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Advice please on RT outside of Germany - procedure / setup stuff - I do not want to be the bunny
09/09/2014 04:15
09/09/2014 04:15
Advice please on RT outside of Germany - procedure / setup stuff - I do not want to be the bunny

So I had RT in Germany in late June with Prof S. Great! His setup has your hand rest on a foam pad that looks like a piece of cake laid on it's side. Your hand is positioned, the bolus put on top and then your hand is raised to go directly under a frame. The frame holds the lead shield. Essentially your hand is under a slight amount of pressure from the frame and so the area to be radiated is as flat as can be without pressing it under something like flat Plexiglas or a pane of glass. The bolus is also pressed into the hand slightly.

So for my second round I looked into having it done locally knowing that I could always back out and head to Germany. I went in for my pre-procedure meeting and sizing and they explained that my hand will rest on again foam cut like a piece of cake and a bolus will be put on top. However, the cut out lead shield they are making will go into a frame and my hand will rest 5 cm below the lead shield. So, no pressure from the frame to flatten out my hand or to press the bolus into all the dips in my hand.

Should I be concerned about this setup? If so, why? Does the bolus need to touch all points to be radiated to be effective?

If you have had RT in Germany and then back home and had a similar setup how did it turn out for you?

All opinions quickly expressed as I am due in next Monday greatly appreciated.


09/09/2014 05:55


09/09/2014 05:55


Re: Advice please on RT outside of Germany - procedure / setup stuff - I do not want to be the bunny

I'm not an expert but I would think you need to ask about beam depth penetration and homogeneity. Or just why is it different.

09/09/2014 10:06
09/09/2014 10:06

Re: Advice please on RT outside of Germany - procedure / setup stuff - I do not want to be the bunny

Hi I had Rt in 2007 by Prof Seegenschmiedt then in Essen and using an old Orthovoltage Rt X ray machine. I believe that the machine in Hamburg is the latest Cyberknife Rt machine . The cut out was placed over my hand and the bolus then positioned on top of the cut out. The unit that is to be used on you is probably a linear accelerator Rt machine, which will project the beam at 90 degrees to the surface. I would just ask a couple of questions about the machine and the process. Do a google search to satisfy yourself. I would be more worried if there was no cut out to be used. The prof. took a digital photo of the set up and I also received a copy of the report. In Germany they say 'I don't want to be the guinea pig ' and in Australia we say the same as the Canadians 'we don't want to be the bunny'

Edited 09/09/14 13:14

09/10/2014 20:21
09/10/2014 20:21
Re: Advice please on RT outside of Germany - procedure / setup stuff - I do not want to be the bunny

MikeNinerSeven, first I am not an RT expert. However, the setup you describe for the local clinic seems perfectly normal for common electron beam machines. There is no need for any lead mask etc to touch your hand. Once the collimators have been opened to the desired field size, and if necessary a block put in place to shape the target area, then the treatment target area is poperly defined and the equipment will be a distance from your hand. Usually, on setting up, you can see a light on your hand that shows the exact shape of the treatment area. This is to confirm the correct target area is in view forthe RT. The bolus is then laid on your hand, fitting close to the skin but does not have to be perfectly attached to palm suface.

Thus - your decribed setup seems to be normal and I would not worry about that.

09/11/2014 05:24
09/11/2014 05:24
Re: Advice please on RT outside of Germany - procedure / setup stuff - I do not want to be the bunny


Thank-you for responding. I just needed to know that I was not getting a really jury rigged setup. I have learned through life that the devil is in the details and small things count. I do not want to have to do this a third time if it can be avoided. I appreciate your feedback on the situation and will now rest easier knowing that the setup is normal for DD.

Thanks again,

09/11/2014 17:58
09/11/2014 17:58
Re: Advice please on RT outside of Germany - procedure / setup stuff - I do not want to be the bunny

Just make sure you get 3Gy per day over 5 consecutive days (or, if necessary 3 days with a weekend and then two days)
Also for depth of irradiation you will need a beam strength of 4 MeV (typically, but might be 3 to 6 MeV). Idealy use whatever parameters that Prof. S. used.

Again, I am no expert on RT, just trying to share my personal experience. I wish you well in your treatment!

Orthovoltage   Cyberknife   MikeNinerSeven   machine   accelerator   experience   consecutive   procedure   penetration   Seegenschmiedt   appreciated   positioned   treatment   collimators   pre-procedure   outside   Germany   homogeneity   Essentially   irradiation