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graston technique
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01/10/2010 16:37

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01/10/2010 16:37

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graston technique

Has graston technique been successful with dups?

01/10/2010 17:49
01/10/2010 17:49
Re: graston technique

I had never heard of it....I just googled "graston technique" and it sounds very interesting. I will read up more on it and wait to find out if anyone else has an opinion.


01/11/2010 08:43
01/11/2010 08:43
Re: graston technique

I had hand surgery early July, suffered post op. trauma and currently still having physio. as I can still not make my fingures touch the palm under their own steam. Finding the hot paraffin wax treatment helps a little but would be very interested to hear if the Graston Technique has been tried on post op. DC

01/13/2010 01:55
01/13/2010 01:55
Re: graston technique


Has graston technique been successful with dups?

The technique will be presented at the 2010 International Symposium on Dupuytren's Disease
05/22/10 - 05/23/10
Location: Miami Intercontinental Hotel
City, State: Miami, FL
Description: Symposium reviewing new research and developments in the understanding and management of Dupuytren's Disease.
Sponsored by theDupuytren Foundation, a 501(c)3 public charity.


Join the Dupuytren Foundation (started by Dr. Eaton) and donate now! Help find a cure.


01/13/2010 06:06
01/13/2010 06:06

Re: graston technique

I have been told by a Clinical Advisor for the Graston Technique that my chronic post operative trauma from a surgery for Dups 6 years ago may qualify me as a subject for a clinical trial. I will be meeting with one of their trained practitioners next week to assess my case. Personally I'll be amazed if rubbing their metal instruments against the scar tissues inside my hand can make a significant difference, however I have nothing to loose since I have been written off by the best of the best hand surgeons and PTs. My hand is permanently swollen, stiff and painful. I'll keep you all informed.

As for stopping Dups itself (as opposed to cleaning up the mess after surgery) I'd be even more amazed if this approach can halt/stop/reduce growth of actual Dups tissue. I see no reason it would. At the same time the majority of US hand surgeons see no reason that NA should be of value (and they are 100% wrong) so.....who knows :-)

02/01/2010 17:52

not registered

02/01/2010 17:52

not registered

Re: graston technique

I have just had my first treatment for dupuytrens and ledderhose using the Graston technique. My hands , including my arms and shoulders feel so relaxed and stress free. My right foot also is not as painful and tight.
The chiropractor explained that I would need 6 treatments to determine if I would continue to benefit from this technique ( on the average 12 treatments required).


02/01/2010 22:15
02/01/2010 22:15
Re: graston technique

It would be nice if you could post the results when you are done with all the treatments....

Do you have only nodules on hand and feet? or cords as well? It would help to know to what degree your Dup. and Ledderhose was before the beginning of the graston technique.

02/02/2010 18:01

not registered

02/02/2010 18:01

not registered

Re: graston technique

I have nodules on my hands and feet.
I have tightness only in my last 2-3 digits on my hands.
On my right foot, it is becoming painful ( the ball of the foot) to put walk without my shoes on.


02/02/2010 22:47
02/02/2010 22:47
Re: graston technique

RE: "I have nodules on my hands and feet.
I have tightness only in my last 2-3 digits on my hands.
On my right foot, it is becoming painful ( the ball of the foot) to walk without my shoes on."


I hope the graston technique really works for you before you possibly develop cords in hands or eventually contracture of fingers....but the progression of this disease is so different from person to person.

You might want to read about "radiation therapy" (see info. on left side under that subject). Many people on this forum have reported good results with radiation. when Dup. is caught at an early stage of just active nodules.

Nodules on the ball of the foot must be really bothersome to walk on...I have two nodules but they are in the arch of the foot, I wear custom made orthodics in my shoes 90% of the time and mostly only walk in good sneakers, so the nodules don't bother me.

In addition, in Nov. I had radiation on my foot (and hand), and it really shrunk the nodules I had on my foot....(it also shrunk some of the nodules I had on my left hand.


02/03/2010 22:30

not registered

02/03/2010 22:30

not registered

Re: graston technique

The two nodules on my right foot are also on the arch. When South last month. I was fitted at the New Balance . I have the top line NB with roller bar to assist stability with inserts address my high arches. I wear the shoes at all times.


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