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Concerned I may have Dupuytrends
07/05/2016 20:25
07/05/2016 20:25
Concerned I may have Dupuytrends

I used to have these hard, round and irritating little balls on my palms that gradually flattened and spread out. I remember how raw, irritated and tight they would get. In hindsight what to me was just callouses could actual have been DC slowly forming. This was during 2011-2013 Now, I don't have the little balls anymore, but the palms are still lumpy and their looks to be some pitting and puckering. I had a red, slightly tender lump on my left ring finger on the top knuckle and still have it, but it's not red anymore and flatter. My knuckles are all wrinkled looking and still are. They have never been this way and despite creams and stopping manual labour they are still wrinkly.

The past year I have experience weakness in my hands, essentially the fourth and fifth digits. I am having difficulty untangling my headphones, tieing my shoes, shuffling through my keys, and putting things into my pockets even though their is obliviously no thick cords and contractions. The last two digits just feel weak and 'fumbly' chores are annoying becuase I always drop things. I notice this when I do the laundry and dishes.

Risk factors I worry, I am young and started when I was younger. (Balls began forming in my palms at around 22, I am 27 now.) I also have the risk factor of heavy Northern European Heritage. I decent from actual Viking settlements in Norway from my mothers side, and fathers side is British, Scottish, Saxon and from one of the oldest Scottish clans. Very deep and heavy heritage. None of of my family or relative have DP, at least that's all I know for now. If DP is the case, the hertiage rooted in my DNA wa a deeply buried Nuke already deotonated. Landscaping mashed the buttons. I will be seeing my GP I two weeks and will get a proper look from him. For now, I am just looking for your take on this. Do these hands look familiar to any of you?

Here are pictures of my hands:

free upload

Edited 07/06/16 00:19

07/05/2016 21:42


07/05/2016 21:42


Re: Concerned I may have Dupuytrends

Hi Tyrsdatter

I don't see Garrods pads, just wrinkly dorsal finger joints.

I don't clearly see nodules or cords from DD; sure I see the bumps in a bit of a line, and suggestions of pits; but you also talk about a history of manual labour and so maybe the photos just show well used hands.

But IANAD and photos of my hands, where I have confirmed DD with nodules and cords are also a bit hard to read from just a photo.

You mention vague weakness and fumbling, but what about sore spots, aches, tingles, stiffness, not associated with any activities? Any noticeable loss of extension?

Sorry not to be more helpful. You really need an experienced hand doc to give a verdict after a physical examination of the hands, not a GP who might just mumble about nothing.


07/05/2016 23:33
07/05/2016 23:33
Re: Concerned I may have Dupuytrends

Thanks for your answer.

Yes I get numbing, tingles and raynouns phenomina with temperature changes. Additionally my fingers blanch when I extend them and stretch. Blanching into marble patterns of red,purple and white if I keep them extended for more than a few seconds. It takes effort to open and shut my hands.

I haven't done anything labour or anything so far...still rough hands. I have just been in college and doing lots of sitting and reading, but not enough typing to provoke anything. Despite all that it hasn't gotten better. My hands feel like rubber bands all the time. They are very rough, but sensitive. It's starting to get callously again in the palms. Back when it was callously it was all tight and Pickering looking, it would even get irritated and bleed. It feels like it's getting tighter every year.

I have looked at other conditions as well that could be simular. Thanks, I will wait and see. I agree with you that pictures hard to tell from. People will post pictures saying they were diagnosed with it, but and their hand looks normal.
There are people who apprently don't even get contractures. One of the thing so read about this, is that it develops slowly and people don't even notice their nodules for years, even decades.

Edited 07/06/16 02:47

07/06/2016 06:11


07/06/2016 06:11


Re: Concerned I may have Dupuytrends

Yes, for the majority it develops slowly and does not lead to contracture. A physical examination is needed, feeling the palms and fingers, to determine if there are calluses, ganglions or cysts, swollen joints, DD cords and nodules, or other lumps. You could start a photo log, monthly, to objectively determine any changes, also become aware of your functional extension, and in the meantime ignore it and carry on.

associated   contractions   objectively   obliviously   Additionally   suggestions   extension   Dupuytrends   settlements   irritated   activities   contractures   essentially   temperature   contracture   examination   Landscaping   noticeable   Concerned   experienced