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Just got RT approved and scheduled!
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02/08/2013 16:44
02/08/2013 16:44
Just got RT approved and scheduled!

It feels weird to be excited about getting approval from my insurance company to have radiation, but I am! I want to thank Lori again for referring me to Dr. Crimaldi at Southeast Radiation Oncoloy in Charlotte, NC. He was truly awesome, as Lori promised he would be. I'm having the treatment at one of their satelite clinics, and it will be a 2 hr drive for me each way, but I figure it's 10 days of my life, and I'm willing to invest the time. The clinic has bent over backwards to get my insurance approved, and to accomodate me. My first treatment is February 25. They are also going to treat my left hand, which does not have any palpable nodules, but some thickening in the palm that he suspects is DD. He & Dr. Mitro, who will be doing my treatment, were both very optimistic about the treatment and although I was undecided prior to the appointment, after talking with them, I was 100% in.

Dr. Crimaldi told me to say on this forum that he is happy to see anyone who is willing to come to him. He is treating more and more people each year with Dupuytren's and Lederhose. The people in his office are extremely cheerful and helpful. Such a breath of fresh air after seeing 2 different hand surgeons who both told me to come back when I fail the tabletop test.

A question for those of you who have had RT - I'm assuming I'll need to avoid the sun for the next few months? Maybe get some lightweight SPF gloves? I have gardening and utility gloves but am thinking more about driving, hiking, walking, etc.

Thanks for reading, and I wish the best of luck to all you dealing with this very strange disease.

02/08/2013 19:05
02/08/2013 19:05
Re: Just got RT approved and scheduled!

I have had zero side effects from the RT. The dryness is so minimal that it is barely worth mentioning. Nothing was said about sunlight being a problem.

02/10/2013 20:35
02/10/2013 20:35
Re: Just got RT approved and scheduled!


Congrats on the insurance approval. I had my RT in the summer time and Dr. Crimaldi told me to avoid exposing my palm to direct sunlight for extended periods of time (sunbathing). He said to do this until the skin had healed itself. I took that to mean a couple of months after the second round of RT. My skin did get a little red during the second round, like a mild sunburn. It went away after about a week.

Let us know how the radation treatment goes.


02/10/2013 22:54
02/10/2013 22:54
Re: Just got RT approved and scheduled!

I've just now done my first three days and will finish up the first round Tuesday. I agree that it is exciting to get started with treatment. Maybe that's partly because it gives me a feeling that I have some control.

Immediate side effects for me are just a tiny bit of dryness, about what you'd get if you rubbed your hand with chalk dust for a while. It's not bothersome.

I was advised to avoid sunlight exposure to the treated region, but that really requires no effort for the palm of a hand, in the winter. It's covered with a glove whenever I go outside anyway, because it's cold outside.

The only two supplies I've found to be helpful, and that I can recommend are these, if they mark your hand with ink for alignment purposes:

Edited 02/11/13 00:58

02/10/2013 23:40
02/10/2013 23:40
Re: Just got RT approved and scheduled!

Yay, Ellyn! So glad for you!

02/27/2013 13:37

not registered

02/27/2013 13:37

not registered

Re: Just got RT approved and scheduled!

I too have just recieved approval for RT at University of Michigan - Ann Arbor. I am excited also. I have had 5 hand surgeries to fix my hands. If this just retards the progression I will be thrilled. I will post later on the outcome.

02/27/2013 14:11
02/27/2013 14:11
Re: Just got RT approved and scheduled!

Do you have active nodules?

02/27/2013 15:48

not registered

02/27/2013 15:48

not registered

Re: Just got RT approved and scheduled!

If you are asking me? Yes I have very active nodules. The surgeon I see said I had very agressive genes. I have experienced issues with both hands since my late forties.

02/27/2013 18:50
02/27/2013 18:50
Re: Just got RT approved and scheduled!

The RT (I finished a couple of months ago) has worked well so far for me. Good luck!

02/27/2013 22:38
02/27/2013 22:38

Re: Just got RT approved and scheduled!

"They are also going to treat my left hand, which does not have any palpable nodules, but some thickening in the palm that he suspects is DD"

Cambidgeshire, UK.

I didn't, and I don't think that anyone should, choose RT lightly and certainly not by suspicion IMO

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progression   radiation   sun-protected   scheduled   treatment   sunprotection   appointment   POSTOPERATIVE   approved   brokenbeauties   whole-life-sun-exposure   RADIOTHERAPY   surgeries   Crimaldi   thickening   nodules   Cambidgeshire   different   Seegenschmiedt   advertisement