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a few RT questions
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09/07/2013 16:41
09/07/2013 16:41
a few RT questions

I had my first round of RT August 5-9. The doctor wants to see me on Monday Sept. 9. What is the best wait time? I am assuming he will want me to do the 2nd treatments on Sept 16-20. Does that sound like to proper wait time? I thought I saw somewhere 8 weeks.

Also, I am feeling more palm pain/aching/itching feeling in my right (RT treated hand) this week, and some in my left (doc did not find any nodules or cords in the left one, so did not treat - but I feel "stuff" going on under there at times.) Also my nodule and cord feel more pronounced today. Question-do you all really take it easy with your hands with this disease? Do you stop carrying heavy things, stop doing the things you need to do? I am just wondering if doing things like carrying in heavy bags of groceries, gardening, etc., makes it worse or if it just makes you hurt. I don't want to do anything that would make it worse! I am hoping that the 2nd round of RT will put an end to the progression, it is so hard to wait and not know what's going on in there! Do your nodules and cords fluctuate in size? Perhaps they get more swollen for whatever reason at different times?

Another question, do you tend to feel more run-down, almost fluish on days when your hands feel worse. I tend to feel like I have some sort of virus on days that my hands feel bad. Can't tell if it's "all in my mind," or what.

Thanks for any info.!

09/07/2013 17:12


09/07/2013 17:12


Re: a few RT questions

What treatment protocol is being followed? The one used by ProfS in Germany now recommends 12-16 weeks between treatment series. There are reports of shorter intervals being used, 8 - 12 weeks, for the "German protocol" but this is not recommended.

09/07/2013 17:26
09/07/2013 17:26
Re: a few RT questions

I don't think the duration of the interval has been firmly established but 12-16 weeks seems to be accepted in many instances. When I had RT I did notice a change in size of nodules and the cord. I don't know if it was a coincidence or not. Even a dermal pit that had been dormant for 13 years appeared to get somewhat active immediately following RT.

Abnormal uses of the hand seem to create more activity of Dupuytren's from my experience. I still do many things that need to be done but I think about how I do them so that there is the least amount of direct pressure to the affected area.

09/07/2013 20:08
09/07/2013 20:08
Re: a few RT questions

What treatment protocol is being followed? The one used by ProfS in Germany now recommends 12-16 weeks between treatment series. There are reports of shorter intervals being used, 8 - 12 weeks, for the "German protocol" but this is not recommended.

What reports exactly say that the 8-12 weeks interval is NOT recommended?
In Prof. Seegenschmiedt's 2012 paper his results are based on the quoted interval ".. in 2 series of each 5 × 3 Gy in 1 week separated by 10–12 weeks (total treatment time: 12–16 weeks). [I understand the final text should read "12-14 weeks"]. So here the recommended interval is 10 to 12 weeks. Betz's paper of 2010 is based on a 6 to 8 week interval. My take on this is that a 10 to 12 week interval is good practice based on published work to date - but I am no expert.

09/08/2013 06:46


09/08/2013 06:46


Re: a few RT questions

What treatment protocol is being followed? The one used by ProfS in Germany now recommends 12-16 weeks between treatment series. There are reports of shorter intervals being used, 8 - 12 weeks, for the "German protocol" but this is not recommended.

What reports exactly say that the 8-12 weeks interval is NOT recommended?
In Prof. Seegenschmiedt's 2012 paper his results are based on the quoted interval ".. in 2 series of each 5 × 3 Gy in 1 week separated by 10–12 weeks (total treatment time: 12–16 weeks). [I understand the final text should read "12-14 weeks"]. So here the recommended interval is 10 to 12 weeks. Betz's paper of 2010 is based on a 6 to 8 week interval. My take on this is that a 10 to 12 week interval is good practice based on published work to date - but I am no expert.
I'm basing my comment on what ProfS told me personally one week ago. I wanted to return for series 2 after 8 weeks (school half term) and he advised no, my next choice was at 17 weeks (Xmas holiday) and again he advised no if possible. His advice to me was 12 weeks is optimum, and he is recommending 12-16 but 10-12 weeks could be OK. He also stated that some doctors are seeing poor results because they do series 2 at 6 - 8 weeks.

There is a new meta-analysis paper in an Oncology publication that he showed me, but I don't have a link for it and may not be relevant to this discussion.

09/08/2013 12:40
09/08/2013 12:40
Re: a few RT questions

Question-do you all really take it easy with your hands with this disease? Do you stop carrying heavy things, stop doing the things you need to do? I am just wondering if doing things like carrying in heavy bags of groceries, gardening, etc., makes it worse or if it just makes you hurt. I don't want to do anything that would make it worse!

I have the same question. Do I stop doing what makes my thumb and index finger cramp? My 1st post on this forum I had a reply that told me to take care of my hands. Great advice, but as a 32 yr old do I retire? Stop doing dishes and folding laundry? Please tell me I'm exempted from those chores!! ;)

09/08/2013 13:06
09/08/2013 13:06
Re: a few RT questions

Is that protocol for RT on ledderhose? My oncologist is doing 3 x 5 with 8 week break

09/09/2013 00:12
09/09/2013 00:12
Re: a few RT questions

Thanks for the post so far. I'm taking this info. with me to my appointment tomorrow. My fear is that he will want to schedule it earlier than Dr. S says to do it. He didn't seem to like that I had been doing my own research and was questioning him too much. Docs can have a way of making you feel foolish. Wishing that I could get myself to Germany! Then I'd know I was in really experienced hands! My fear is that my oncologist really does not know about any underlying nodules or cords in either hand. From what I'm reading on this forum, there are docs who find a lot more going on than can be seen. Perhaps I should be seeing a hand doctor, as well as the radiation oncologist?

Anyone know a good hand doctor in Houston, TX? Please message me if you do.

09/10/2013 01:39
09/10/2013 01:39
Re: a few RT questions

Thanks for the post so far. I'm taking this info. with me to my appointment tomorrow. My fear is that he will want to schedule it earlier than Dr. S says to do it. He didn't seem to like that I had been doing my own research and was questioning him too much. Docs can have a way of making you feel foolish. Wishing that I could get myself to Germany! Then I'd know I was in really experienced hands! My fear is that my oncologist really does not know about any underlying nodules or cords in either hand. From what I'm reading on this forum, there are docs who find a lot more going on than can be seen. Perhaps I should be seeing a hand doctor, as well as the radiation oncologist?

Anyone know a good hand doctor in Houston, TX? Please message me if you do.

See the doctors recommended on this very website under the treatment link. here is one of them. Check to see if he is a hand surgeon.
Dr. David Hildreth
Richmond Clinic
Richmond Bone & Joint Surgery
1517 Thompson Hwy.
Richmond, TX (Texas) 77469
Other clinics:
Medical Center, 6560 Fannin, Suite 400, Houston, and
Sugar Land Clinic, 15035 SW Freeway, Sugar Land, Texas
Phone: (281) 344-1715
www.rbjc.com and www.davidhildrethmd.com

09/10/2013 10:50
09/10/2013 10:50
Re: a few RT questions

Thanks! Visit to doctor went well. He agrees with the 12 week time period between treatments, so I have another session next month. Yesterday was just for a check up, I thought it was to get ready for another session next week. So, I wait and watch, today both nodule and cord seem more pronounced.

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davidhildrethmd   protocol   appointment   reports   recommended   recommends   Seegenschmiedt   spanishbuddha   interval   Germany   joshlin9693   oncologist   meta-analysis   questioning   questions   recommending   Question-do   treatment   experienced   experience