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General and mental advice needed: 40y female newly diagnosed
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03/03/2018 22:54
03/03/2018 22:54
General and mental advice needed: 40y female newly diagnosed

So...hi. Not sure how to start, so let me just ramble:

8 months ago a fell: long story short; been in brace for months for a possible torn scapholunate ligament. Problems persevere. Wrist is tight and reduced range of motion. Cannot put pressure on it. So that's an ongoing process.
Being very aware of changes in my hand, I noticed a lump 6/8 weeks ago.
1)Went to gp: dupuytren and we do nothing until needed.
2)Went to current wrist doctor: dupuytren, and we try a night splint (not intended for preventing contracture, but the small palm splint with the added silicone bedding and pressure it might soften scar tissue). Evaluation in 8 weeks, but expect no treatment until contracting.
3) second opinion for the wrist problems, but I showed my nodule also: dupuytren and we do nothing until needed.
4) found out today my father (80) has dupuytren but no contracting. Or very limited.

And me
? I can't handle it as well as I would like.
It burns, it stings, it grows and I think I see it expanding. In 6 weeks. Am freaking out. I think I see 2 new patches and a line forming. I used to be able to overflex fingers but I don't anymore (right hand)
I'm 40 female, with severe raynauds and hypermobile as well btw, and am worried I've drawn bad cards.

Radio therapy might be an option, not sure about it, it's not an option in the Netherlands, at least not covered by insurance (I don't care).
As studies about RT are not conclusive and am to young too "ride this one out" either by doing nothing or by possible bad effects by RT.

Feeling a bit lost and ppl around me don't see the dark clouds I see. (I can understand that.)
How do I start coping with this ... thing?
How do I find honest unbiased info on what to do?
I feel like I have to watch myself having a big problem and just let it happen to me. I can't... just sit back and watch it happen, while I might have a chance it stopping it or slowing down.

Please any thoughts on this are highly appreciated.

Edited 03/04/18 19:29

03/04/2018 00:13

not registered

03/04/2018 00:13

not registered

Re: General and mental advice needed: 40y female newly diagnosed

Hello Jaekry

I'm sure there'll soon be positive practical advice from forum administrators and others more experienced. I am a beginner like you, and understand how it feels to run into something like this, and not know where to turn for clear answers. May I suggest that it only feels as though others can't see the dark clouds, until you've had a little time to learn about your condition and accommodate yourself to it, and find out about your options. I admit that getting Dupuytrens made me very depressed, but I have had friends and loved ones with far worse things, at all stages of life. Only personal experience allows us to see and appreciate the isolation of those around us who have to endure goodness knows what all the time.

On my own thread you might see how advice on this forum helped me come to a decision about undergoing RT, which was all the more confusing because I live in a country where Dupuytrens is hardly known. As with you my disease seems to be at an early stage, and I am persuaded that RT will do no harm and may well do some good. An old school friend, a doctor, also has DD and doesn't believe in the efficacy of radiotherapy (not everyone does) but nor does he believe it can hurt. In the end unfortunately we have to decide for ourselves, but there is plenty of evidence to help us.

As it happens I'll be in the NL this summer and plan to see a consultant at St. Antonius Ziekenhuis in Nieuwegein. The details are on this website under 'treatment' - www.antoniusziekenhuis.nl. Obviously I can't report further until I've been there, but can say that they've responded very promptly and helpfully so far. There's also a Prof. Werker at the University of Groningen who is widely respected.

03/04/2018 07:44
03/04/2018 07:44
Re: General and mental advice needed: 40y female newly diagnosed

On the right the affected hand, main nodule below ring finger. And some barely visible pitting.
And the skin feels tighter. But it's also from wearing the palm sized night splint with silicon bedding. (Or so I hope.)

Link to the images https://s18.postimg.org/a3x4ebxq1/20180304_092434.jpg

Edited 03/05/18 13:08

03/04/2018 07:51


03/04/2018 07:51


Re: General and mental advice needed: 40y female newly diagnosed

Hi Jaekry

Welcome to the forum, so sorry to hear your story. DD is often triggered by hand, wrist injury or even surgery. It may therefore settle down once the inflammation and healing associated with your wrist injury heals and settles too. Most people never get a contracture, despite the appearance of nodules and cords, but it cannot be predicted for sure. Even so it can be a nuisance condition, not life threatening, although maybe for some lifestyle changing, and even in quite severe cases it can be managed well using one of the many options for treatment. People often carry on playing sports, performing music, doing craft hobbies, and manage their DD along with other conditions that occur as we age. Sadly it’s these other conditions that may take precedence if more life inhibiting or threatening. DD is at least benign and manageable under most circumstances.

Some Drs will treat early soft nodules with a steroid injection, and this may help if there is inflammation due to the wrist injury, but in general the efficacy of this a treatment is unproven. Or as your GP says you could just wait. It might settle down as the wrist heals and go dormant. Additionally Dr Werker, already mentioned, is on the IDS advisory board, https://www.dupuytren-online.info/radiotherapy_clinics.html and would be a good choice to discuss whether it’s worth treating now or waiting. The only other potential treatment choice for early stage is indeed RT, and usually you can take some time over this decision if or as progression is slow.

Edit to add, there are a few things people report that make their hands feel better as they cope with the condition. None of these are a cure so do not spend lots of money on them. Gentle massage with magnesium or viatamin E oils. Hot soaks with Epsom salts. Ice or pain relief patches for pain. If you browse the forum you will find others. There is a trustee member of the BDS who has developed a massage protocol for early DD that has some encouraging reports. The chair of the BDS is from the Netherlands with family there and so exploring them and making contact may be helpful. http://dupuytrens-society.org.uk/

Edited 03/04/18 10:33

03/04/2018 11:28
03/04/2018 11:28

Re: General and mental advice needed: 40y female newly diagnosed

Hi Jaekry,

If it helps give you peace of mind you can also consult with one of the most experienced doctors when it comes to palpating strings and nodules, dertermining stage and the right time for treating, and then treating when he determines the time is right. Prof. Seegenschmiedt now practices just 65 km from the Dutch-German border in Essen, details of Radiologie am Stern under https://www.dupuytren-online.info/radiotherapy_clinics.html.


[55, Dupuytren diagnosis 2006, RH contracture and PNF/NA 2014, radiotherapy RH 2015, LH 2017 & 2018, night splint glove RH since 2015]

Edited 03/04/18 13:29

03/04/2018 12:59
03/04/2018 12:59
Re: General and mental advice needed: 40y female newly diagnosed

Thank you for the response this far, it needs to settle in and in am researching a lot. And thinking up a strategy
I will address all the responses later with the attention it deserve.

And off to buy cycling gloves...

Edited 03/04/18 18:54

03/04/2018 17:20
03/04/2018 17:20
Re: General and mental advice needed: 40y female newly diagnosed

Thank you for your response, I think I read about your findings, was it Korea? I will read up on your complete post. Timewise we seem to be on par, and in near future both in Europe.

had friends and loved ones with far worse things
Sorry to hear, I have a blessed life, close ones are healthy, so am I. But weirdly enough it also means for me: clueless how to handle (small) setbacks. I'm very aware it could be a lot worse, I know that, but I do not always feel that. Silly.

"am persuaded that RT will do no harm"
Im a not convinced yet, but after reading a lot, my worries have lessened. Yet be 40 means having longer 'life time' (I presume) to develop things.

I need more info and I would like to talk to my current surgeon (for the wrist). 3 weeks ago she suggested to wait and see. However she is very familiar with Dupuytren and does the Xiapex injections, not sure if she performs NA, but I think she does. Seems she is the first person to talk to. And seeing the progression in me, might be a good thing to keep an close eye.

She works at Bergman Clinics and I think highly of them (the clinic as a whole, lots of prof sports(wo)men come here). Even if it turns out we might have different opinions on RT.
I will report back if I find they perform NA and RT. It might benefit others.

I will look in Prof. Werker at the University of Groningen, thanks for the pointer. He seems to oppose to RT, thats truly okay, I want info from different angles.

I hope your pain lessens, I suspect I will follow you and your story closely. Take care.

03/07/2018 07:51
03/07/2018 07:51
Re: General and mental advice needed: 40y female newly diagnosed

There are traits in common with my own case - hypermobile individual who gets hand (or part of) immobilized for a long period - it was 3 months for me, 8 for you. My right hand looked a bit like your right one, but with two pronounced pea-shaped nodules, while yours has similar puckering and seems to have just one larger and flatter mass under the ring finger.

I just posted pics of what my hand looks like after a few months of self-massaging and gently extending (and eventually hyper-extending again) fingers to what they were originally able to do:


Since I am no doctor, and while I was diagnosed DD by a hand surgeon and an ultrasound scan confirmed that - it seems exceptionally uncommon to get such a regression, please be warned that my case may not necessarily be a slam-dunk DD one.

Have a look anyway at my hypermobile hands and comment whether you were able to do something similar before getting immobilized.

03/07/2018 12:21
03/07/2018 12:21
Re: General and mental advice needed: 40y female newly diagnosed

Hi Jaekry

Welcome to the forum, so sorry to hear your story. DD is often triggered by hand, wrist injury or even surgery. It may therefore settle down once the inflammation and healing associated with your wrist injury heals and settles too. Most people never get a contracture, despite the appearance of nodules and cords, but it cannot be predicted for sure. Even so it can be a nuisance condition, not life threatening, although maybe for some lifestyle changing, and even in quite severe cases it can be managed well using one of the many options for treatment. People often carry on playing sports, performing music, doing craft hobbies, and manage their DD along with other conditions that occur as we age. Sadly it’s these other conditions that may take precedence if more life inhibiting or threatening. DD is at least benign and manageable under most circumstances.
I get that, I wont die from it ;) Yet it doesn't feel exactly like benine, because it cramps, stings, burns and seems to be progressing per week. I hope it stops soon, cause its difficult to ignore it at this moment.
Some Drs will treat early soft nodules with a steroid injection, and this may help if there is inflammation due to the wrist injury, but in general the efficacy of this a treatment is unproven. Or as your GP says you could just wait. It might settle down as the wrist heals and go dormant. Additionally Dr Werker, already mentioned, is on the IDS advisory board, https://www.dupuytren-online.info/radiotherapy_clinics.html and would be a good choice to discuss whether it’s worth treating now or waiting. The only other potential treatment choice for early stage is indeed RT, and usually you can take some time over this decision if or as progression is slow.
Not a fan of steriods, (have two experiences with it). Looking at dr Werner at the moment and to see if that clinic offers it als well (both electron and foton)
Edit to add, there are a few things people report that make their hands feel better as they cope with the condition. None of these are a cure so do not spend lots of money on them. Gentle massage with magnesium or viatamin E oils. Hot soaks with Epsom salts. Ice or pain relief patches for pain. If you browse the forum you will find others. There is a trustee member of the BDS who has developed a massage protocol for early DD that has some encouraging reports. The chair of the BDS is from the Netherlands with family there and so exploring them and making contact may be helpful. http://dupuytrens-society.org.uk/
The chair of the BDS... thanks for the pointer.

03/07/2018 12:42
03/07/2018 12:42
Re: General and mental advice needed: 40y female newly diagnosed

Ive contacted my current surgeon, or I tried to, but her assistent replied that she doesn't know enough about long term risks and therefore can't support it.
That's okay, but because I was handled by the assistent I have no idea if her knowledge is current, outdated or even non existent regarding this treatment.

So I went back to my GP, afraid he would still decline, but after hearing me and the progression he was more than willing to help and send me to a specialist... If I can find one myself and one with acces to the facilities.

Apparently there are 3 clinics in the Netherlands. The first one, Reinier de Graaf in Delft, has a waiting list of 3 months (for the first consultation).
They already sent me the application and info about payment. (1575 for 5 sessions including for one hand including a mould, excluding consultation which in my case is for the health insurance. The rest I have to pay myself). But off course they will advocate RT because well they are a RT facility and its the core business of making money. ;)

I want to try to contact Werner in Groningen en Catharina's in Eindhoven as well.

But I still would like to reach out to Seegenschmiedt as Stefan_K said it might help.

Update on progression;
- I think a cord is developing, a sharpish line going to my palm? I thought the supposed to be growing towards fingers?
- I think a second pad/nodule is developing in center of palm below middle finger
- worsened stabs of pain
- my palm seems to be cupping, which I noticed before, but didn't think much of it. Its like my palm is sinking deeper.
- first nodule seems to be less pointy, but bigger. Bit squashed so the say ;)
- more cramps (wtf?)
- my extending / hyperflexion of fingers backwards (without aid) just to be about 45/60degrees, its now about 10 (and that feels tight)

Tried very gentle stretching, but all it seems to do is add burning, so I stop extending my fingers when its 0 degrees.
It doesn't seem to be a good thing for me.

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dupuytrens-society   different   progression   treatment   surgery   dupuytren-online   dupuytren-nederland   antoniusziekenhuis   diagnosed   inflammation   spanishbuddha   inconvenience   radiotherapy   nodules   fingers   Seegenschmiedt   contracture   General   dupuytren   surgeon