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10/23/2012 01:15
10/23/2012 01:15
Re: Personal experience


Perhaps the communication problem here is the interpretation of "full contracture of my ring finger and pinkie". I would take "full contracture" as meaning stage 3 or stage 4. What are you suggesting the meaning of "full contracture of my ring finger and pinkie"?

    10/23/2012 01:20
    10/23/2012 01:20
    Re: Personal experience


    Perhaps the communication problem here is the interpretation of "full contracture of my ring finger and pinkie". I would take "full contracture" as meaning stage 3 or stage 4. What are you suggesting the meaning of "full contracture of my ring finger and pinkie"?

    Callie they bent both fingers into my palm and indicated THAT is when they would intervene with treatment such as surgery or Xiaflex. From what I have seen here and heard from others here that would be stage 3 or 4. Is this incorrect? I admit I could very well be misunderstanding what stage 3 or 4 is.

      10/23/2012 02:58
      10/23/2012 02:58
      Re: Personal experience

      Yes, stage 4 would be close to fingers touching the palm. It is beyond imagination that anyone with a medical degree would suggest waiting until that time (finger touching palm) to do any procedure for Dupuytren's. It is a very difficult surgery at that stage and often requires two surgeries just to have a chance to release the effects at that stage. NA, Ziaflex and RT (useless) certainly would be extremely difficult. I guess it is just so absurd that anyone would suggest that.

        10/23/2012 03:10
        10/23/2012 03:10
        Re: Personal experience


        Perhaps the communication problem here is the interpretation of "full contracture of my ring finger and pinkie". I would take "full contracture" as meaning stage 3 or stage 4. What are you suggesting the meaning of "full contracture of my ring finger and pinkie"?

        Callie they bent both fingers into my palm and indicated THAT is when they would intervene with treatment such as surgery or Xiaflex. From what I have seen here and heard from others here that would be stage 3 or 4. Is this incorrect? I admit I could very well be misunderstanding what stage 3 or 4 is.

        Here you go-- all the stages you need (and don't need!) to know. Your doctors are woefully behind the times. Kind of like the old days when they insisted that cataracts be "ripe" before they were removed. Agitate, research and MAKE them respond to you especially with research on NA and how much more effective it is during the early stages. PT insteadof treatment is malpractice. Appeal, appeal, appeal.



          10/23/2012 03:16
          10/23/2012 03:16

          Re: Personal experience

          mobaygirl, Waiting until stage 3 or 4 is nonsense and PT won't help at all in my experience. PT is only useful after surgery.

          You need a new doctor.

            10/23/2012 03:26
            10/23/2012 03:26

            Re: Personal experience

            Gazza; It a nuisance that NZ and Aus doctors are slow to look at other options for LD and DD but it is a great excuse for a European holiday and you do get treated by people with a lot more experience than would ever be possible in NZ.

            I am getting NA on my hands in Paris in the last week of November then off to Twickenham to see the AB's play the Poms. If only I could find a way to make it tax deductible.

              10/23/2012 06:07
              10/23/2012 06:07
              Re: Personal experience

              Gazza; It a nuisance that NZ and Aus doctors are slow to look at other options for LD and DD but it is a great excuse for a European holiday and you do get treated by people with a lot more experience than would ever be possible in NZ.

              I am getting NA on my hands in Paris in the last week of November then off to Twickenham to see the AB's play the Poms. If only I could find a way to make it tax deductible.

              Fair play to you seph......all we can do is keep pushing......even one of the GP s I ve used is a dups patient and is
              "waiting for surgery" ......in this age of IT I am astounded of the ignorance out there around the globe....

              Enjoy you trip to Europe.....give the camera at Twickers a big open palm wave after your successful NA...


                10/23/2012 13:07
                10/23/2012 13:07
                Re: Personal experience

                I am sending these pics to show profress after surgery - finger straight some discomfort still especially when I stretch hand backwards - numbness all but gone -

                My other hand will have to be dealt with also but not in immediate future

                after Surgery.JPG after Surgery.JPG (21x)

                Mime-Type: image/pjpeg, 24 kB

                5 weeks later.JPG 5 weeks later.JPG (25x)

                Mime-Type: image/pjpeg, 33 kB

                  10/23/2012 18:15
                  10/23/2012 18:15
                  Re: Personal experience

                  Callie, no I heard correctly and there was no misunderstanding. BOTH my Dr. and PT stated they Will NOT intervene until I have full contracture of my ring finger and pinkie. No RT, No NA, No Xiaflex , No surgery to remove the thickening or nodules. They are only wiling to perform PT which will not stop or slow the advancement.

                  I am awaiting a 2nd opinion which I will have on the 24th. If in this second opinion they state the same stance on treatment then I will go outside my HMO for treatment as I fully believe in proactively dealing with health issues.

                  I am also a patient who was told to wait until I could no longer lay my hand flat on the table before the docs in El Paso, Texas would do anything--2 orthopedic hand doctors no less!!!! It's a good thing we patients have this forum to compare notes on!

                    10/23/2012 19:24
                    10/23/2012 19:24
                    Re: Personal experience

                    Wow, what great pictures, Putzo!!! And look how straight your hand is!!! May we all be blessed with success like yours!

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