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Colles fracture and Dupuytrens
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06/27/2016 20:21
06/27/2016 20:21
Re: Colles fracture and Dupuytrens

Thank you Spanish Buddha - I'll make sure I'm fully prepared before I raise it with my GP! Thank you one again, I really appreciate the information.

06/29/2016 19:30
06/29/2016 19:30
Re: Colles fracture and Dupuytrens

Hi Nancy, it's very kind of you to get back to me. I'm English/Irish heritage and like you I'm not aware of anyone else in the family having DD. If you don't mind me asking which country did you have radiotherapy in? I'm UK based and I'm not clear how well known as a treatment it is here. I hope it works for you.

Best wishes.

The BDS has a clickable map of clinics private and NHS known to be doing RT of DD in the UK. http://dupuytrens-society.org.uk/treatme...-organisations/

For the NHS the difficulty is fighting for the referral or against your local trust or CCG.

Just join the forum today.
I was dx two weeks ago with DC I have one small nodule in right hand below ring finger and two or three cords. I also have a cord on my left hand no nodule but I think I might feel a small one starting. Both hands had tingling sensation also both foot by no nodules on feet yet. I live in Florida saw one of the best hand surgery that performs NA in the area. He was like just wait until the nodule get larger or you finger start to bend and I will do NA for you. I play a lot of tennis and I think this might be causing some hand stress. I stopped playing tennis for now. Talked with my hand doctor and he is totally against R/T said it will not be useful and it has other risk factors. I'm going next week on July 5 for a MRI, Cat scan and consultation for R/T so I was wondering everyone out there who had R/T are your hand dry, peeling burning?? I feel my DC is so early right now that R/T is a good choice or should I wait a few more months. The tingling sensation I think means its active and progressing . Any help would be greatly appreciation. Also, I check with my insurance co. Blue Cross and I'm covered at 100% I only pay 35 dollars for a office visit. They called me the golden girl. LOL

06/29/2016 19:48
06/29/2016 19:48

Re: Colles fracture and Dupuytrens

Just join the forum today.
I was dx two weeks ago with DC I have one small nodule in right hand below ring finger and two or three cords. I also have a cord on my left hand no nodule but I think I might feel a small one starting. Both hands had tingling sensation also both foot by no nodules on feet yet. I live in Florida saw one of the best hand surgery that performs NA in the area. He was like just wait until the nodule get larger or you finger start to bend and I will do NA for you. I play a lot of tennis and I think this might be causing some hand stress. I stopped playing tennis for now. Talked with my hand doctor and he is totally against R/T said it will not be useful and it has other risk factors. I'm going next week on July 5 for a MRI, Cat scan and consultation for R/T so I was wondering everyone out there who had R/T are your hand dry, peeling burning?? I feel my DC is so early right now that R/T is a good choice or should I wait a few more months. The tingling sensation I think means its active and progressing . Any help would be greatly appreciation. Also, I check with my insurance co. Blue Cross and I'm covered at 100% I only pay 35 dollars for a office visit. They called me the golden girl. LOL

Welcome. At a certain age (not able to pin it down, but perhaps 50) I would not consider the typical radiotherapy protocol for treating a Dupuytren hand an unreasonable health risk. I myself had just a little superficial skin peeling as the skin renewed about three weeks after the first series, almost none after the second. I just used some moiturizing cream with Urea for a couple of weeks, and occasionally now eight months later and am pleased with my results which you can read in another discussion here. I would make sure, though, that the person identifying the proper moment and area to be treated has good experience with DD. All the best,


[54 year-old male, DD diagnosis 2006, RH contracture and NA/PNF 2014, RT 2015, wearing night splint glove]

06/29/2016 21:34
06/29/2016 21:34
Re: Colles fracture and Dupuytrens

Thank you so much.

06/30/2016 06:01


06/30/2016 06:01


Re: Colles fracture and Dupuytrens

My hand was irradiated at the age of 35 and the skin in the irradiated area became slightly dry. But after a few years I could not feel any difference anymore. I was treated with x-rays, electrons might be a little more intense.


06/30/2016 06:33


06/30/2016 06:33


Re: Colles fracture and Dupuytrens

I play a lot of tennis and had RT a few years ago. I have nodules in both palms and on a couple of fingers. I still play, but now wear a glove. I get dry skin and finger tip splits in winter but it's easily managed, or prevented with good hand cream and moisturisers.

06/30/2016 11:35
06/30/2016 11:35
Re: Colles fracture and Dupuytrens

Thank you all. I'm still trying to make my decision on R/T. Everyone, doctors or medical professionals I talked with tell me NOT to do R/T. That I should do some steroid injections first. In the two weeks my nodules have not got larger but now I have two cords going from the nodules up toward my fingers and the cord going down is also longer in just 2 weeks. Does anyone know if this sounds like it is fast in the progression stage? I still have slight burning tingling sensation especially at night. I think I will have the MRI meet with oncologist and then make that decision. I'm schedule to tart R/T the next day with since I'm traveling from out of town. I think I might go home and wait a few weeks too get more information. My question is does it sound to you like this is normal progression (whatever is normal) faster than most and do you think I have time. Let just stay its not getting any better. I have stop playing the game I love tennis for now until this burning tingling stops I just don't want to make it mad. Thanks again for you help and support. I'm so glad I found this site. Is there anyone out there that did R/T in Florida??

06/30/2016 11:56
06/30/2016 11:56
Re: Colles fracture and Dupuytrens

I'm also going for blood work today testing blood sugar, thyroid and magnesium for sure. I started taking several vitamins that were recommend for others site and today I did receive the sski I order from Canada. Will do the mix to apply to nodules with the vit E and mag oil and dsmo I guess its cant hurt . Before I state the sski I want to get my blood work done and see if my iodine is low. I don't really fall into any of the risk factors . No one in my family history had DD and I have no other health problems. I do drink alcohol but not heavy I don't smoke I'm female just turn 55 this week. I just wonder if playing tennis all these years with the ball hitting the hand maybe started this???I wish there was a easy answer to this like do the R/T I don't know about this wait and see game my hand doctor wants me to sit tight and when my finger start to bend he will of course do N/A which is not a bad option if its only one finger or maybe two. Is there anyone out there that was totally not happen with the R/T and would NOT recommend it at all??? I'm new to this online stuff trying to figure out how to start a new post since this is not pertaining to colles fracture Thank you all for any information. May you all have a blessed day

06/30/2016 12:17
06/30/2016 12:17

Re: Colles fracture and Dupuytrens

I have the impression steroid injections are a U.S. thing. I am not aware of research showing it helps slow down DD. I have seen data, though, suggesting that RT is effective when done at the right time, and it makes sense to me. That's what convinced me to try it at my own cost and I had nodules shrink and smaller ones even go away. Would that have happened without the RT, or with steroid, vitamins or something else? I doubt it, but this is not yet an exact science.

You can start a new discussion by going up one level (click on "Dupuytren" left of "Colles fracture and Dupuytrens" above, or http://www.dupuytren-online.info/Forum_E...en/index-0.html. Then click on "New thread".


[54 year-old male, DD diagnosis 2006, RH contracture and NA/PNF 2014, RT 2015, wearing night splint glove]

06/30/2016 13:58
06/30/2016 13:58
Re: Colles fracture and Dupuytrens

I play a lot of tennis and had RT a few years ago. I have nodules in both palms and on a couple of fingers. I still play, but now wear a glove. I get dry skin and finger tip splits in winter but it's easily managed, or prevented with good hand cream and moisturisers.
Did the R/T slow down your DD and did you do radiation in both hands. DID you have x-ray or beams? Did you need any other treatment like N/a after the radiation. Thank again

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