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Probiotics and Dupuytren
03/29/2017 04:18
03/29/2017 04:18
Probiotics and Dupuytren

Is there any information regarding your flora in the stomach and Duypuytren's Contracture ....I believe that homemade kefir has a strong effect on the aches and pains that I experience....I have the stiffening of two smaller fingers on both hands....the indents in my palm and pits along my wrist....If I stay away from carbs and keep drinking my homemade kefir ...it really seems to help pain in general...my eyes are affected by low carb diet and kefir...I have glaucoma...it helps keep the pressure down to stay away from sugar. I feel a direct connection to the above and diet...Does anyone feel there is a connection. Bad bacteria is trying to take over my body... What can help the battle?

03/29/2017 05:19


03/29/2017 05:19


Re: Probiotics and Dupuytren

Dupuytren's is a genetic disease and there is little evidence that diet can help curing it http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytr...s_research.html . But some patients reported relief when having one or the other diet and if kefir does you good, why not keep eating it?


03/29/2017 06:46


03/29/2017 06:46


Re: Probiotics and Dupuytren

This programme might be of interest to you, not really relevant or addressing DD however. If you are in the U.K. You may be able to watch it online using the BBC iplayer. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-38800977

03/30/2017 00:43
03/30/2017 00:43
Re: Probiotics and Dupuytren

I read somewhere the cause is unclear...I read somewhere that blood sugar issues are related....I do know that bad bacteria loves sugar/carbs ...and cause bad bacteria to multiply...I feel that MS...and the Fibromyalgia catch all illness can be regulated by fighting bad bacteria....I know people that use kefir and other fermented foods to keep their MS at bay. I convinced my Dr today to test for H.pylori bacteria...I have glaucoma also...stopping carbs helps that ....and I know the flora in my gut is not good... reading many things and putting many fielders out...but if I do not touch carbs ...I feel better....and when I make my kefir my aches improve....drinking water is important....not just my hands are aching but all my bones...it is getting worse...certain foods aggravate it all I know that....the emptier my stomach the better I am...I am becoming afraid of food... I will continue to research and share my ideas....I really think bad bacteria ...is attacking me.

04/08/2017 12:56


04/08/2017 12:56


Re: Probiotics and Dupuytren

Interesting Link. I guess I Need to cultivate my own kefir. It might not help with DD but it seems to be healthy.


This programme might be of interest to you, not really relevant or addressing DD however. If you are in the U.K. You may be able to watch it online using the BBC iplayer. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-38800977

07/26/2017 19:09
07/26/2017 19:09
Re: Probiotics and Dupuytren

Food is associate with certain diseases. Alcohol consumption correlates directly to certain cancers including colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, and breast cancer. Sugar consumption correlated to diabetes and heart disease. Key neurotransmitters are created by the body in the gut and so food containing glyphosate (Roundup) as is the case with wheat grown in the USA where it is treated 10 times on average with Roundup before it is harvested, has been implicated in many afflictions including the spike in children with autism and ADHD.

The only treatment has been demonstrated to have an impact on the progression of Dupuytren's is X-ray treatment and the data on this goes back 30 years. As only the skin of the hands is radiated there is no real health risk involved with this treatment.

07/27/2017 23:34
07/27/2017 23:34
Re: Probiotics and Dupuytren

Fascinating thread. I've been drinking kefir and kombucha for the probiotics for about a year now. I didn't do it to help with my DD, which I've had since 2008. I did it to help with digestion and general good stomach health. I have to say that this year my Dupuytren's has only gotten more severe. I'm not saying at all that I associate its increasing severity with the probiotics, though. What I am saying is that I don't see any evidence in my body of probiotic ingestion helping with my Dupuytrens. I also developed LD during this year. I'm only one person, but unfortunately a year of drinking probiotics has done nothing to improve my DD. I do like it for gut health though.

bacteria   demonstrated   health-38800977   Probiotics   Fibromyalgia   addressing   Interesting   Fascinating   connection   Dupuytren   consumption   Contracture   progression   treatment   afflictions   neurotransmitters   spanishbuddha   information   unfortunately   dupuytren-online