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I would Please like some support
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07/15/2011 19:23
07/15/2011 19:23

Re: I would Please like some support

The easiest jar opener I found at Wal Mart it is battery operated. You just place it over the jar and push the button. You do have to hold a slight hand on it while it tightens around the lid then you can release while it does it's thing. There is absolutely no strength involved. I just love it. There are a couple of small unusual shaped lids it won't open but the rest it is a life saver.

Also my well worn rubber gripper works the best. I bought some new ones that are thicker and slick and they are so difficult, they do not gripe and it really hurts to use. they just don't work I have abandoned them.

Something I found out in the winter is a pair of thin leather gloves works great for opening things. So buying a piece of shammy would also work.


I ABSOLUTELY will look for that!! Currently I am using just a circular piece of rubber. Sometimes it works, most times it doesn't!! Thank you so much!

07/15/2011 19:32
07/15/2011 19:32
Re: I would Please like some support

Wow, all these great ideas!!! All to make our lives easier. Thanks so much!

07/15/2011 19:35
07/15/2011 19:35

Re: I would Please like some support

Hi Marigail,

I should read my messages from bottom to top lol then I would have responded to you fully in my other post.

Glad to hear about your pinkie healing I hope the Dr's appointment goes well - keep us posted.

I don't do weights but I am building muscles by doing isometric exercises along with my aerobic dancing at night. I am really seeing improvement. Plus I no longer have those arm spasm in my right arm b/c it ws so week.

If you want to know what I am diong I will be glad to tell you.....

Thanks for the good wishes about no contracture.


Hi Loonsong!!!

Thanks for the response. I guess I never considered this a muscle wasting disease, but given what I am no unable to do with my hands, I suppose it is. The things I can't do as well---opening jars--that kind of thing---I kind of figured came with aging. I'm still able to type quickly and do the small motor things that I need to do--clasping jewelry, etc.

My pinkie is still healing, and I've stopped splinting it at night because I see absolutely no change, and the splinting makes it even more uncomfortable. We'll see how the doctor's appt. goes later this month. I've resumed all of my activities other than my body strengthening exercises--can't grasp the weights, so I'm moving along.

I hope you don't get to the contracture stage!

07/18/2011 16:07
07/18/2011 16:07
Re: I would Please like some support

Loonsong, what is the brand or name of the jar opener that you found at Wal-Mart? Thanks so much for mentioning this tool on the forum!

07/18/2011 17:05
07/18/2011 17:05

Re: I would Please like some support


I thought later that I should include the name

It is called "On Touch" jar opener. You may be able to find it online. It is about 6 " long and 3 " wide with a large button on top with big claws at the bottom all made of plastic. It has been going strong for over a year or so.....

Loonsong, what is the brand or name of the jar opener that you found at Wal-Mart? Thanks so much for mentioning this tool on the forum!

07/18/2011 17:43
07/18/2011 17:43
Re: I would Please like some support

Thanks so much for the name. Sounds a lot better than what my mom bought me. I will look for it. '


07/19/2011 17:52
07/19/2011 17:52
Re: I would Please like some support

Hi, Loonsong--

Thanks very much for giving us the name of the jar opener and a good description of its appearance! I'll also be looking for it soon.

07/19/2011 21:33
07/19/2011 21:33

Re: I would Please like some support

I should probably pick up another one of these before they stop making them


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