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Is this DD?
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07/07/2016 07:18
07/07/2016 07:18
Is this DD?

I have a cord in the palm of my left hand which extends as far as the lowest joint of my little finger.

I cannot lift this finger at all and also cannot put my hand flat on the table.

The knuckle on the back of my hand over this finger is proud and the finger is pulled down making it very hard to put gloves on!

07/07/2016 07:36


07/07/2016 07:36


Re: Is this DD?

Hello Janette,

welcome to this forum!

Your first picture (the one from the palm side) looks pretty much like Dupuytren disease. If I had to guess I would say it is Dupuytren's but only a doctor can diagnose that and exclude other causes. Therefore I would suggest to consult your GP or a hand surgeon; both should be able to diagnose Dupuytren disease.

If you are actually suffering from Dupuytren's then you might consider needle fasciotomy to get your finger straight again http://www.dupuytren-online.info/needle_aponeurotomy.html . It's minimally invasive and not painful. Injection of collagenase is another easy means to straighten your finger http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytren_collagenase.html . This method is not available in all countries and in some where it is available, health insurance companies refuse paying for it because it is several times more expensive than needle fasciotomy. But it is available and fairly common e.g. in the USA.


07/07/2016 07:47
07/07/2016 07:47
Re: Is this DD?

Thank you. I am loath to have any treatment as I know 3 people who have had operations and their hands ended up worse than before. One friend has such severe scar tissue that she is going to need another operation to correct it.

I realise that everyone ( and every surgeon) is different but I would hate to loose the use of my hand.

The palm of my hand often itches a lot - is this usual?

07/07/2016 08:09
07/07/2016 08:09

Re: Is this DD?

Thank you. I am loath to have any treatment as I know 3 people who have had operations and their hands ended up worse than before. One friend has such severe scar tissue that she is going to need another operation to correct it.

I realise that everyone ( and every surgeon) is different but I would hate to loose the use of my hand.

The palm of my hand often itches a lot - is this usual?
Hi Jannette. I don't believe strong itching of the palm is a usual symptom of Dupuytren's disease. But it can be one.

I suggest you point your friend with the severe scar tissue here and let him know that collagenase may be the solution for him, as we have had many people report that this got rid of the scar tissue as a side benefit without invasive and risky surgery.


[54 year-old male, DD diagnosis 2006, RH contracture and NA/PNF 2014, RT 2015, wearing night splint glove]

07/07/2016 08:13
07/07/2016 08:13

Re: Is this DD?

Jannette, It looks like a DD cord to me but as Wolfgang has said you should get a proper diagnosis.

You should definitely stay away from surgery at this time. They probably wouldn't operate anyway as it is not that advanced.

Needle Aponeurotomy is an option though. NA is not surgery. It is a procedure that involves nipping and then snapping the cord. For one finger it would take 10-15 minutes and the results are immediate. NA is not a permanent fix but can last for years if you are lucky.

The itching in the palm of you hand is normal when the DD is active.

Good luck.

07/07/2016 08:16
07/07/2016 08:16

Re: Is this DD?

Just saw your post Stefan; for me the itching always precedes growth of lumps or cords. My wife spots it now when she sees me rubbing a part of my hand. It is a very strange feeling.

07/07/2016 08:19
07/07/2016 08:19
Re: Is this DD?

Thanks for the advice. I will make an appointment to see my doctor and see what he suggests.

07/07/2016 08:31


07/07/2016 08:31


Re: Is this DD?

Janette, I should have explained that neither NA nor collagenase injection are classical surgeries. The potentially adverse effects of these treatments are less and less severe than for surgery. I myself had NA recently. Local anesthesia, just two little holes in the skin, covered by a plaster, that was it. No pain; no drugs required.

A list of experts on NA ( = needle aponeurotomy or needle fasciotomy), is on http://www.dupuytren-online.info/NA_list_North_America.html or one of the parallel web pages for other countries.


Thanks for the advice. I will make an appointment to see my doctor and see what he suggests.

07/07/2016 15:46
07/07/2016 15:46
Re: Is this DD?

Thank you. I am loath to have any treatment as I know 3 people who have had operations and their hands ended up worse than before. One friend has such severe scar tissue that she is going to need another operation to correct it.

I realise that everyone ( and every surgeon) is different but I would hate to loose the use of my hand.

The palm of my hand often itches a lot - is this usual?
Hi Jannstte,
Just read ur post about knowing others who had surgery and made their hands worse. Very true surgery causes activation of the collagen growth. That's what happen to me as the DD specialist said surgury was the only way to cut out the collagen tissue that is causing the pinky to slightly contract. After surgery 6 months later both pinky and fourth finger curled up tighter than a drum in a fist position. Even wearing splints. The surgeon said I had a flair and walked out of the exam room left no referrals or follow up on how to open my two fingers.
It took me almost two years to find xiaflex online . Went to a DD SPECIALIST recommended by the manufacturer in my area. The dr tried NA , the scar tissue and collegen build up on cords was to advanced. So we moved on to Xiaflex. Two weeks later after xiaflex injections the dr manipulated my fingers and opened them then splinted them. Wrote a script for hand therapy starting in two weeks and follow up appt.

I now have open fingers and full use of my hand. Then from surgery had nodes that were injected with cortisone which shrank them. I never had nodes in the palm before surgery.

After hand therapy and exercises to regain ROM & strength in my hand 1 1/2 yrs later doing well.
I wear a Fixxglove splint nightly. Very important to keep the fingers from curling while at rest or sleep.
I use magnesium spray or coconut oil for massaging the nodes using hand held ultra sound recommended by the hand therapist. This keeps the nodes smooth, small and no pain. I never had nodes till after surgery.

Also have learned to be mindful of how I use my hands to not cause a flair. Do many things differently now to keep hands protected gloves etc when necessary. So nice to be able to open doors, car doors, drive better and wear gloves. All the normal things we took for granted before DD.

I highly recommend Xiaflex it is a protien that disintegrates the collagen build up on the cords causing the contraction. Also recommend cortisone injections to shrink nodes. Both work very well. See xiaflex proceedure online and on this forum.
It's also important to mention that Xiaflex removed all the built up scar tissue from surgery. As the scarring was growing so large as scar tissue is also made up of collagen. Xiaflex is also approved by the FDA for frozen shoulder and for use for scarring for burn victims. This has been my experience and wanted to share with you that positive treatments can make our lives a little easier.
Kind Regards,

Edited 07/07/16 18:48

07/07/2016 18:21
07/07/2016 18:21
Re: Is this DD?

Very many thanks for all the information. I am going to follow this up.

Interesting to read about the splint worn in bed.....I always clench my left hand at night because it is more comfortable.

It would be lovely to be able to do everyday things without this awkward finger!

I will keep in touch

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aponeurotomy   Interesting   Dupuytren   Jannette   collagenase   xiaflex   Cherrise   contracture   appointment   surgery   recommended   manipulated   manufacturer   itching   disintegrates   dupuytren-online   information   operations   fasciotomy   comfortable