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Dupuytren's in the wrist?
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08/01/2009 15:36
08/01/2009 15:36
Dupuytren's in the wrist?

I have a painful lump on the underside of each wrist. I also have diagnosed ledderhose (dupuytren's of the foot). Has anybody ever heard of having only dupuytren's lumps on the wrist with no contracture of the fingers?

08/01/2009 21:38
08/01/2009 21:38
Re: Dupuytren's in the wrist?

I remember my Dad having a knot on his wrist for years before he actually had the contracture in the palm of his hand. He died at 90, and his little finger and ring finger were both drawn into the palm. Now, both of my brothers and I have dupuytrens. My experience tells me that it is hereditary; however, I can recall exactly when I had trauma to my hand a few years ago, and it started to develop almost immediately. That leads me to believe that, although it may be hereditary, it may never develop unless something triggers it. Incidentally, all the literature says it is more prevalent in males, but I am a female.

08/02/2009 06:18


08/02/2009 06:18


Re: Dupuytren's in the wrist?

To Judy: http://www.dupuytren-online.info/related_diseases.html

To 1bigmac: personally I fully agree with your observation: you inherit Dupuytren's potentially but you just inherit a tendency to develop it. It needs another trigger. This trigger might be a trauma of some sort or some excessive use of the hand. I myself experienced that surgery can be such a trauma and that surgery in one hand with a just month initiated growth of new nodules in the not operated hand as well.

BTW: statistics show that men typically develop Dupuytren's earlier than women, about 10 - 15 years earlier http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytr...stribution.html . Individually this doesn't tell anything. My mother developed Dupuytren's at the age of 80 and I myself at 35. I am sure in specific cases it could also be vice versa but still on an average men get it earlier.


Edited 08/02/09 09:21

08/02/2009 13:39
08/02/2009 13:39
Re: Dupuytren's in the wrist?

It is interesting that your father had the lump on his wrist before developing contracture in the fingers. Nobody, nobody in my family has ever had either dupuytren's or ledderhose that I know of. I am the fist (to my knowledge), but I have 100% northern European heritage and have blonde hair and blue eyes. I am also female.

08/02/2009 19:19
08/02/2009 19:19
Re: Dupuytren's in the wrist?

No one in my family had it either until I was diagnosed. Then...I found out my aunt had a bent middle finger (developed age 75-85) and my mother remembered her mother having a pinkie that was contracted, (developed age 75-84). They all thought it was arthritis. My relatives would still be thinking it was arthritis if I had not contracted it at the age of 53. My mother has just started having her pinkie slightly contract at the age of 74.


08/02/2009 20:41
08/02/2009 20:41
Re: Dupuytren's in the wrist?

Please describe the Dupuytren's in your wrist. After I had NA and before I had RT on my palm, I noticed 2 lumps developing along the outside/little finger side of my wrist. They do follow a tendon. They were initially very soft, even unnoticeable unless you have Dups, then you notice everything. The one closest to the hand has gotten significantly firmer in the last month.

My GP suggested ganglion cyst, dermatologist suggested fatty cyst and Dr. T, my radiation doctor doesn't think it is Dups as he has never seen Dups in that part of the wrist, only leading into the center of the wrist from cords in the palm. He didn't want to do RT on it unless he is sure that it is Dups. If I had wanted to have an MRI to diagnose what it is, I'd have had to postpone RT. I had already waited 4 months and felt it important to do RT without further delay. I'm still not sure what it is. It is looking more and more like Dups, but that could be one of my Dups "hypochrondriac attacks".

It would be helpful if anyone has descriptions of Dups in the wrist.

I am female and age 71. I first noticed Dups when I was almost 70. Neither of 2 brothers and no one else in my family that anyone can recall have ever had it.

08/02/2009 21:00
08/02/2009 21:00
Re: Dupuytren's in the wrist?

I do not know if the lumps I have on my wrists are dupuytren's or not. They are very hard and painful. There is one on the palm side (underside of my wrist) of each hand, on the side of my thumbs. I have not yet shown them to a doctor. However, I have had pain in my wrists for 10 years or more and just now noticed the lumps where the pain is. Doctors had not been able to find any reason for this pain in the past and physical therapy and splints did no good.

My lumps look like the one in this picture (not where it is cut open), except that mine are located under the thumb instead of under the ring finger.


The lumps on my feet have been diagnosed as Ledderhose (Dupuytren's of the foot.) Those lumps are under my arch and are the same on both feet.

08/03/2009 14:04
08/03/2009 14:04
Re: Dupuytren's in the wrist?

Just a thought but could it be DeQuervain's Tendonitis? This has pain and cysts on the wrist near the thumb. It causes tendon restiction and similar side effects as DC.

I know somone that has this and it resembles in some ways DC. It required surgery to fix it.


08/03/2009 19:01
08/03/2009 19:01
Re: Dupuytren's in the wrist?

Mine is not painful. I am "aware" of the wrist joint right at the palm on the pinkie side. The lumps are just up the arm/wrist from that joint. It is the hand that I use for the mouse and my hand rests on the mouse pad just about at that point. I don't know if using the computer and mouse would affect Dupuytren's, but maybe.

08/03/2009 21:14
08/03/2009 21:14
Re: Dupuytren's in the wrist?

This is interesting. About an hour ago I noticed a marble size hard lump on the palm side of my wrist (under the thumb). This must have come quick because I hadn't noticed before. No pain with it. The interesting thing is that it is exactly where my wrist rests on the edge of my desk when holding the computer mouse (as you mentioned).

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