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10/17/2012 22:09
10/17/2012 22:09
Re: Personal experience

Moondrac, I did read wrong, oops. Ok scratch xiaflex, I am seeing an orthopedic hand surgeon. I have read that PT does nothing for it and have asked about why he thinks it will help but no answer. I am in a HMO and believe I will have to go outside it and pay for my own treatment. I have been reading about r. Haung and it looks promising. Any thoughts on RT therapy? My current Dr. states that he feels it has unintended consequences that out weight it's benefits.

Marigail, I am so sorry to hear of your experience. Then pain you are describing sounds very similar to mine. I hope this new specialist will be able to offer you some help.

Thanks Tusk it is old school for sure.

Thank you all for your support and advice. I see I certainly came to the right place.

You certainly did come to the right place. Take it slow, read up on everything here and you'll know more than your doctors! Lots of folks here have undergone RT and think it helps. Several have even gone to Germany to get RT from Prof. Seegenschmiedt who is the "father" of it. I didn't have as good results as I wished but I knew that going in because my disease was more advanced, still I support it. Others have gotten RT from radiation oncologists, some of whom have studied Prof. Seegenschmiedt's protocol and used it. I'm not sure what "unintended consequences" your doc is speaking of--you need to get him to tell you-- but any experienced radiation oncologist is well-versed in the proper ways to use this type of radiation, the correct dosage and any problems. There is a less than 1% chance of cancer---in the hands only--from the exposure but it takes upwards of 20 years for that to be a risk--if ever does.

Here's a direct link from this site to RT information:

Is your HMO by any chance Kaiser? If so, there is a hand surgeon at Kaiser in the SF Bay Area who does NA. Also, if you do decide to get RT--which is quite expensive--you probably will either need to go to Germany where it is much, much cheaper or figure out a way to get it from a radiation oncologist in your HMO who will agree to educate himself on the technique. There's a woman on this forum, Diana, who did all the legwork for her doctor getting all the information and protocols so he could do the RT--it can be done. I was very lucky that he was in my medical group and I could take advantage of all her hard work and get RT from her doctor. (Thanks, Diana)


    10/17/2012 22:22
    10/17/2012 22:22
    Re: Personal experience

    My husband works in Healthcare and within that system is a Dr.Cha who is in the radiation oncology department in Portland Oregon. She is reported to have preformed RT therapy on Dupuytrens patients. It looks like it is a series of treatments needed to halt the progression. It is outside my HMO but since it is within the Healthcare system he works for I am hopeful that if this is an option maybe there will be some discount on the therapy.
    I am not sure why my current Doctor is being so evasive and uninformative on this, maybe it's that he doesn't fully know what he is dealing with. I will see what he has to say in answer to my two emails and decide if he is worth staying with after that. I did send him an email stating the xiaflex was an oopsie. I just wish that having to fight for treatment wasn't necessary. We all are fighting the aggressive onslaught of Dupuytrens why should we have to fight our Doctors too?

      10/18/2012 06:15
      10/18/2012 06:15
      Re: Personal experience

      For the last few weeks, I`ve been putting distilled Witch Hazel on my hands, in the morning and at night. It has further softened and reduced my cords and nodules, and eliminated what has only ever been for me, mild discomfort. I`ll let you know the medium term effects of continued use. Ian

        10/18/2012 10:53
        10/18/2012 10:53
        Re: Personal experience

        It is now just over 1 month since operatiobn to remove completley - stitches out 2 weeks (an immediate relief)

        After reading some of the stories in regards to NA and Xiaflex I am glad I chose this route. I have no pain, my finger is completley straight, I have full grip, can make complete fist. I started back at gym and i can lift weights (a little uncomfortable with the pressure on the scar as it runs from middle of pinky finger almost to my wrist

        As far as the scar - I had a plastic surgeon who specializes in hands do the surgery it looks like it is healing good and a very clean line - I do keep massaging cream on scar I dont think it will standout like I thought it would

        I am streching my palm as there is some discomfort (tightness) when stretching hand backwards

        My right hand, which also has DC will eventually have to be done, and I will choose same proceedure as it seems the outcome from all other proceedures ends up with surgery - eventually.

        The biggest disapointment I have after 1 month is my wife has no sympathy left and her catering to me has ended

          10/18/2012 16:25


          10/18/2012 16:25


          Re: Personal experience

          Thanks for sharing that positive experience of surgery Putzo, we normally just hear the bad stories.

          It would be interesting to know if you have any insights you can share, about improving the chances of a successful surgical outcome for the rest of us?

          Best wishes for the continued recovery.

            10/18/2012 16:54
            10/18/2012 16:54
            Re: Personal experience

            Thanks for sharing that positive experience of surgery Putzo, we normally just hear the bad stories.

            It would be interesting to know if you have any insights you can share, about improving the chances of a successful surgical outcome for the rest of us?

            Best wishes for the continued recovery.

            Like I said in my past postings - I had release done last year and it came back almost immediatley - I was terrified of being put to sleep so I had what they Call a Bier Block instead and was awake through whole proceedure. After I did as doctor instructed- dont cover, can get wet, but not soak and stretch finger immediatley both ways - after stitches out use cream and proceed as I see fit no therapy needed.

            I am sure it is different with each of us as far as severity , but she did say i had it bad and the cut was about 4 1/2 inches. so Im sure others are worse off but it does seem to me surgery, although not guaranteed is seems best option.

            The recovery time I heard before my surgery was way exagerated or (and I doubt) I just healed fast

            I live in Canada and Xiaflex has just become available but no doctors have been trained on it. I was waiting for this but the doctor said it could be another year before she will use it. After reading stories about xiaflex, I dont think I will go that route on my other hand when it is time as it seems a lot more painful and when they talk about grafts...Im not interested

            Again I was very comfortable with the doctor I had which is very important as she took time to explain whole process to both myself and my wife (who seemed to listen better then I did)

              10/18/2012 17:26
              10/18/2012 17:26
              Re: Personal experience

              Gosh so glad to see so many positive stories here. So many of you have been through so much trial and error, I really feel for you. I have just started my journey with DC and so far have mild contracture of my right hand ring finger. i was really scared until I found this group and also bu reading so much here I am going to find another Dr. someone who doesn't want to wait until I have trigger finger before they are willing to act. My current Dr. is standing firm on his perscribed Physical Therapy for this condition and I do not see how that is going help.

                10/18/2012 17:29
                10/18/2012 17:29
                Re: Personal experience

                Gosh so glad to see so many positive stories here. So many of you have been through so much trial and error, I really feel for you. I have just started my journey with DC and so far have mild contracture of my right hand ring finger. i was really scared until I found this group and also bu reading so much here I am going to find another Dr. someone who doesn't want to wait until I have trigger finger before they are willing to act. My current Dr. is standing firm on his perscribed Physical Therapy for this condition and I do not see how that is going help.

                Yes look for another doctor that YOU are satisfied and comfortable with as some of them take us as we should just do as they say

                  10/18/2012 21:02
                  10/18/2012 21:02
                  Re: Personal experience

                  I just received an email from my Dr. he apparently does not like patients asking him questions. He stated there is no way the pain could be from DC and "as I told you before, the pain is most likely due to tendonitis or some other cause. " This is the 1st he has ever mentioned tendonitis. Anyone of you hear of tendonitis accompanying DC? He also ended his email by strongly suggesting I get a second opinion from another hand surgeon.

                  I have a second opinion scheduled for the 24th sadly it isn't with Dr. Haung who is listed here. I would have to present with sufficient contracture to be referred to him.

                    10/18/2012 21:42
                    10/18/2012 21:42
                    Re: Personal experience


                    You might check out Dr. Ericson. Learned NA from Dr. Eaton. To me, that indicates an interest in treating DD and also in learning the latest procedures that are beneficial to patients. http://www.ericsonhand.com

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