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Dupuytrens and Raynaud's
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11/05/2020 05:26
11/05/2020 05:26
Re: Dupuytrens and Raynaud's

I have DD in both hands which was developing rapidly. About 6 years ago it was successfully treated by radiation so has not progressed. I am 67. Over the last few years I had noticed that in winter, my fingers get numb in the cold more easily but this has easily been managed. A few days ago out camping, all fingers on both hands rapidly and uncontrollably turned blue, it was cool, maybe 20 degrees but very windy. I was very surprised. It took about 30 mins of very vigorous arm movement to recover normal blood flow.

My guess is that the collagen deposition restricts blood flow to fingers which gets worse in cool weather.

So like others, I suspect there is a link. There is probably an underlying susceptibility exacerbated by DD.

11/11/2020 16:43
11/11/2020 16:43
Re: Dupuytrens and Raynaud's

So my recent visit with a VA rheumatologist has him investigating if my Raynaud's-like bouts are instead attributable to Scleroderma. So blood was drawn, a urine sample was submitted and I am awaiting an appointment for a chest scan to see if there is any interstitial disease as I have a history of chemical, silicates, and asbestoes exposure which has already disabled me with a severe lung condition. It seems the medical society is still sorting out the relationships or comorbidities of auto-immune diseases and whether ones environment plays a role in exacerbating our conditions of health, or poor health.
Good luck to all!!!

05/17/2022 06:18
05/17/2022 06:18
Re: Dupuytrens and Raynaud's

I have DD in both hands which was developing rapidly. About 6 years ago it was successfully treated by radiation so has not progressed. I am 67. Over the last few years I had noticed that in winter, my fingers get numb in the cold more easily but this has easily been managed. A few days ago out camping, all fingers on both hands rapidly and uncontrollably turned blue, it was cool, maybe 20 degrees but very windy. I was very surprised. It took about 30 mins of very vigorous arm movement to recover normal blood flow.

My guess is that the collagen deposition restricts blood flow to fingers which gets worse in cool weather.

So like others, I suspect there is a link. There is probably an underlying susceptibility exacerbated by DD.

I have DD in my right hand (which was my bowling hand 25 years ago, hmmm...). I too had radiation, as i was getting small twinges/pains. the radiation stopped that about a year and 6 months ago. However, I noticed my nodule seeming to widen and another small one or two barely next to it. The Raynaud's started for me on a bike ride about 3-4 months ago, after the mild progression. It's only in the fingers above my nodules.

Interestingly, when I told my primary care I thought I had Raynaud's he asked if I'd pursued treatment with radiation. So I imagine blood flow was restricted by the collagen production....but it could have been the radiation too. I'll never know. But I definitely think its related.

Lastly, i was taking beta blockers for about 6 months or so a year before I came up with DD. I've read that those can cause Raynaud's and are attributed to hypoxia. Somewhere I also recall reading that they hypothesize hypoxia can cause Dupuytrens. I'm black, so not in the likely target group for DD. I imagine the microtrauma from bowling, weightlifting and the damn beta blockers triggered a genetic weakness and kicked off the whole shebang. Joy....

03/23/2024 14:04
03/23/2024 14:04
Re: Dupuytrens and Raynaud's

Yes, I have both Dupuytren's and Raynaud's, and DLE. I am 58. Diagnosed DLE when I was 37, DD showed up last year and is progressing quickly. The Raynaud's became problematic when the DD showed up.

I'm used to my feet being numb. I like to snorkel, but now I need so much neoprene for warmth I have to wear weights and my fingers still turn white and numb. During a migraine my hands and feet get so cold I dunk them in hot water.

My dad and grandmother both had Dupuytren's, surgery didn't help and it came back. Dad had claws for hands, grandmother wore leather hand pads so her nails wouldn't cut her palms. I have decided if it gets that bad I will amputate, hoping the radiation works.

Background: Grandmother Lithuanian, Grandfather Danish. Rowed in college while working at UPS sorting and loading trucks. Carpal tunnel surgery in both wrists when i was 27. My younger brother is a drummer, he has nodes but no contracture yet.

04/21/2024 15:32
04/21/2024 15:32
Re: Dupuytrens and Raynaud's

As a teen (35 years ago) my toes would turn black and blue. I had an undiagnosed iron deficiency, that was only diagnosed & treated a couple years ago. I have never been screened for Reynaud’s. Ledderhose started about a year ago. I’d had physical therapy that I think injured my soles, triggering the LD. I often use a hot water bottle on my cold feet, but will try to stop, as I imagine the heat is not helpful for my nodules. Ironically I wonder if I should be icing them to reduce inflammation.

04/21/2024 16:23
04/21/2024 16:23
Re: Dupuytrens and Raynaud's

As a teen (35 years ago) my toes would turn black and blue. I had an undiagnosed iron deficiency, that was only diagnosed & treated a couple years ago. I have never been screened for Reynaud’s. Ledderhose started about a year ago. I’d had physical therapy that I think injured my soles, triggering the LD. I often use a hot water bottle on my cold feet, but will try to stop, as I imagine the heat is not helpful for my nodules. Ironically I wonder if I should be icing them to reduce inflammation.
I moved South into a warmer climate and no longer have any bouts with Raynaud's or get cold feet for that matter. The Dupuytren's is still growing cords, pits and nodules in both hands, but at a slower rate. Perhaps because at 73 I am slowly abandoning much of tools. Still have prominent knuckle pads on first and second fingers and the great toes. So it goes.

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0300-5860--Linking   0172-8172--Linking   contracture   fingers   neuro-myo-arterial   Disease--physiopathology--PP   Contracture--pathology--PA   Contracture--complications--CO   Disease   Hoyer-Grosser-Organ   Dupuytrens   Raynaud   Hand--physiopathology--PP   Diseases--radiography--RA   Contracture--physiopathology--PP   Dupuytren   Fingerbeerenbiopsie   Fingervenenverschlussplethysmographie   Disease--complications--CO   Fingers--pathology--PA