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Dupuytren's back shortly after surgery
07/25/2009 20:04
07/25/2009 20:04
Dupuytren's back shortly after surgery

I had surgery 2 months ago for Dupuytren's in my right hand, trigger finger surgery on my ring finger and carpal tunnel on my right wrist (this is my second time for carpal tunnel in that wrist). I started therapy 1 week after surgery. I am able to straighten my ring finger using a heating pad and then stretching it. I put it in a splint for an two hours or more three times a day. It will stay straight for 15 minutes and then it starts to bend again. Two weeks ago when I went for therapy he told me to stop therapy, that it wasn't making a difference and that he thought in several months my finger would become straight. I also went to see the Dr. later that day, he took one look at my hand and said that the Dupuytren's was back with a vengence. It appears that having the surgery made the cord grow more. His recommendation is that I wait 6 months until it has settled down and then have surgery to remove all of it. He said if he removed it right away that he would miss some of the cells that are developing right now and then it would just grow right back again.
I am still heating and stretching my finger and I rub vitamin E oil on the scars 2 times a day.
I'm 54 yr old female. I've had little nodules in my right hand for as long as I can remember. I had never heard of Dupuytren's until February. I had gone into my Primary care doctor because of my trigger finger in November and had received a shot of cortisone. He told me I needed to see a specialist because I had more going on in my hands than just a trigger finger. In february I say the specialist and he told me it was Dupuytren's and that I have it in both hands. So far with my left hand I haven't had my fingers bend, but just in the last week it feels like it is tightening in my ring finger and it isn't as straight as it has been.
I think that I have the same thing in my right foot.
I have been really glad to find this site and forum about Dupuyten's. I had looked on line before and read
about Dupuytren's but I have learned more.
Do you have any suggestions for me?

07/26/2009 01:06
07/26/2009 01:06
Re: Dupuytren's back shortly after surgery

You said, "It appears that having the surgery made the cord grow more."

The cord should have been totally removed if you had surgery for Duputren's. Also the Dupuytren's cells should have been removed. So my question is "was your surgery for Dupuytren's, or carpel tunnel, or something else?".

07/27/2009 14:35
07/27/2009 14:35
Re: Dupuytren's back shortly after surgery

My surgery was for dupuytren's as well as carpel tunnel and trigger finger.

something   straighten   cortisone   removed   November   recommendation   straight   surgery   received   developing   tightening   difference   therapy   February   Dupuytren   trigger   shortly   suggestions   stretching   specialist