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Had My Surgery Yesterday
05/23/2009 13:32
05/23/2009 13:32
Had My Surgery Yesterday

Well, I have to admit my surgery went very well, and so far I'm not in much pain. I went to a surgery center and was there for 3 hours. They gave my some pills to relax me. Sine I chose the block, which is basically novocaine for the, arm, I could have been awake for the whole procedure. But i didn't sleep well the night before and when they put something in my IV to relax me, I conked out. I woke up hearing my doctor saying "severe" and "arthritis." I looked around and noticed there was a tent-like structure over my entire body. I couldn't help but wonder if my hand looked like Thing from The Adamm's Family.

By the time I woke up, it was over. I was wheeled into the recovery area. My right arm, including both my ring and little finger is in a cast. The nurses helped me get dressed and my daughter drove me home.

My arm is supposed to be in a sling but I'm going to attempt a shower soon and it's not in it right now. I have to shower with a plastic bread bag over my arm. My son and his wife are coming to visit this afternoon.

So far, my hand does not hurt enough for me to take the Vicodin that was prescribed.

I'm typing this entire blog left-handed. What Do you think?

Last night I went to bed at 8:30 and got 10 hours of sleep. I feel pretty good.

I get my stitches out in 10 days, then I start 6 weeks of physical therapy.

I am going to apply for state short-term disability. And since I am a writer by profession, I am going to look into full medical disability. I am almost 60 and took the benefits questionnaire online and it said that I would probably qualify. Good news since things at work are going to hell in a handbasket.

Well, that's about all. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

05/24/2009 03:12
05/24/2009 03:12
Re: Had My Surgery Yesterday

Good luck with the recovery. If you have time, let us know of your progress. My surgery was over seven years ago and my finger is still perfect with zero contracture (was 95 degrees contracted). There is no sign of Dupuytren's. I never did use the perscription for pain. I did take Advil regularly and at night to get a good nights sleep.

I went to one session of physical therapy to get a nighttime splint and exercises for the hand. I never did go back, but I did the exercises all the time. My surgeon agreed that the PT appointments were not necessary as long as I did the PT on my own. There are some very important things to do in recovery. 1) keep the stitches and scar tissue moist with lotion 24/7. 2) massage the scar tissue as it heals. 3) the elastic self adhesive wrap was the best thing I used to help make a fist as the hand recovered. 4) flex the hand as much during the day as you can. It becomes a habit after a while.

Edited 05/24/09 06:15

05/24/2009 12:37
05/24/2009 12:37
Re: Had My Surgery Yesterday

Hi Callie,

Thank you very much for your advice. I will follow your instructions. So far, I have not taken the Vicodin. I am, however, taking Motrin. It seems to help. I'll be more than happy to get you all informed of my progress.

So far, it doesn't hurt much. Just of a couple of dull throbs once in a while.

05/24/2009 19:13
05/24/2009 19:13
Re: Had My Surgery Yesterday

Keeping the hand elevated does make a difference, so follow that advice.

05/26/2009 11:43
05/26/2009 11:43
Re: Had My Surgery Yesterday

I've been asked to keep you informed of my progress. Yesterday, I got some pretty severe shooting pain at the stitch site. The cast goes from under my elbow, up my arm, and wraps around my little and ring fingers. My thumb, index, and middle fingers are exposed. The stitches go down my little finger and in my palm below the finger (I think). I was getting shooting pains mostly in my palm. So I caved and popped the Vicodin. It helped a lot.

My hand is getting funky under this cast. I took a picture of it so I'll upload it later today.

I tried to open a jar and I twisted my little finger inside the cast and got a shooting pain up and down my right am. That was stupid.

Since I am right-handed, I am trying to learn to do things left-handed. It's difficult. Also, since I am an artist, I thought it would be challenging to paint a picture with my left-hand. Well.....I did it, but unless you like kids' art, it's pretty ugly. I also am learning to use the mouse, type, eat, and shower with my left hand. Good thing I'll be working remotely for a while.

05/26/2009 19:07
05/26/2009 19:07
Re: Had My Surgery Yesterday

The pain was most likely from a stitch. I can still remember catching a stitch a couple of times and feeling a sharp pain. I became careful not to mess with the stitches. I took the Advil 24/7 until the stitches came out. My surgery was also on my little finger and zig-zagged to the base of my palm.

05/30/2009 12:27
05/30/2009 12:27
Re: Had My Surgery Yesterday

Hey, had a biopsy two days ago on my right thumb; took a half hour. No pain so far. It all started at the bottom of my feet. I saw a podiatrist and he mentioned nothing about ledderhose or dupuytren's disease but prescribed arch support. My PCP(primary care physician) refered me to a hand doctor when my garrod's nodes developed. No one in this forum mentioned penis problem or maybe I have missed it, I have read and was told by the hand doctor that the penis can also be affected.

05/31/2009 01:24
05/31/2009 01:24
Re: Had My Surgery Yesterday

Obviously you are on the wrong forum. You said, "I saw a podiatrist and he mentioned nothing about ledderhose or dupuytren's disease."

05/31/2009 07:07
05/31/2009 07:07

Re: Had My Surgery Yesterday

Hi Pierre, Australia Calling."Peyronie's Disease incidence peaks in the 5th decade with up to 7% or more of males affected. PD has been assosiated with Dupuytrens and Ledderhose. "Literature from Prof. Seegenschmiedt's book." Accordingly descendants of Dupuytrens will deveope PD in up to 10 to 40 % of cases." Have a look at 'related diseases'-left margin on this web page .Regards.

Edited 05/31/09 13:21

mentioned   Dupuytren   instructions   Seegenschmiedt   Dupuytrens   contracture   disability   Surgery   challenging   descendants   perscription   stitches   right-handed   questionnaire   Accordingly   Yesterday   ledderhose   left-handed   appointments   prescribed