it wasnt bothering me until lately due to the weird position it started to cause some pain in my Hand.

I went to my general practitioner and he told me "That has to be done in an Hospital". The people there told me "There are 2 ways, once we could try to needle it but It might come back later or just do a surgery on it." I thought yea well surgery is good I guess I dont want it to come back..

I am 10 days post OP now, everything went good, pain is no real issue, everything in the finger survived so far so good.
Since I am tending to be hypochonder I didnt google much before hand. I feel really dumb now, I think, since the Finger stayed in that contraction for about 3 years (at some time it stopped progressing..) It was beyond saving by any other means..

I am afraid now that the surgeon will Kickstart Dupuytren in other areas... when I found out about it this Monday I fell into a hard depression, my wife and my family are very supporting, but still its heartbreaking for me thinking about it all the time.

The dupuytren is somewhat special since there was no Nodule or w/e in my hands/palm, it was only on the pinky nowhere else. Maybe it was something different? I never did a photo of it too... I was so happy after the surgery since everything seemed to going fine, but now.. I dont know what to do.

I am sorry for my english, I am from Germany..

06/01/2023 07:24


06/01/2023 07:24


Re: 32 years old with DC

Hi Sin

It's possible that some side effect of new DD instance will occur following your finger surgery. But also maybe not, more likely not, or at least not severe as you are quite young. But who knows!?

Just keep an eye on your hand for signs of nodules or unusual aches, tingles, pins and needles etc but without worrying about it too much. It usually develops slowly and as you had no other instances apart from the pinkie you could be OK or just incur a mild case.

So if it does develop it may stall and not progress with your age, or you could in the early stages consult about RT. We have a thread discussing that here https://www.dupuytren-online.info/Forum_...read=1541924404

I guess you know there is a German language forum that may be more convenient to you ? https://www.dupuytren-online.de/Forum_deutsch/

Easy for me to say but concentrate on recovery and optimistic outlook ;)

Regards SB

surgery   somewhat   contracted   convenient   supporting   discussing   concentrate   hypochonder   optimistic   heartbreaking   Dupuytren   practitioner   read=1541924404   everything   thought   dupuytren-online   depression   instances   progressing   contraction