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newbie questions
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03/18/2013 17:27


03/18/2013 17:27


Re: newbie questions

Is there anyone who has anything bad to say about their RT experience if the DD was early, not in an advanced stage?

Well, not bad, but I had RT 18 months ago, and had no softening or diminishing in nodules so many others claim, and now have skin changes (puckering, small cells), new nodules, and possibly hardening of existing cord, or new cords. It's too early to say if RT has been a possible success or failure, but my point is that it does not work in all cases, possibly 10-15%. No apparent side-effects though, other than dry skin, so if it has not worked the main loss is to my pocket and the risk associated with the radiation exposure.

Edited 03/18/13 19:29

03/18/2013 18:05
03/18/2013 18:05
Re: newbie questions

I realise that many people have been helped by RT for early onset DD, but I am one of the few for whom it was unsuccessful and it also left me with stiff fingers and swollen palms. New nodules popped up both during and after RT treatment and I am now having these treated very successfully with specialised massage therapy. I am hoping that the stiffness will also be alleviated by the massage - it is certainly helping.

There was so much positive stuff about RT for early onset DD that I thought it was the way to go. I wish I had opted for massage as my first line of treatment but there was so little about it and what there was was very negative and discouraging. It has certainly given me new hope anyway!

Is there anyone who has anything bad to say about their RT experience if the DD was early, not in an advanced stage? The osteoarthritis is an intersting idea: quick onset though? When I wake in the morning part of my palm where the stiff fingers and nodule are feels stiff. That's not a DD like issue is it?

03/18/2013 18:43
03/18/2013 18:43
Re: newbie questions


My osteoarthritis came at the same time as the DD. When I had an MRI prior to RT I had them check because I was afraid that the DD had spread. MY DD developed in the winter so it is possible I had arthritis prior to DD but never noticed. The arthritis does not bother me in the summer months only in the winter. My fingers crack and pop all winter long.

You mentioned your palm being stiff. Is it stiff or is it a tightness you are feeling?


Edited 03/18/13 20:45

03/19/2013 02:51
03/19/2013 02:51
Re: newbie questions

I had RT 18 months ago and it relieved "tightness" in my hand and one affected finger quite quickly. I had a small patch of numbness on side of the tip of that finger that also regressed. 2 nodules and a cord are still present but smaller and softer. Progression has stopped in that hand (but not the other!).

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