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Had NA today with John Mahoney
03/26/2009 23:55
03/26/2009 23:55
Had NA today with John Mahoney

I really liked Dr. Mahoney. He's a very nice guy and explained all the risks, etc. very thoroughly. He sprayed a "freezing" spray on the areas then injected the novocaine (or whatever) in. After that there was no pain - I just felt the movement of the needle. After about 15-20 minutes, it was over. He just put a few little bandaids on the injection sites and gave me an ice pack and that was it.

I've been icing my hand and keeping it raised as much as possible. There is a little swelling and bruising, but not bad at all.

My fingers are definitely straighter. My little finger was at 30% and immediately after the NA it was 5%. He said I should keep kind of pushing my fingers straight over the next few days and they should be completely straight.

So it was a very good experience. I'm really hoping I won't have to have anything else done for a long time.

03/27/2009 23:40

not registered

03/27/2009 23:40

not registered

Re: Had NA today with John Mahoney

I've been following your posts. Glad to hear you had a good experience with NA and Dr. Mahoney.

Question: I would have to drive back to east central Iowa after the procedure (manual transmission car, NA on left steering wheel hand). In your opinion, would it be possible to drive home after spending just one night in Peoria?

03/27/2009 23:46
03/27/2009 23:46
Re: Had NA today with John Mahoney

I had been planning on driving 3 hours home directly afterwards until someone offered to drive me. I have a stick shift and had the NA in my left hand.

I'm glad I didn't drive back right after the surgery. I could have done it, but it would have been uncomfortable. If you have the NA and then spend the night, I don't think you'll have a problem driving home the next day. I had the surgery yesterday morning, and I drove to and from work and worked at an office job all day today with little or no discomfort.

I'd just say have the NA in the a.m. if you can, and keep your hand iced and elevated for the rest of the day, then drive home the next day and try to stop and ice your hand every hour or so.

Let us know how it goes.

03/28/2009 11:38

not registered

03/28/2009 11:38

not registered

Re: Had NA today with John Mahoney

Thank you for the information. These practical aspects add a lot of resistance to taking action. I think I'll take an ice pack with me and fill it with ice from the motel the next morning for the drive home.

One more question. Did you consider/discuss fitting for a night splint (to prevent reoccurrence) while you were there?

Thanks again.

03/28/2009 16:15
03/28/2009 16:15
Re: Had NA today with John Mahoney

I did bring up splinting, but he said he only uses it in a case where he has been able to release a finger but the tendon is so used to being in a curled position that he feels it needs to be stretched at night. That wasn't the case with me.

The nurse gave me a ziplock with ice in it (they were out of icepacks) that I used. You're just supposed to ice it 10 minutes every hour and try to keep it elevated. We just stopped every hour or so at McD's and I replaced the ice.

I'm amazed at how simple and painless the whole thing has been!

03/28/2009 19:47
03/28/2009 19:47
Re: Had NA today with John Mahoney

Thanks for this information. I am considering having NA on my hand. Has anyone had this completed in Memphis Tennessee by Dr. William Bourland?
He is listed on this site has someone who does NA and is only seveal hours away from where I live. Thank you..

03/28/2009 21:20
03/28/2009 21:20
Re: Had NA today with John Mahoney

I had my correction done by Dr. John Mahoney in Nov. 2007, am now 15 months beyond his fix and remain totally satisfied. I have some new develop, but no recurrence of the original problems...I could not be happier! His work was stress-free and has remained as good as it was when I left the office...

04/28/2009 03:58

not registered

04/28/2009 03:58

not registered

Re: Had NA today with John Mahoney

I had my hand done by Dr. Bourland last year. He was really nice and explained the whole procedure. Worst pain was during the numbing process. I have had some recurrance but not near the extent of original problem. Good luck with your experience. If you have any question let me know.

recurrance   completely   immediately   procedure   recurrence   reoccurrence   information   Mahoney   definitely   transmission   explained   uncomfortable   resistance   afterwards   stress-free   discomfort   straighter   experience   Question   considering