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I'm obsessing....
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01/17/2013 00:03
01/17/2013 00:03
I'm obsessing....

This sucks. I am seriously obsessing about my hand. I dreamt last night that I was undergoing Xiaflex injections. I woke up this morning, like every morning, thinking about how miserably stiff my hand is. I'm pissed that I, a "perfect candidate for the multi cord clinical trial" is closed out of that trial because it's full. I have to wait and hope that some drops out or is cut, about 2 weeks more. I hate the thought of no matter what treatment I choose, I'll have to deal with the pain. I hate the fact that this is happening. I think that if I have to undergo numerous treatments on my right hand, I may just want to go under the knife for surgery, because my left hand surgery ten years ago was so successful. I just want to do nothing, really, as this is not life threatening. But, I hate that if I do nothing my right hand, my dominant hand will be severely compromised if I do nothing. I hate that I'm always thinking about this and just want it to be over.

Thanks for listening/reading my rant. I hate this.


01/17/2013 00:19
01/17/2013 00:19
Re: I'm obsessing....

I would suggest that surgery for Dupuytren's is not that big of a deal in the big picture of life. I would choose it again before other procedures. Don't wait too long whatever happens.

01/17/2013 00:34
01/17/2013 00:34
Re: I'm obsessing....

Hi Diane,

Though I'm looking at other options than surgery... the last time I had it I think they brought a knee specialist to the table! I have to agree with callie..... it really isn't that big a deal..... so sort out a guy who'll do a proper job and go get it done - you'll be all healed up before spring!!


01/17/2013 02:15
01/17/2013 02:15
Re: I'm obsessing....

What State are you in?There might be another site still enrolling for the multiple cord clinic.We are still going here in Tennessee.I thought you mentioned New York.Were you going to the Stony Brook Study?Dave

01/17/2013 09:40
01/17/2013 09:40
Re: I'm obsessing....

I'm definitely tempted to go for the surgery. If the multi cord trial falls through, I will definitely talk to my doc about it. As for the study, Dave, yes you remember correctly. It's at Stony Brook in NY, which is about 15 minutes from where I live. It's crazy, but they are only placing ten people into the study. I asked, "Isn't that a ridiculously small sample?" She replied that she thinks it is, but based on the outcome of these ten people, they would likely expand it to more, and there is nothing they can do about that number; not even add a single addition person - me, though I am next on line if someone drops out. But, I can't wait for a second round of study. If someone doesn't drop out, it's surgery inquiry time.

01/17/2013 09:45
01/17/2013 09:45

Re: I'm obsessing....

Diane; I don't understand why you wouldn't try NA. Its cheaper so there is no money in it for surgeons or drug companies but it is simple and effective.

01/17/2013 10:01
01/17/2013 10:01
Re: I'm obsessing....

Diane; I don't understand why you wouldn't try NA. Its cheaper so there is no money in it for surgeons or drug companies but it is simple and effective.
Well, it's kind of interesting thinking about it now that I've been reading this forum. So many of you have had so much success with it. But, my doc at Stony Brook refuses to do it. She is too concerned about nerve damage, wherein they have never had a single case of nerve damage with Xiaflex. The problem with NA is that a doc is kind of going at the cords kind of blind, and hoping your pain reaction will warn him/her if a nerve is hit, and hopefully not hit too badly. At least with open surgery, a doc can visualize the hand structures to avoid the nerves and carefully dissect the cords away from them. Also, Xiaflex destroys the cords, and recurrence rates are less than with NA. Surgery can just remove them, and voila, you're done (unless another portion of the fascia becomes diseased, of course). Besides, going back every 12-18 months for NA to stick at and disrupt the cords seems kind of a serious drag. But, if I don't get in the Xiaflex study, I'll also talk to her about NA, and of course, find a new doc to do it.

01/17/2013 11:52
01/17/2013 11:52

Re: I'm obsessing....

Diane; I understand what you are saying about your doctors advice regarding nerve damage with NA. I was given the same advice. It is total nonsense.

There are many medical procedures where the doctor is operating blind or partially blind (eg Every injection you have ever had). No doubt they exist but I have yet to meet anyone who has had NA and has nerve damage but I have met a number that have had surgery who now have nerve damage.

Please note that I am not suggesting that you get your doctor to perform NA. You should go to someone who has been properly trained in NA and has a lot of experience. Dr Badoit has done more than 10,000 procedures and Dr Manet-Chopin was trained by the founder of the NA procedure.

Going back every 18 months or so sounds extreme but that is for people with aggressive DD. I have DD in both hands and LD in both feet and have been dealing with it for more than 40 years. Besides it is a 20 minute procedure which is probably less troublesome than your annual trip to the dentist.

As for xiaflex; I am a bit cautious here. Putting something in my body that dissolves stuff does not sound risk free to me. You are not cleaning rust off an old garden chair here and it doesn't wash off in cold water. We have a disease that is non life threatening. I don't want to find that someone injected stuff into my body that turned this into something really serious.

And I have read the material. It doesn't travel far in the blood stream. It doesn't get into other organs etc. So far as they know!! And there has never been a drug that turned out to have some weird and unexpected side effect down the track. Drug companies always get it right!

Remember if you are going to get a cancer like disease this is the one you want.

01/19/2013 18:37
01/19/2013 18:37
Re: I'm obsessing....

I've had RT, NA, and surgery. I think Seph gave some sound warnings about Xiaflex, and I'd rather not have it. Diane, the type of cord dictated by decision. My left hand had a long thin cord, and I used NA on it. It improved it. My right hand had a thick node turned into a thick cord, and I wanted all that junk out! So I went for surgery, which only inconvenienced me for 3-4 weeks, I'd say. Not bad at all. The NA hurt much more. Getting injections into those sensitive nodes was painful. If my left hand gets worse, I may opt for surgery on that. But I want to check with my RT doctor first to see if I should get RT before surgery to blunt the potential regrowth from the trauma of surgery. I'm not sure about the sequencing. I'm five weeks post-surgery now and lead a normal life again.

01/19/2013 20:23
01/19/2013 20:23
Re: I'm obsessing....

It is interesting that from the descriptions of pain from the different procedures, my surgery seemed a breeze. I had almost no pain from the surgery and even then all I took was two or three Tylenol.

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reconstruction   Denkler   tenosynovitis   Manet-Chopin   zinkadoodle   painful   surgery   interesting   dupuytren-online   anesthetizing   inconvenienced   procedure   post-surgery   understand   procedures   Xiaflex   nothing   minimal-invasive   complicating   obsessing