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Catching up with you
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05/11/2011 23:37
05/11/2011 23:37
Re: Catching up with you

Hi Carolnoel,

I was almost 70 years old when I was diagnosed with DD. It was progressing rapidly - multiple nodules formed, contracture across the palm from thumb to pinky, crawly feeling in my palm that was driving me nuts, lost of grip. I found this site and decided that I was going to be more aggressive in treatment than the aggressive DD.
I had NA done to release the cords/contracture, then 4 months later RT on my whole palm. I would have had RT sooner, but I could not work it into my personal schedule. Glad I had RT and would do it again. I did have RT done on 2 spots outside the radiated area, but RT stopped the progression in my palm. I do have cords that continue to gradually contract, but RT essentially doesn't work on cords, only nodules AND it is critical to have it done in the earliest possible stages. DD needs to be active when it is done to be effective.
I went to Scripps San Diego/La Jolla but I contacted and had a consultation in the Radiology Department at Loma Linda University Med Ctr. If I need RT again which looks like might be happening in my other palm, I plan to go to Loma Linda. They have not done RT for DD before had done RT on keloids. Dr. Katerelos was knowledgeable about DD, researched various studies before I went for my consultation, listened to my questions, asked questions about the symptoms I had in the other hand and how I knew it was active. He was interested in what I knew about DD from my experience as well as what I had learned from this website and Forum. He was not intimidated nor defensive, he was interested. I liked his openness.

My suggestion - don't wait. Get RT if you are a candidate.

05/12/2011 00:10

not registered

05/12/2011 00:10

not registered

Re: Catching up with you

On the FB page I found some Radiation Centers...and I have a call into one where I will be in August. Here in Hawaii I don't think there is much of a chance finding one, but I will give it a try....

Thanks for your support.

Is feeling achy or itching of the nodules in my hand normal? Does it mean anything? I would really like to talk to a Dr. who knows about DC...no one here seems to know (or care).....


05/12/2011 02:35
05/12/2011 02:35
Re: Catching up with you

I had the same thing - itchy, achy. That is typically a symptom of it being active. After RT, no more itchy, achy feelings in my hand. Active DD is a good thing if you are considering RT. The docs I talked with and other posts on this forum say DD needs to be active for RT to work. Both radiologists that I talked with wanted DD to be active or they won't do RT.

05/12/2011 04:05
05/12/2011 04:05
Re: Catching up with you


Like Flojo, I also had RT at Scripps in LaJolla, CA in November 2009 for DD on my left hand (multiple nodules/dimples on palm of hand),...and had RT at the same time for LD (two hard, marble size nodules) on bottom of foot. The constant achy, burning and itchy feeling on hand and foot where an indication that the disease was progressing. I didn't want to wait for contraction to happen or for cords to develop, so I opted for RT. Its been over 18 months and the RT has stopped the progression in the radiated areas. The nodules on my hand are much softer, I can open my hand wider. The nodules on foot are almost gone. No more burning and itching. Best decision I ever made.

Don't let any doctor or surgeon tell you that surgery is the only option. RT works best in the early stages of the disease.

Edited 05/12/11 07:07

05/12/2011 15:28
05/12/2011 15:28
Re: Catching up with you


I had that tingling, itching feeling and it also felt like something was crawling around inside my palm. It was a signto me that my DD was active. All those feelings and the pain went away with the RT.


05/12/2011 16:43
carol noel

not registered

05/12/2011 16:43
carol noel

not registered

Re: Catching up with you

You all have been so helpful!!! I really appreciate your encouragement. Here in my area of Hawaii medical care is the pits...even with Kaiser!!! I will call the Loma Linda clinic...perhaps they can answer some of my questions. When I was a toddler I had radiation treatment for a 'thing' on my leg and it was a disaster. I need to find out if I can even risk another big dose...and it seems like NOW is the time as the DD is active. Suddenly more nodules in the right hand and the left is itching like crazy!!!!

I am talking to a ND tomorrow to learn about SSKI/DMSO...


05/14/2011 23:20

not registered

05/14/2011 23:20

not registered

Re: Catching up with you

I had a good visit with the ND. Am taking an enzyme, Serraflazimine, which has been shown to break up scar tissue, and will start with the DMSO/SSKI later in the week. The later has a success rate of about 10% so I am thinking wistfully!!! This still gives me time, later on in the summer, to pursue RT.

Thanks to all for your comments!!!!

05/18/2011 22:13
carol noel

not registered

05/18/2011 22:13
carol noel

not registered

Re: Catching up with you

I have two very successful conversations with personnel at the Bozeman Deaconess Radiation Center and the Oncology Center in Palo Alto California. They have experience treating DC and were very forthcoming with information, prices, accomodations etc.....

Still on information gathering.

08/14/2011 08:49
08/14/2011 08:49
Re: Catching up with you

I'm a 55 year old female and have had symptoms for 5-10 years. I inherited my DC/DD from my dad. He had surgery several years ago that wasn't particularly successful. I'm avoiding that if at all possible. I get 'itchy" palms and never connected it with active DC/DD until now. My hand also periodically gets stiff. Yesterday a strange thing happened. My index finger (previously unaffected) became quite painful. By the end of the day my whole hand was swollen, stiff, tingling in the tips of my fingers, skin was hot and tight, and very painful. The discomfort radiated up to my wrist. It's better this morning but still hurts and is stiff. I'm wondering if this is indicative of progression? I'm going to do the table top test and record the results, then observe. My first "scientific" test. Has anyone else experienced extreme pain and swelling prior to it getting worse? BTW...I have a single small nodule in my right foot and hope Ledderhose is not in my future. It has not progressed in 5 years, but is itchy today.

08/14/2011 15:21


08/14/2011 15:21


Re: Catching up with you

To me your very painful, swollen hand sounds like something else, not really Dupuytren's. If it persists you should show it to a doctor. - I have had two small Ledderhose nodules since about 10 years. They are growing only VERY slowly but I can increasingly feel them, escpecially when I walk barefoot, as my foot is getting flatter. But it's just strange, not a problem yet.


I'm a 55 year old female and have had symptoms for 5-10 years. I inherited my DC/DD from my dad. He had surgery several years ago that wasn't particularly successful. I'm avoiding that if at all possible. I get 'itchy" palms and never connected it with active DC/DD until now. My hand also periodically gets stiff. Yesterday a strange thing happened. My index finger (previously unaffected) became quite painful. By the end of the day my whole hand was swollen, stiff, tingling in the tips of my fingers, skin was hot and tight, and very painful. The discomfort radiated up to my wrist. It's better this morning but still hurts and is stiff. I'm wondering if this is indicative of progression? I'm going to do the table top test and record the results, then observe. My first "scientific" test. Has anyone else experienced extreme pain and swelling prior to it getting worse? BTW...I have a single small nodule in my right foot and hope Ledderhose is not in my future. It has not progressed in 5 years, but is itchy today.

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Catching   controversial   radiation   contracture   disease   techniques   information   Dupuytren   possible   acupuncture   above-mentioned   nodules   progression   Contraction   experience   considering   conversations   cureall   Serraflazimine   surgery