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03/18/2013 22:20


03/18/2013 22:20


Re: Personal experience

Hi Tjay, well it sure looks like a Dupuytren's cord. An experienced hand surgeon would know how to check by palpation and exclude other things.

I play piano too, and don't have contracture, no trouble with stretches either, but sometimes I'm aware of a pulling sensation. It's like having a piece of crinkly tape on or inside the palm. So far it has not affected my playing, but my level is quite modest.

Not sure what to suggest. I tried RT to see if I could slow it done. Maybe it has, and maybe it hasn't. My other hand is now symptomatic, and I worry about the piano, but so far so good.

    03/18/2013 22:45
    03/18/2013 22:45
    Re: Personal experience

    Thanks for your response; I kind of get your “feels like tape “description I sometimes wonder if they have missed something totally but there is no pain and it does pull right from that cord in my palm or at least that’s what my brain has decidedgood to here your still playing.

      03/18/2013 22:53
      03/18/2013 22:53
      Re: Personal experience

      Hi TJ....I agree it totally looks like a Dupytren's cord leading up into the finger. My palm looked like that and the NA really has helped. My bigger problem was complete contracture of the pinky. Once the cord is severed, when you brace the hand at night it uncups the palm. I am sorry it has affected your ability to play the piano. From the picture, it does look like the cord is viable enough for NA---but I don't know what kind of training the doctors in your country might have in this. Hopefully, something can be done.

        03/18/2013 23:09
        03/18/2013 23:09
        Re: Personal experience

        Thanks for the info a night splint has been suggested but would this only help once the cord is broken? They claim there is not enough contracture to break the cord but I was watching an NA procedure on YouTube and it looked to me like they were picking at the cord in the part of the hand were I have the problem while the persons hand was flat on the table I don’t understand while the wont have a go.

          03/18/2013 23:14
          03/18/2013 23:14
          Re: Personal experience

          Thanks for your response; I kind of get your “feels like tape “description I sometimes wonder if they have missed something totally but there is no pain and it does pull right from that cord in my palm or at least that’s what my brain has decidedgood to here your still playing.
          Tjay - looks like Dupuytrens from the pic you took. From the pic it also looks like it extends to the base of the ring finger and is about to go up into it. Is that true - or am I misinterpreting the pic.

          I have a similar cord/nodules developing in my palm - am a violinist and pianist and have had DT for almost 30 years in various fingers and hands. My doc said that the Xiaflex injection can work on the nodules before they develop into something that contracts a finger. Sounds like you are really getting the run-around. Given the fact that it is impacting your hand - I would hope that the docs would find some treatment to relieve your symptoms enough to keep playing. It's really sad to have to give that up. Beatles

            03/18/2013 23:25
            03/18/2013 23:25
            Re: Personal experience

            I am unsure as to whether a night splint would help if the disease is in an active stage. My physical therapist tells me her dad has Dupuytren's nodules in the palm and that is his treatment---night splinting. She said that it has stopped it from progressing. So, that might be something to consider trying. NA is fairly new. The doctor needs to be able to sever the cord by "feel," so there are not too many trained. Someplace on this forum is a list of all the doctors that do NA. My cord in my left hand didn't look as advanced as yours, and it was done. (Yes, I have active dupuytren's in both hands.....but both hands have been treated.) I, personally did not have luck with xylaflex, although several on the forum have had success.

              03/18/2013 23:38
              03/18/2013 23:38
              Re: Personal experience

              Hi brianprice,
              Yes at the last hand surgeon they mentioned that it looked like it was heading into my 4th finger as for the run around, I have even complained to my federal member of parliament but they are retiring at the upcoming election so I will probably have to start that again with the new member. It’s hard to make my argument; I need a Doctor that has a more open mind and thinks could this be happening from one cord? As a musician with all the quirky gear I’ve owned at one time or another over the years I think anything is possible.

              Edited 03/19/13 01:51

                03/18/2013 23:49
                03/18/2013 23:49
                Re: Personal experience

                I am unsure as to whether a night splint would help if the disease is in an active stage. My physical therapist tells me her dad has Dupuytren's nodules in the palm and that is his treatment---night splinting. She said that it has stopped it from progressing. So, that might be something to consider trying. NA is fairly new. The doctor needs to be able to sever the cord by "feel," so there are not too many trained. Someplace on this forum is a list of all the doctors that do NA. My cord in my left hand didn't look as advanced as yours, and it was done. (Yes, I have active dupuytren's in both hands.....but both hands have been treated.) I, personally did not have luck with xylaflex, although several on the forum have had success.

                Hi mariqail

                That's interesting as someone who sat back and only read I'm glad I've joined in but what to do next I don't know anymore. I have been to a couple of Doctors listed here but just not sure if casting the net wider will change what I hear each time and just cost more money.

                  03/19/2013 00:42
                  03/19/2013 00:42
                  Re: Personal experience

                  Hi brianprice,
                  Yes at the last hand surgeon they mentioned that it looked like it was heading into my 4th finger as for the run around, I have even complained to my federal member of parliament but they are retiring at the upcoming election so I will probably have to start that again with the new member. It’s hard to make my argument; I need a Doctor that has a more open mind and thinks could this be happening from one cord? As a musician with all the quirky gear I’ve owned at one time or another over the years I think anything is possible.
                  OK - turn your amp up to 11, phase shifter, distortion pedals on all the way, pick a nasty patch on your keyboard, stick your bad hand in front of the speaker and start playing with your right hand!! Let me know if that works.....

                  But seriously at your stage a splint might slow things down a bit, and some really serious and regular stretching and massage might get your hand more usable for keys. Those are generally not long term solutions - but they can help slow things down and create more flexibility in the hand - which is sounds like is the major impact right now. My guess is that the cord is affecting the fine motor movement of your fourth finger - maybe more than you know since these changes tend to be gradual. Lot's of treatment options in the States and in Europe - so if you are ever there - you could get worked on! If the music bombardment doesn't work out for you.....

                    03/19/2013 00:51
                    03/19/2013 00:51

                    Re: Personal experience

                    Tjay; Like the others on that have responded that looks like a Dupuytren's cord to me. I don't see why NA wouldn't fix the problem you have in 20 minutes.

                    You will see from my other comments on this web site that I live in Sydney but I travel to France for NA but that is only because I prefer to go to the source than someone who is learning. As an alternative there are doctors in Australia who are now performing NA and my suggestion is that you could benefit from a visit to one of them. The list is on this web site at


                    I would be interested in hearing how they respond.

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                      research   experience   injection   disease   therapy   Dupuytren   nodules   surgeon   procedure   Xiaflex   fingers   because   injections   doctors   surgery   different   something   Personal   contracture   treatment