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Dr. Peter Gropper, Vancouver BC.. anyone been to him? Hand problem not improving and I need help!
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03/16/2011 23:53
03/16/2011 23:53
Dr. Peter Gropper, Vancouver BC.. anyone been to him? Hand problem not improving and I need help!

My hand has bothering me for a year and 10 months now.

I feel like I'm invading this site because I don't think I have Dupuytren's but I came across this site and was inspired by the amount of information.

I had an injury to my right ring finger for a year and 10 months now. I don't know what exactly the diagnosis is because I feel like I'm not getting help. I was told initially it could be fractured but it wasn't for certain. My finger is not improving but becoming worse. I did see one plastic surgeon (waited about a year) but the appt lasted maybe two minutes... let's just say I left with no information or help in my opinion.

I've gone to physio (about one year of both professional and exercising at home myself),ultrasound, compression stockings, cortisone. My symptoms are not improving, becoming worse, other symptoms cropping up.

I'm looking for a hand surgeon who deals with hand, wrist, searching online and came across Dr. Peter Gropper.

I'm willing to go to a private clinic.

Has anyone here been to this doctor? Bedside manners?

I think on the site it said the miniumum amount of time of the appt is a half hour. Does the cost of the appt include xray?

I'm guessing there isn't too many private clinics in Canada with hand surgeons?

Thanks for your help! :)

Edited 03/17/11 02:05

03/17/2011 18:23


03/17/2011 18:23


Re: Dr. Peter Gropper, Vancouver BC.. anyone been to him? Hand problem not improving and I need help!

My hand has bothering me for a year and 10 months now.

I feel like I'm invading this site because I don't think I have Dupuytren's but I came across this site and was inspired by the amount of information.

I had an injury to my right ring finger for a year and 10 months now. I don't know what exactly the diagnosis is because I feel like I'm not getting help. I was told initially it could be fractured but it wasn't for certain. My finger is not improving but becoming worse. I did see one plastic surgeon (waited about a year) but the appt lasted maybe two minutes... let's just say I left with no information or help in my opinion.

I've gone to physio (about one year of both professional and exercising at home myself),ultrasound, compression stockings, cortisone. My symptoms are not improving, becoming worse, other symptoms cropping up.

I'm looking for a hand surgeon who deals with hand, wrist, searching online and came across Dr. Peter Gropper.

I'm willing to go to a private clinic.

Has anyone here been to this doctor? Bedside manners?

I think on the site it said the miniumum amount of time of the appt is a half hour. Does the cost of the appt include xray?

I'm guessing there isn't too many private clinics in Canada with hand surgeons?

Thanks for your help! :)

I'm from the UK so can't help with your query, sorry.

I am just curious about the nature of the injury? Some finger injuries can take a while to heal. As an example I stressed the middle joint of my ring finger on, of all things, a wheeled rucksack. It took a year to clear up. ...and yet you hear of people with complete dislocations and breaks, healing within 6 weeks. My hand therapist told me it depends on a number of factors, age, disposition to inflammation, other health conditions, drugs, your own physical use of the hands, and so on. Eventually I noticed it wasn't hurting so much, then it was just better, but I was really concerned before then that something like arthritis was setting in or something else.

03/17/2011 23:21
03/17/2011 23:21
Re: Dr. Peter Gropper, Vancouver BC.. anyone been to him? Hand problem not improving and I need help!

A ball hit the palm side of my ring and little finger. It was very painful, had an xray. They weren't sure if it was fractured. A week later another xray, they said yes broken but then changed their mind.

I had physio, ultrasound, compression stocking, accupuncture. I developed a lump on the inside of the pip joint that faces anatomically towards middle finger. It can only be felt by touch and this area clicks when bending finger. It's also the area where they weren't sure about the fracture.

Pain that radiates into the top of my hand below these two fingers, numbness, tingling. Ring, little finger fall alsleep, pins n' needles while I"m sleeping. What is occuring more frequently is both fingers will curl when this side of hand (meaning the little, ring finger and side of hand beside the little finger) falls asleep. When I'm holding objects such as a fork, remote control, hand falls asleep, two fingers curls. Sometimes I'm doing nothing and it occurs. Eventually as it 'wakes up' they start to straighten out.

I had a nerve conduction test of the elbow to test for ulnar nerve compression of the elbow. Ulnar nerve runs down into little and ring finger but it came back negative. Neurologist said maybe the problem is in the palm but wasn't sure.

The above symptoms are increasing.

I did contact one hand surgeon in the USA. They can't diagnose over the internet (makes sense) but gave me a couple of possibilities one being I may have had an avulsion fracture and tearing of a tendon and said I should get it looked at.

03/18/2011 09:52


03/18/2011 09:52


Re: Dr. Peter Gropper, Vancouver BC.. anyone been to him? Hand problem not improving and I need help!

Interesting, thanks for the update. Sounds like maybe something has healed in the wrong place, could be bone spur, joint capsule, bursitis, tendon, ligament...etc.. Good luck in finding an experienced hand physician, maybe an MRI will help the diagnosis.

03/19/2011 01:21

not registered

03/19/2011 01:21

not registered

Re: Dr. Peter Gropper, Vancouver BC.. anyone been to him? Hand problem not improving and I need help!

Yes my name is Ron.

I have had 4 surguries for dupuytren's contracture. I need a nother one my finger is so bad that I cannot open my hand. I'am a mechcanic by trade.

Is there soone that will fix it for good.

03/23/2011 02:56
03/23/2011 02:56
Re: Dr. Peter Gropper, Vancouver BC.. anyone been to him? Hand problem not improving and I need help!

I do not have Dupuytren either, I actually stumbled onto this site and your question by accident. I have been a patient of Dr. Groppers for 6 yrs now. He is an excellent surgeon and very knowledgable, he is very well known in his feild. For sure go and see him...feel him out for yourself, if you don't like him don't go back. I guarantee you will definatly be impressed. One of the things i like about him is he uses all the latest techniques and he continually educates himself. He's not complacent and cocky like some of the older Dr's who are stuck in the old days. Oh yeah....and another thing, he is not at all judgemental.I did not see him at his private clinic, I saw him at his hospital clinic at UBC. The wait list for the hosp clinic is max 2 months and you do get an xray or whatever else is nessesary. Like I said I have never been to his private clinic but his secretary told me the wait list is much shorter, and I would imagine that you definataly would get the a high end treatment seeing that you have to pay (ask first) He is a very good Dr. Your not going to walk out sctatching your head in frustration. I went through that too in the past before I found Dr. Gropper. Hope it helps!!

Edited 03/23/11 05:13

03/23/2011 20:42
03/23/2011 20:42
Re: Dr. Peter Gropper, Vancouver BC.. anyone been to him? Hand problem not improving and I need help!

I have dupuytren's and visited Dr Gropper on March 16, 2011 for NA. Although I only spent 15 minutes with him I found him to be very informative. The way my hand is afflicted he said he could perform NA on part of my hand but he could not fix it completely and said I would be better off having surgery or waiting until Xiaflex was available in Canada. I travelled over 8 hrs to visit him and felt it was well worth the trip even though I didn't get the NA done. His bedside manner was great!


04/04/2011 18:19
04/04/2011 18:19
Re: Dr. Peter Gropper, Vancouver BC.. anyone been to him? Hand problem not improving and I need help!

Thank you everyone for your input!

I've had a few bad experiences with plastic surgeons so I tend to be leery. There is more to my story besides the ball hitting my finger. I also have hand problems due to being a a victim (now survivor) of domestic abuse and the judgment that sometimes comes with it (yes few doctors have blamed me).

Two month referral waiting time is not bad at all. I just have trouble getting referrals through my gp. But if I do it that way it would be cheaper. If I run into problems I will go the private way.

I was told by one doctor that if he operates on my finger chances are it would come out worse as in permanently straight.

I feel stuck. It's been going on for too long and I'm actually tired of waiting. My right hand is my dominant one, my problem reminds me of my past and I just want some healing done at least physically.

Thanks for writing about Dr.Gropper. I think he is someone I will make an appt to see.

There is also another doctor in the USA willing to treat me. He said he has surgical techniques that would help and not worsen the finger.But I think I will try the Canadian route (Dr. Gropper) first.

My family (parents, older brother) are not very supportive of me getting help but I need my hand to function for everyday life.

04/04/2011 19:37
04/04/2011 19:37
Re: Dr. Peter Gropper, Vancouver BC.. anyone been to him? Hand problem not improving and I need help!

you will find a lot of supportive people here.

04/09/2011 19:59
04/09/2011 19:59
Re: Dr. Peter Gropper, Vancouver BC.. anyone been to him? Hand problem not improving and I need help!

^Thanks! I appreciate it!^


I phoned Dr.Groppers office at the hospital with regards to the referral process.His office assistant asked what type of hand problem, I mentioned finger and no definite diagnosis yet.She said he sees patients with carpal tunnel, trigger finger at the hospital. I would need to see him at the private clinic because he would have more time (30 to 60 min) to diagnose.

I also contacted Dr. Binhammer's office. His waiting list is long and not accepting new patients right now.

So I will need to start saving money for the trip to BC. I will have enough for transportation, consultation and accommodation for three to four days. If I need surgery I have no idea of the cost until I have the consult. I don't have alot of money so maybe I'll have to hold some yard sales etc lol.

I think someone mentioned Dr. Gropper keeps up with new surgical techniques?? That is what I'm looking for.

The last surgeon I saw was a plastic surgeon who felt my finger may become worse if he operates.
From my understanding they do both cosmetic and reconstructive (hands,burns etc).

Nothing against plastic surgeons, but I'm wondering if it's better to see a hand surgeon because they only deals with this part of the body. Maybe more techniques?

Edited 04/09/11 23:13

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professional   understanding   dupuytrenscenter   information   techniques   consultation   Dupuytren   diagnosis   accommodation   knowledgable   surgeon   reconstructive   Vancouver   possibilities   transportation   problem   improving   private   compression   Gropper