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from one hand to the other
03/19/2013 05:41
03/19/2013 05:41
from one hand to the other

I had rt on my left hand 18 months ago and the progression stopped and reversed to some extent. All happy until a month or so ago when a nodule and cord developed on my right hand. There has been more aching and tightness in this hand. As this has progressed I have been more aware of aching in the treated hand and in my feet. I have no signs of disease in my feet as yet. Has anyone else noticed this or is it my heightened awareness and sensitivity? It is conceivable that inflammatory signals may affect other predisposed parts of the body.

03/19/2013 10:13
03/19/2013 10:13
Re: from one hand to the other

Stephen, I am not a doctor, but I do suspect there to be some kind of autoimmune response with this disease, kind of like rheumatoid arthritis. I have a close cousin of rheumatoid arthritis. My disease is psoriatic arthritis sans psoriasis, thank the good goddess. I'm certainly not the first to suspect this autoimmune connection, as I found out when I started doing a google search. If you do a search, you'll find articles written in medical literature about this topic. Not being a doctor, I didn't read the articles (mostly over my head), but it did confirm to me that the medical establishment is also wondering the same thing. However, DD still remains a mystery to them, and hence, to us. We can only surmise, and provide anecdotal evidence.

So, to answer your question, I'm not surprised if there are inflammatory signals going on throughout your body, if other parts are also predisposed to disease. ~ Diane

04/29/2013 04:12
04/29/2013 04:12
Re: from one hand to the other

I thought it might be of interest to report on aching hands following RT. My left hand was treated by RT about 18 months ago with progression being halted. A large nodule and cord developed quickly in the right hand over the last few months. Both hands were aching quite significantly. I have finished the first 5 treatments and the aching has mostly gone from both hands.

Incidentally, the cord has also mostly gone which I do not really understand. Maybe in the early development a cord is more cellular and more affected by radiation and as it matures it becomes acellular and less affected by radiation.

04/29/2013 12:57
04/29/2013 12:57
Re: from one hand to the other


I had a similar reaction during and after RT. My doctor said the aching was due to the fact that the RT was attacking the diseased tissue. I also had my cord reduced. If you go to my name and look up the subject "from MRI to now" you can see how much the cord and nodule were reduced after RT.


sensitivity   throughout   arthritis   significantly   progression   autoimmune   rheumatoid   developed   progressed   predisposed   radiation   connection   Incidentally   treatments   understand   development   inflammatory   conceivable   disease   establishment