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Lumps appearing on palm, family history of Dupuytren's (pics)
05/27/2009 03:47
05/27/2009 03:47
Lumps appearing on palm, family history of Dupuytren's (pics)

My grandfather had this disease as well as his father...about 2 months ago I noticed a small lump in the palm of my hand (1) where the middle finger bone is while I was lifting weights at the gym, I thought maybe I had done something to injure it while lifting.

The lump has stayed there and has slowly grown in size. It doesn't hurt but pushing on it is slightly irritating.

A few days ago I also noticed another small lump on the same spot but along my ring finger bone. (2)

The lump is firm and it seems to move with the flesh.

I do not have any strange feelings in my fingers, and I do not have any reduced flexibility in my hand.

Any ideas? Thank you. Also the 1st lump is the larger of the 2, and is round but the picture makes it look different since it's raised it's pulling on the skin from my thumb.

If it matters I'm a 28 year old male, Norwegian decent.

05/27/2009 06:17

not registered

05/27/2009 06:17

not registered

Re: Lumps appearing on palm, family history of Dupuytren's (pics)

Tyson, this might well be Dupuytren's disease but there are many potential causes for nodules in the hand. Some of them (ganglions) are actually more frequent than Dupuytren's. You need to see a doctor and have it diagnosed.


05/27/2009 12:38
05/27/2009 12:38
Re: Lumps appearing on palm, family history of Dupuytren's (pics)

Tyson, your hand looks EXACTLY like mine did "starting out" In the beginning, they did not hurt at all, but later on the pain was very bad and actually woke me up at night. I have the exact same nodules in both palms, except now the nodule under the ring finger has expanded upward or either it is a poorly formed cord, I don't know which and cant seem to get an answer on that one. I also have a nodule on the pinkie finger which formed quite a while later and is causing it to contract. All in less than a year and I have no family history dont drink, etc. I would download pics but don't know how to do it. Maybe Ill get my son to help me a I am technically challenged. Anyway, just my two cents worth.


05/27/2009 13:40

not registered

05/27/2009 13:40

not registered

including pictures

Hi Paula, for how to include pictures your son might have a look at the forum manual http://www.dupuytren-online.info/Forum_E...orum_manual.htm .


history   technically   challenged   diagnosed   flexibility   actually   Norwegian   something   beginning   potential   irritating   including   Dupuytren   appearing   grandfather   different   Wolfgang   dupuytren-online   ganglions   pictures