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Cord in finger??
04/21/2009 22:41
04/21/2009 22:41
Cord in finger??

I have read and read and can't find where there is such a thing as a cord in the finger only. I have nodules in both palms which as far as I can see, have no cords. They are under my ring finger and middle finger. However, on my little finger, a lump started forming on the PIP joint and now has thickened downward on my finger, and it is starting to contract. There is no cord from the palm going to my little finger. Has anyone else out there had anything like this? Thanks to anyone who can help!

04/22/2009 05:59


04/22/2009 05:59


Re: Cord in finger??

I am having a nodule at the PIP of my right pinkie and it started contracting my finger without a cord. The bad news is that such nodules are not really suitable for NA because NA requires a cord to snap. Generally this disease starts with nodules which then develop cords. But there are cases where cords develop without a noticable previous nodules and cases where nodules don't develop into cords (this is actually even typical for Ledderhose).

I had the nodule radiated and I am wearing a night splint on my pinkie. That stopped progression so far.


04/22/2009 12:51
04/22/2009 12:51
Re: Cord in finger??

Thank you Wolfgang. Well, thats definitely not good, is it? Do you know if they can do any kind of surgery on a nodule like we have? By the way, I tried to register, I was supposed to be emailed a password, but never got one, so thats why I am unregistered. Do you know if there is any info or pics anywhere on the internet of a nodule on the pinkie like we have? I definitely need to take action on this if they cant do NA in these situations. Thanks a lot for your help.

04/22/2009 13:17


04/22/2009 13:17


Re: Cord in finger??

A surgeon can usually cut out a nodule but PIP joints are always a little tricky because everything is very close together. Corrections for PIP joints are less effective and recurrence is more frequent.

I haven't recently seen a picture of such a nodule. Maybe I should take one my mine and put it on the Internet ...

"By the way, I tried to register, I was supposed to be emailed a password, but never got one". -- Probably your email address wasn't correct. Just try again. Registering at the forum ought to work.


04/22/2009 13:52
04/22/2009 13:52
Re: Cord in finger??

Ok, thank you Wolfgang. I would really appreciate a pic of your finger if you could do it. So I can see if it looks like mine. I will try and register again. My email is patandpaula @ sbcglobal.net if you could email me a pic I would really appreciate it. Thanks again

appreciate   Wolfgang   everything   progression   situations   nodules   password   internet   contracting   register   Ledderhose   unregistered   effective   Registering   patandpaula   recurrence   definitely   Corrections   thickened   supposed