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Plaster cast and bulky dressing
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02/09/2013 11:41

not registered

02/09/2013 11:41

not registered

Plaster cast and bulky dressing

Hi there from North Devon UK,

I am due to have surgery for the second time on 25th Feb.

I can't remember if the surgeon said there would be a need to do a skin graft.

I was told I'd be in a plaster cast and have a bulky dressing, so to wear appropriate clothes.

Not sure what clothes as cannot find any images to show length of cast or how bulky dressing will be.

Any advice would be really welcome.

Getting nervous now as reading too much

Warm wishes.


02/09/2013 11:56
02/09/2013 11:56
Re: Plaster cast and bulky dressing

Hi there from North Devon UK,

I am due to have surgery for the second time on 25th Feb.

I can't remember if the surgeon said there would be a need to do a skin graft.

I was told I'd be in a plaster cast and have a bulky dressing, so to wear appropriate clothes.

Not sure what clothes as cannot find any images to show length of cast or how bulky dressing will be.

Any advice would be really welcome.

Getting nervous now as reading too much

Warm wishes.

Chrissie, I would think that appropriate clothing would be anything stretchy enough, or wide enough to get over the bandages both for when you leave the surgery location (hospital, out-patient center, whatever) and when you get home. I don't think the length of the bandage or cast is that important. Just make sure you can slip your arm through the sleeve. Buy something new if you have to. Get a nice warm, big, cheap sweatshirt that you won't mind cutting, if it comes to that.

Also, and particularly if you're not going to have help after surgery, don't where pants that are difficult to get off. Good old stretchy sweatpants would be fine. Also, if you can get away without having to wear a bra, then leave that home. Good ol' common sense is what comes into play here.

As for reading too much, I know the feeling. I'm going to be doing the Xiaflex (or as they say across the pond, Xiaped) early next month, and I'm really scared about the pain. I think I've read too much. Even my doc said DO NOT READ TOO MUCH. But, we live in new times, new century. There is so much info out there. On the one hand (no pun intended), it's nerve wracking. On the other, it's comforting. And, not for nothing, education is the best medicine, really. You'll just be happy when this is all behind you. That's where I'm at right now. I just want this over with.

Hang in there. Of course, let us know how it goes. ~Diane

02/09/2013 12:28

not registered

02/09/2013 12:28

not registered

Re: Plaster cast and bulky dressing

Oh thanks for such a speedy reply Diane

Wondering how long the cast will be. I think he said to the elbow.

Next mission is to get some really waterproof mittens....any ideas?

Had few 'waterproof' gloves that were definately not.

I do alot of cycling and it is very rainy here. I just like to get out in any weather and enjoy it.

Take care


02/09/2013 15:49
02/09/2013 15:49
Re: Plaster cast and bulky dressing

Is this surgery different from your last surgery? I had a soft wrap that was on for about 10 days. Good luck.

02/09/2013 17:15

not registered

02/09/2013 17:15

not registered

Re: Plaster cast and bulky dressing

Hi Callie

No this time it is more extensive......more nodules on palm just below base of little finger and finger more bent.

First operation was about 6 years ago.

Many thanks. I hope yours is ok now.

Is this surgery different from your last surgery? I had a soft wrap that was on for about 10 days. Good luck.

02/09/2013 17:21

not registered

02/09/2013 17:21

not registered

Re: Plaster cast and bulky dressing

Sorry Callie

I don't think I answered your question.

It was previously done with a zig zag incision on my finger.

No splint or plaster just dressing and hand therapy.

I'm not sure but I read it might need a skin graft this time.

Offered surgical option as opposed to other options.

Different surgeon. Plastic not orthopaedic.

02/09/2013 19:03
02/09/2013 19:03
Re: Plaster cast and bulky dressing

My surgery was eleven years ago and the hand is still as good as before I had Dupuytren's. My surgery was the zig-zag (skin flaps) from the top joint on my little finger (90 degrees contracture) to the base of my palm. My surgeon told me that he might have to a skin graft depending on what he found, but didn't. I had almost zero pain from the whole procedure and recovery. I did take three Tylenol every four hours for the first couple of days just to make sure.

I did all of the hand therapy on my own after getting the list of exercises from the therapist. I usually did as much flexing every time I thought about it during each day.

I would choose surgery instead of other procedures if I have to do it again just because of the success I had with very little pain.

Good luck !!

Edited 02/09/13 21:06

02/10/2013 02:18
02/10/2013 02:18

Re: Plaster cast and bulky dressing

Hi Chrissie Australia Calling, In my opinion You should be asking more questions about your surgery. ie why a plaster. I've had 15 odd surgeries including 4 large grafts and never had a plaster. I've had needles in the back of the finger joints for 7 days immediately after surgery on my pinky to resist any contraction immediately after surgery. Question - Where would the donor tissue be taken from if you have a graft? I am not so in love with Plastic surgeons who are not hand surgeons ,but that is my take.I never needed any pain killers but everyone is different on pain threshold. In my case the disease did not penetrate through the graft. Callie is one of the lucky ones who has not had repeat surgery. I am now strongly of the belief that the surgery will start the clock ticking for the next surgery and reduce the time between each surgery. There were no other options even 10 years ago and on this forum members have reported of having made decisions to have fingers removed. Remember after surgery to keep the hand elevated and flex the fingers and progressively move to make a fist. I found the movement I had at 6 weeks after surgery was what I finished up with. So work on it GENTLTY and not overdo things. Did you consider PNF.(NA.)

Edited 02/10/13 09:15

03/18/2013 20:55

not registered

03/18/2013 20:55

not registered

Post op' trials

Hi everyone and thanks for the responses.

Surgery on 25th Feb and stitches out last Tuesday.

Surgeon said he managed to straighten knuckle joint and, on reflection realised he shouldn't have continued to straighten the middle joint as it took 20 mins to get it pink again. I guess having Raynaulds Syndrome doesn't help.

Pain not too bad until the sensation began returning in little and ring finger.....ouch+++ But glad to have sensation!

Checked wound last Friday and base of little finger turning black. Finger difficult to keep warm and turning purple.
Is pink this evening.

Emergency department [on Sat] said tissue dying probably due to infection. Talked about possible skin graft.
Prescribed antibiotics.

Priority appointment to see surgeon tomorrow.

Not sure whether to keep stretching and using bio oil to keep extension or to leave till surgeon has seen it.

Back of hand is swollen and knuckle/finger joints sore.

I am craving excercise and need a swim.

Has anyone ever used those vacuum bags to keep a limb dry while swimming/bathing?

After never having had a sweet tooth, I now eat a large bar of chocolate every evening...a kind of craving.

Is it due to Tramadol or the fact that I gave up alcohol since the op?

Warm wishes to all.

03/25/2013 13:54

not registered

03/25/2013 13:54

not registered

Re: Plaster cast and bulky dressing

Hi everyone,

Saw surgeon and he said it looked exactly as it should and no infection!

He did say he was surprised I wasn't getting regular hand therapy [physio appoint due 4 wks time to check progress].

Trying to change hospital to get more therapy. And get splint changed as it hurts the palm of hand now.

Doing lots of flexion / extension excercises and massaging with bio oil but ring finger seems to be tightening up now.

Did anyone else find Tramadol made them sooo irritiable? Grrrrrr

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bandage   progressively   straighten   particularly   contraction   orthopaedic   immediately   out-patient   different   appointment   Chrissie   Plaster   surgeon   waterproof   Dupuytren   surgery   appropriate   therapy   dressing   contracture