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I would Please like some support
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07/04/2011 17:19
07/04/2011 17:19

I would Please like some support

I see hundreds of people read a thread and maybe 9 answer. That is just sad. So far about 20 have read my thread so statistic wise I will have to wait till at least 75 or more have read it to get at least one responce. But of course not being able to use my user sign in name did not help. Maybe no one wants to answer looneytunes :) but I felt that about sumed up the situation when I couldn't use my username. But should we descriminate but name, race etc.?

There is no one to talk to about my hand problem but you folks. Is it because most of you can't type that there is so little responce on the forum?

Threads about people who have had RA or surgery get the most responce. Well I am not at that point (hopefully will never be) but I am stressed out watching my hand change before my eyes......

I am upset about my new nodule just popping up after working in the kitchen cutting meat and carrying gallon jugs of water.

I asked if anyone else had a nodule pop up after activity like that? Is there no one who can answer me?

Is there anyone who can type and give me some support or should I look elsewhere on the internet for a group that can?

How many days will it be before I get an answer?


07/04/2011 20:54


07/04/2011 20:54


Re: Thanks Wolfgang for fixing my username problem :) and now people I would Please like some support

Lots of people like to 'lurk' on forums and maybe with something so personal such as health, many won't take that next step and join in discussions.

Your new nodule - maybe it isn't one but a ganglion, swollen joint, bursitis, bruise, etc? Wait a few days, perhaps ice it, then let us know if it really is a nodule. I play tennis and get lots of finger joint injuries, but so far no nodules. But for both of us the lesson is look after our hands. Sometimes easier said than done.

Edit to remove comment that can be misunderstood as churlish.

Edited 07/06/11 16:31

07/04/2011 21:08
07/04/2011 21:08
Re: Thanks Wolfgang for fixing my username problem :) and now people I would Please like some support

Loonsong, I was only dimly aware of any problem with my left hand about a year ago. Then I went ski-ing and spent a lot of time hanging on to 'rope-tows', using a device called a 'Nutcracker'. The Nutcracker is a clamp that goes around the rope of the rope-tow and requires a lot of force to maintain a grip as you are dragged up the mountain. The application of this force put a lot of pressure on the palm of both hands and aggravated undiagnosed DD in the left one. A medical-visit shortly after introduced me to the name Dupuytren.
Hope that gives you another anecdote to chew on.

07/04/2011 21:28
07/04/2011 21:28

Re: Thanks Wolfgang for fixing my username problem :) and now people I would Please like some support

Hi dackmar,

Yes I was aware of hand trauma causing dups. I just know what ations cause additional nodules to form.



Loonsong, I was only dimly aware of any problem with my left hand about a year ago. Then I went ski-ing and spent a lot of time hanging on to 'rope-tows', using a device called a 'Nutcracker'. The Nutcracker is a clamp that goes around the rope of the rope-tow and requires a lot of force to maintain a grip as you are dragged up the mountain. The application of this force put a lot of pressure on the palm of both hands and aggravated undiagnosed DD in the left one. A medical-visit shortly after introduced me to the name Dupuytren.
Hope that gives you another anecdote to chew on.

07/04/2011 21:36
07/04/2011 21:36

Re: Thanks Wolfgang for fixing my username problem :) and now people I would Please like some support

I never did understand the lurking thing....

Hi spanishbuddha,

No, I know enough about medicine to know a ganglion cyst when I see one and can tell it from a nodule. And a bruise would not leave a nodule behind. It is exactly like the nodule next to it. Wishful thinking on your part. But Denial aint a River.

I have very thin skin (and I am a thin person) I don't know if this factors in also the Fibromyalgia. But it is probably the lack of padding on my hands. I have decided to wear braces next time I have to push a heavy cart around (I did that once and it helped I had forgotten about that).



Lots of people like to 'lurk' on forums and maybe with something so personal such as health, many won't take that next step and join in discussions.

Your new nodule - maybe it isn't one but a ganglion, swollen joint, bursitis, bruise, etc? Wait a few days, perhaps ice it, then let us know if it really is a nodule. I play tennis and get lots of finger joint injuries, but so far no nodules. But for both of us the lesson is look after our hands. Sometimes easier said than done.

07/05/2011 05:18


07/05/2011 05:18


Re: I would Please like some support

Loonsong, a Dupuytren nodule is a benign tumor that grows between skin and connective tissue or within the connective tissue. I never heard that it can develop within a few days or even "pop up", it usually takes months, even years. I would support the comment from spanishbuddha that what you are observing is probably something else, even if it looks like Dupuytren's. But diagnosis via Internet is not feasible and even dangerous, only a doctor can tell.

In any case padding of your hands might help and certainly won't do any harm.


I never did understand the lurking thing....

Hi spanishbuddha,

No, I know enough about medicine to know a ganglion cyst when I see one and can tell it from a nodule. And a bruise would not leave a nodule behind. It is exactly like the nodule next to it. Wishful thinking on your part. But Denial aint a River.

I have very thin skin (and I am a thin person) I don't know if this factors in also the Fibromyalgia. But it is probably the lack of padding on my hands. I have decided to wear braces next time I have to push a heavy cart around (I did that once and it helped I had forgotten about that).



Edited 07/05/11 08:22

07/05/2011 06:05
07/05/2011 06:05

Re: Thanks Wolfgang for fixing my username problem :) and now people I would Please like some support


I know what a Dups nodule is and just because you never heard of it (nodule forming overnight) means you did not read my thread when I first came here (but you may have forgotten there are a lot of us).

I am the 1% in just about everything. The Dr will say, "Don't worry that only happens in about 1% of the people". I am the 1%.

If you read how I got the first three nodules(diagnosed by a board certified hand specialst Ortho Dr) you would have realized the first three happened overnight as well (hand trauma from Rolfing sesssion). But it is hard to remember everyone's story here. So the first three happened overnight and now the fourth happened ovenight as well. I will have a Dr diagnose this one as well but I know a nodule when I see one, I have been looking at them for a year now.


Loonsong, a Dupuytren nodule is a benign tumor that grows between skin and connective tissue or within the connective tissue. I never heard that it can develop within a few days or even "pop up", it usually takes months, even years. I would support the comment from spanishbuddha that what you are observing is probably something else, even if it looks like Dupuytren's. But diagnosis via Internet is not feasible and even dangerous, only a doctor can tell.

In any case padding of your hands might help and certainly won't do any harm.

Edit to remove personal attacks.

07/05/2011 13:09
07/05/2011 13:09
Re: Thanks Wolfgang for fixing my username problem :) and now people I would Please like some support


I have 5 nodules in my left hand and 7 in my right hand with some contractures on each. Yes it is frustrating as hell. Most of my nodules appeared over the course of a few months. Some in just a few weeks. The ones that came on real fast were probably started long before I noticed them. I too believe that trauma has a lot do in triggering the start of nodules. I work with hand and power tools everyday, sometimes putting a good beating on my hands.

It's hard not to think about them and hard to keep a positive attitude knowing that there is no cure. Anymore I just say to myself it is what it is and just let it run its course, have procedures done when necessary and try to live life to the fullest. My Dups started almost 20 years ago and I'm only 42. Hate to see what they will be like in another 20 yrs. But who knows, maybe there will be a cure in the next 10?

We, on this forum, feel your pain. You're not alone! Don't let it get you down.


07/05/2011 18:25
07/05/2011 18:25

Re: Thanks Wolfgang for fixing my username problem :) and now people I would Please like some support

Hi Joe,

Thank you so much for your assuring words of support. You don't know how much it means to me to be "heard" and not talked down too.

It seems your nodules came on suddenly as well I imagine the ones caused by trauma do that. The initial shock of the new one is gone, I have passed the phase when I really needed to talk about it. Everyone is so slow to respond. But I am in acceptance now and know I have to be more careful so as not to cause another one to pop out.

I think having Fibromyalgia (we injure easy and heal slowly) may factor some in my getting nodules so quickly.

Do you have any contracture yet?

Sending my best to you,



I have 5 nodules in my left hand and 7 in my right hand with some contractures on each. Yes it is frustrating as hell. Most of my nodules appeared over the course of a few months. Some in just a few weeks. The ones that came on real fast were probably started long before I noticed them. I too believe that trauma has a lot do in triggering the start of nodules. I work with hand and power tools everyday, sometimes putting a good beating on my hands.

It's hard not to think about them and hard to keep a positive attitude knowing that there is no cure. Anymore I just say to myself it is what it is and just let it run its course, have procedures done when necessary and try to live life to the fullest. My Dups started almost 20 years ago and I'm only 42. Hate to see what they will be like in another 20 yrs. But who knows, maybe there will be a cure in the next 10?

We, on this forum, feel your pain. You're not alone! Don't let it get you down.


07/05/2011 19:59
07/05/2011 19:59

Re: Thanks Wolfgang for fixing my username problem :) and now people I would Please like some support


Hi, you wrote me in a private venue not visible here saying <edited>I am surprised and saddened that a moderator would act in this manner.

I want to apoloigize for upsetting you in any way, that was never my intention. I only was seeking support. But I generally call a spade a spade.

I will continue to support you as well as everyone when I have the time. Although I am not a lurker I do have work I do.

My best to you,


Edit: to remove selective content of private communication.

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nodules   well---opening   problem   something   loonsong   another   spanishbuddha   exercises--can   Marigail   username   medical-visit   Dupuytren   Wolfgang   strengthening   released   probably   contracture   encouragement   support   absolutely