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Diagnosed Today
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10/04/2015 20:27
10/04/2015 20:27
Re: Diagnosed Today

I've recently adjusted my weight training so I don't use parts of my palms affected by duputrens. I use machines instead for free weights. For presses I push with the fleshy part of the palm by the wrist. For other exercises I use the fleshy part on the pinky edge of the palm. For other exercises I uses the outside of the index finger and thumb. When I do lat raises and shrugs I use lifting straps that put most of the weight on the wrist and I grasp with the ends of my fingers. I think I get nearly a complete upper body workout without touching the fascia part of the palms.

10/04/2015 22:22
10/04/2015 22:22
Re: Diagnosed Today

Thanks. Do you feel the resistance bands are easier on your hand than the metal bars on the Bow Flex. We have several attachments that aren't metal. Perhaps I should try them. Maybe I will try the bands.

10/05/2015 05:42


10/05/2015 05:42


Re: Diagnosed Today

Thanks. Do you feel the resistance bands are easier on your hand than the metal bars on the Bow Flex. We have several attachments that aren't metal. Perhaps I should try them. Maybe I will try the bands.
You can get foam rubber grips (look like pipe lagging) with or for the resistance bands. That's what I use.

10/05/2015 11:49
10/05/2015 11:49

Re: Diagnosed Today

dpjcrfsh and salspecs; At risk of causing offense I must say, as I have many times on this site, this is the good cancer. You don't die from it. Don't turn it into something more serious.

Maybe protecting you hands and avoiding certain activities will slow the progression of the disease but if the consequence is that you reduce you exercise program and loose fitness the consequences could be more detrimental. I have had DD and LD for more than 45 years and throughout that time I have been a constant gym participant. I spend no less than 5 hours a week on elliptical trainers of all types, I use free weights, I use weight machines and pulleys. There has never been I time in that period where I have not been regular in a gym plus played field hockey in my twenties, squash until my 40's and, for the last 20 years tennis 3 times a week.

I say all this simply to point out that this punishment of my hands has been continuous yet I have had long periods of inactivity from my DD. There are times when I get intense activity sometimes with both hands at the same time. I have not been able to identify a trigger. My activities have been constant. I am not a smoker, I do like good wine and I hear that alcohol could be a factor but my LD and DD started while I was in my early teens so it is hard to see how that could be a factor in my case.

My view is that you should carry on as normal. Treat the symptoms not the cause as we don't know the cause. If gloves help you do something then wear gloves but but don't stop doing something because you think it might be aggravating the DD.


10/05/2015 12:47
10/05/2015 12:47
Re: Diagnosed Today

Thank you, Seph!! I read your reply just as I was about to call another orthopedic surgeon, not feeling I had gotten enough info from the first one. I am so glad to hear how active you have been with DD and for such a long period of time! I walk a lot for aerobic exercise, but my weight training is really important to me. I know it is good for Osteoporosis, and it's kind of nice to be the only one of my 69 year old friends still wearing sleeveless clothes. I am interested that you use the word cancer. I have read that there could be a connection, but it sounds unproven at this point. What are your thoughts?

I am heading to my home gym/garage to lift weights, after which I will go shopping for some better gloves!

And tonight I will toast you with a glass of red wine.

Edited 10/05/15 15:48

10/06/2015 07:11
10/06/2015 07:11

Re: Diagnosed Today

Hi salspecs; In referring to DD as the good cancer I am intending it as a metaphor. There seems to be a correlation between DD and other conditions (eg diabetes and frozen shoulder) but I'm note sure that there is a causal connection.

If there is a link between DD and some cancers I think it likely that it might be a one way causal connection. My sense is that diabetes and alcoholism may trigger DD and maybe some cancers do the same but I doubt that the reverse applies. Maybe there are other conditions that are triggered by the same process that causes DD.

Having said that most, if not all, of the people that I know with DD have had frozen shoulder at some point but otherwise all seem to be in good health and consider DD to be a nuisance rather than an illness. Some of these people, like me, have had DD for decades.

10/06/2015 11:58
10/06/2015 11:58
Re: Diagnosed Today

Don't remember the exact reference or numbers, but I've read that DD sufferers have a slightly higher risk of eventually dying from cancer than others. I recall it was something like 40% vs 30% of the non-affected population. Of course everyone has to die of something eventually.

10/06/2015 15:11
10/06/2015 15:11

Re: Diagnosed Today

I have not heard of Dupuytrens being referred to as a Cancer even by Oncologists. It is rather a Non Malignant Condition .

10/06/2015 16:26
10/06/2015 16:26
Re: Diagnosed Today

you have to be pro active with this disease, I just got surgery and it has been an awful experience, 10 weeks post surgery and fingers are contracting again. do not wait for your fingers to bend,i wish someone would have told me this. on facebook there is a group you can join its DART. its radiation therapy for dc, very good results, but not popular with hand surgeons
I suppose it cuts into their business. im trying to find out more and do it for my other hand.

10/06/2015 17:06


10/06/2015 17:06


Re: Diagnosed Today

Dupuytren's is sometimes classified as "benign tumour". Cancer is also a tumour but not benign but malignant. More commonly Dupuytren Disease is called a (superficial) fibromatosis.

"Superficial fibromatoses are fibroblastic proliferations that arise in the palmar or plantar soft tissues and are characterized by infiltrative growth. They have a tendency toward local recurrence but do not metastasize."

from World Health Organization Classification of Tumours


I have not heard of Dupuytrens being referred to as a Cancer even by Oncologists. It is rather a Non Malignant Condition .

Edited 10/06/15 20:13

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contracture   Classification   Diagnosed   fingers   Dupuytren   Germany   treatment   disease   recommendations   disappointment   proliferations   surgery   radiotherapists   especially   Osteoporosis   salspecs   dupuytren-online   radiotherapy   surgeon   well-regarded