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10/18/2012 21:45
10/18/2012 21:45
Re: Personal experience

Tusk, gosh thanks for that very helpful piece of info. I will check Dr. Ericson out.

    10/18/2012 21:52
    10/18/2012 21:52
    Re: Personal experience

    I just received an email from my Dr. he apparently does not like patients asking him questions. He stated there is no way the pain could be from DC and "as I told you before, the pain is most likely due to tendonitis or some other cause. " This is the 1st he has ever mentioned tendonitis. Anyone of you hear of tendonitis accompanying DC?
    I had a severe case of tendinitis just prior to being diagnosed with DC. In fact, I believe it may have triggered the DC. The tendinitis was very debilitating - couldn't drive, type, carry anything, etc. It also caused sharp, shooting pains radiating to my elbow.

      10/18/2012 22:25
      10/18/2012 22:25
      Re: Personal experience

      I just received an email from my Dr. he apparently does not like patients asking him questions. He stated there is no way the pain could be from DC and "as I told you before, the pain is most likely due to tendonitis or some other cause. " This is the 1st he has ever mentioned tendonitis. Anyone of you hear of tendonitis accompanying DC?
      I had a severe case of tendinitis just prior to being diagnosed with DC. In fact, I believe it may have triggered the DC. The tendinitis was very debilitating - couldn't drive, type, carry anything, etc. It also caused sharp, shooting pains radiating to my elbow.

      I had sprained my hand bowling about 12 months before seeing any symptoms and being Diagnosed with DC. When I mentioned the bowling injury the Dr. was adamant that DC is Hereditary and could not have been caused by this injury. He flippantly told me I could thank my ancestors who gave me my blond hair and blues eyes for my condition.

      The pain I am experiencing is like being stung by a wasp it is very sharp and driving, pushing a shopping buggy, gripping anything makes the sharp stinging radiate up to my elbow.

      Edited 10/19/12 01:26

        10/18/2012 22:48
        10/18/2012 22:48
        Re: Personal experience

        mobaygirl, the pain from the tendinitis only happened when I gripped something. The pain from the DC was different - burning and itching just beneath the skin and an aching sensation when I overused my hands.

          10/19/2012 00:10
          10/19/2012 00:10

          Re: Personal experience

          switcombe; My understanding is that DD is hereditary and people with DD do tend to share certain conditions. In particular DD and Ledderhose seem to be related and there is s statistical link between DD and frozen shoulder.

          I have not found it to be painful in itself but it can cause injuries.

          I have not heard of a link between DD and tendinitis but injuries like this can occur when you change the way you do things to adjust for the growth of the DD. The pain may seem to have come first then the DD but DD can be slow growing and you may have made subconscious adjustments without knowing it was there.

          As my DD has progressed I have had tendinitis type injuries from time to time that have been fixed by making adjustments to equipment that I use frequently. for example I have thickened my tennis racquet grip and I avoid gym equipment that has skinny unpaded handles.

          I wonder if mobaygirl's bowling injury could be the same. I don't bowl often but when I do I have real problems caused by DD growth just below the joint on my thumb. If I played regularly I would cause and injury for sure.


            10/19/2012 00:24
            10/19/2012 00:24
            Re: Personal experience

            Seph, I have no relatives with DD that I am aware of and my tendinitis came on due to a lifting injury and repetitive stress from piano playing. It was over a year and a half later that I noticed my first nodule. The tendinitis is much better now (2 1/2 years later), and the DD is stable due to RT.

              10/19/2012 00:31
              10/19/2012 00:31

              Re: Personal experience

              I didn't think I had any relatives with DD either but when I went hunting I found them.

              Some didn't know they had DD. A trigger finger can be caused by an injury and most thought that was what they had.

                10/19/2012 00:59
                10/19/2012 00:59
                Re: Personal experience

                Hi Steph, I asked my parents and they had no knowledge of anyone having DC or trigger finger, I always did say the hospital gave them the wrong baby.
                I must admit my husband and I had thought early on that tendonitis was an issue as my palm is always warm near the lump in my hand and the newly appearing cord. I remembering the Dr. dismissing that as well as the bowling injury and said I had DC gave me a cortisone shot and sent me on my way. You can see how I am confused at him now insisting he had told me it was tendonitis. I am looking forward to the 2nd opinion I am scheduled for but somewhat hesitant as the appointment is with my Drs boss.

                  10/19/2012 01:26
                  10/19/2012 01:26
                  Re: Personal experience

                  I just received an email from my Dr. he apparently does not like patients asking him questions. He stated there is no way the pain could be from DC and[i] "as I told you before, the pain is most likely due to tendonitis or some other cause. "

                  "Most likely due to tendonitis or some other cause"-- um, if he thinks you have tendonitis or some 'other cause'--why is he not treating you for this? or doing further investigation? I think you already know this but he doesn't seem like the doctor for you-- is he your PCP or a specialist?

                    10/19/2012 02:15
                    10/19/2012 02:15
                    Re: Personal experience

                    Moondanc, he is the orthopedic hand specialist my PCP referred me to. Believe me those same questions went through my mind when I saw his response, that is after I got over the confusion of his mentioning he told me I had tendonitis, which he never did. I have an appointment for a 2nd opinion set up for me by the patient advocate dept. of my HMO Funny little quirk of fate the appointment is with his boss. I have printed out all the correspondence between my Dr. and I and the after visit summaries from my two office visits with him, his boss may find them interesting reading.

                    I must admit I am beginning to wonder what I really do have wrong with my hand. It looks like pictures I have seen of early stage DC.

                    Edited 10/19/12 05:32

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