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07/23/2012 23:17
07/23/2012 23:17

Re: Personal experience

pia2some; I have had Dupuytrens in both hands for 30 years. I hadn't heard of Xiaflex injections until recently but from what I have read I would be inclined to test some other options before going back there.

I am not a medical person and I don't know what effect the Xiaflex injection will have had but looking at your photographs you look to me like a candidate for a simple NA procedure (needle aponeurotomy). Should take 20 minutes or so and no after effects that I have found. Just need to keep the hand covered and protected for 3 days.

Looks like there are a bunch of doctors in the US that do NA. The list is on this web site at


    07/23/2012 23:48
    07/23/2012 23:48
    Re: Personal experience

    pia2some; I have had Dupuytrens in both hands for 30 years. I hadn't heard of Xiaflex injections until recently but from what I have read I would be inclined to test some other options before going back there.

    I am not a medical person and I don't know what effect the Xiaflex injection will have had but looking at your photographs you look to me like a candidate for a simple NA procedure (needle aponeurotomy). Should take 20 minutes or so and no after effects that I have found. Just need to keep the hand covered and protected for 3 days.

    Looks like there are a bunch of doctors in the US that do NA. The list is on this web site at


    Thanks. I did look into NA. The closest location to me is in Naples, FL. I am not able to travel at this time due to other health problems as well as having children at home. The surgeon who did the Xiaflex injections was part of the trial studies and has done them for years and is close by. That's why I went that route.

    ~ dawn

      07/23/2012 23:50
      07/23/2012 23:50
      Re: Personal experience

      Oops, I meant Jupiter, FL, not Naples. Dr. Eaton is the closest.

      ~ dawn

        07/24/2012 00:06
        07/24/2012 00:06
        Re: Personal experience

        Thanks. I did look into NA. The closest location to me is in Naples, FL. I am not able to travel at this time due to other health problems as well as having children at home. The surgeon who did the Xiaflex injections was part of the trial studies and has done them for years and is close by. That's why I went that route.

        ~ dawn

        Good luck to you. I had Xiaflex myself and have had to have radiation and 3 NA procedures since then, the last in September of last year. I'll be really lucky if I can wait until 2013 before I need NA again. I know at least a half dozen people--several that participated in the trials with me, another that's a friend and several who have contacted me through private message who have had exactly the same experience. Xiaflex made their DD MUCH MORE aggressive.


          07/24/2012 00:29
          07/24/2012 00:29
          Re: Personal experience

          Did you have any surgery?

            07/24/2012 00:34
            07/24/2012 00:34
            Re: Personal experience

            I also have had xyaflex twice, and the finger (pinky) is back to a 90 degree angle in less than a year. I am now scheduled for surgery in the fall---that pinky, ring finger and middle finger. I'm not looking forward to it, but some have been very kind and encouraging about that. My doctor tells me I'm not a candidate for NA, and I'm too far advanced for radiation, so it will be surgery..... I also have this in both hands, but only one finger is affected on the "better" hand, although there is a distinct cord down the middle of the hand.

            Good luck with your searchings...keep everyone posted.

              07/24/2012 00:43
              07/24/2012 00:43
              Re: Personal experience

              Good Luck on the surgery,Ive been able to put it off for a while now almost 10 years .4 times was enough of havin the hands cut open.My point is this you gotta do whats right for you at the time because DD is always changing.It might go for years and not much change then overnight Bam it starts again.Its crazy from person to person.Why?.Good luck .Dave

                07/24/2012 00:55
                07/24/2012 00:55
                Re: Personal experience

                I also have had xyaflex twice, and the finger (pinky) is back to a 90 degree angle in less than a year. I am now scheduled for surgery in the fall---that pinky, ring finger and middle finger. I'm not looking forward to it, but some have been very kind and encouraging about that. My doctor tells me I'm not a candidate for NA, and I'm too far advanced for radiation, so it will be surgery..... I also have this in both hands, but only one finger is affected on the "better" hand, although there is a distinct cord down the middle of the hand.

                Good luck with your searchings...keep everyone posted.

                Every time I read a story like yours my blood boils. It's just too much of a coincidence to believe that Xiaflex is not having some affect and that also it isn't much better than NA in terms of how long it lasts. Out of curiosity does your surgeon routinely do NA and did he tell you the reason why you aren't a candidate?


                  07/24/2012 01:44
                  07/24/2012 01:44

                  Re: Personal experience

                  marigail; I think you should get a second opinion on the NA. If you finger is only 90 degrees why would NA not work?

                  Surgery is a big issue whereas NA is much less invasive. Yes the Duputytrens come back but you just have it done again.

                    07/24/2012 05:37


                    07/24/2012 05:37


                    Re: Personal experience

                    Hi Marigail,

                    just curious: did you wear a night splint after you had Xiaflex? My feeling (just that, no proof) is that

                    a) Xiaflex sometimes softens the cord and which, during manipulation, might then extend instead of breaking. Initially the result is the same, i.e. the finger is straight, but the contrature might come back faster if the cord was not broken.

                    b) wearing a night splint consistently might help keeping the finger straight. It seems to work for me so far (8 months after the injection).


                    I also have had xyaflex twice, and the finger (pinky) is back to a 90 degree angle in less than a year. I am now scheduled for surgery in the fall---that pinky, ring finger and middle finger. I'm not looking forward to it, but some have been very kind and encouraging about that. My doctor tells me I'm not a candidate for NA, and I'm too far advanced for radiation, so it will be surgery..... I also have this in both hands, but only one finger is affected on the "better" hand, although there is a distinct cord down the middle of the hand.

                    Good luck with your searchings...keep everyone posted.

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                      something   injection   experience   disease   contracture   Personal   fingers   nodules   surgeon   Xiaflex   Dupuytren   treatment   doctors   injections   because   therapy   different   procedure   research   surgery