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Starting Radiation Treatments Next Monday
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08/05/2014 20:49
08/05/2014 20:49
Re: Starting Radiation Treatments Next Monday

Day Two report:

Arrived around 8:00am for my 8:45 appointment. While arriving I thought more about the parking situation down around VCU. It's not good, and very crowded, and this is not during the standard college school year. It's got to be worse during the school year.

I arrived in the radiation oncology waiting room just after 8:00 am and was the only person in the room. The coffee was fresh and hot, same as the first day.

I was called in just after 8:30. The whole procedure took no more than five minutes, as Callie previously stated, and I was free to go. The radiation techs asked me to start thinking about when I want to be scheduled for the next series of doses, in 6-8 weeks. They stated that Dr. Weiss is very good to work with patient's schedules (they know that I'm driving up daily, and that I travel extensively for my work).

While driving away it also occurred to me that the streets and roads around VCU can be confusing. I highly recommend using some sort of navigation system to get around down there.

As for the hands, today I am sensing some very mild burning, like a mild sunburn only deeper, if that makes sense. Additionally, a couple of times my hands have felt itchy. My wife says that my palms appear slightly puffy or swollen. When I went to cut up a loaf of dried french bread, I noticed that my hands are a little bit tender.

This is interesting to me, and I take it as a sign that the (electron beam) radiation is actually damaging the cells, which is what you want - radiation injury to the nodules, but below the radiation threshold that results in permanent injury to the good tissues of the hand.

That's all for today.


08/06/2014 20:24
08/06/2014 20:24
Re: Starting Radiation Treatments Next Monday

Day three:

More of the same. The drive is getting somewhat tedious; however, I am impatient by nature which is my problem. I also need to remind myself of the benefits of early non-surgical treatment options.

By the third day everyone recognizes you, even the parking attendants, and most in the RO clinic will call you by name.

Again, the staff came and called me first from the waiting room this morning. I think that mine is the easiest and simplest treatment of their day. The staff told me that they do about one person per week for DC on average. They also stated that they treat one patient every 10 minutes throughout the day, a busy schedule. They are very friendly and conversational, and it's simple to be at ease while in their care. The administrative staff are wonderfully pleasant as well. The coffee was hot and fresh as always.

Today I seem to have less post-treatment sensitivity in my palms, as I am not feeling any vague sunburnt feelings or itching. I may be getting the slightest of a tan line in the palm of my hands, outlined by the shadow of the collimating shield, LOL.

Today they scheduled my second round of treatments, for seven weeks from now. They stated that the first day, Monday would not be as long as this week's Monday was, but will be slightly longer as Dr. Weiss will want to see me on that day.

I have yet to meet Odell (sp?), likely the first person that patients trying to get into the system will talk with, as she is out on vacation this week. She is the administrative supervisor and very helpful on the phone.

I think that's all for now.


08/07/2014 21:50
08/07/2014 21:50
Re: Starting Radiation Treatments Next Monday

Day four:

No new information today, only a few very small changes. I was taken to a different treatment room today with a similar but different linac electron beam machine, and was attended to by two different techs; however, otherwise all was identical and I was in and done in no time.

This evening while wrestling with the new lab puppy, I did notice a slight tenderness of the hands, but nothing significant.


08/08/2014 00:58
08/08/2014 00:58
Re: Starting Radiation Treatments Next Monday

I noticed nothing in either of the two treatments. My treatments were about 10 weeks apart.

Edited 08/08/14 03:58

08/09/2014 18:27
08/09/2014 18:27
Re: Starting Radiation Treatments Next Monday


Thanks for all of the updates! I have just returned from vacation and am preparing for my RT with Dr. Weiss on Monday. I was curious. You noted on one day that the radiation tech set you up but they didn't do the radiation until Dr. Weiss took a look and okayed it. I may have missed you mentioning it, but I was curious whether this was the same each day as my expectation was the Dr. Weiss would be attending to each daily treatment.

Based on your report on parking, I'm glad that I'll be staying at Hospitality House. My understanding is that it's just 3 blocks away and that they shuttle you to the hospital and back. Hopefully parking is better at HH.


08/10/2014 01:38
08/10/2014 01:38
Re: Starting Radiation Treatments Next Monday

Kevin, what I understood from your posts is that you do not have any concern about long term risk of developing cancer with this radiation treatment? Because of your experience in this area it would be good to know your opinion.

08/10/2014 01:51
08/10/2014 01:51
Re: Starting Radiation Treatments Next Monday

I have a PhD in biochemistry and have had RT and surgery. There are many published studies. Minimal risk of cancer and if you are in the right stage this can cure/delay progression. There are risks to any procedure. And this is a terrible disease and many people report any treatment (RT, NA, collagenase or surgery) just make the disease "angrier". Flare ups etc. in the end it all depends on your risk tollerance. Good luck !

08/11/2014 00:21
08/11/2014 00:21
Re: Starting Radiation Treatments Next Monday


Thanks for all of the updates! I have just returned from vacation and am preparing for my RT with Dr. Weiss on Monday. I was curious. You noted on one day that the radiation tech set you up but they didn't do the radiation until Dr. Weiss took a look and okayed it. I may have missed you mentioning it, but I was curious whether this was the same each day as my expectation was the Dr. Weiss would be attending to each daily treatment.

Based on your report on parking, I'm glad that I'll be staying at Hospitality House. My understanding is that it's just 3 blocks away and that they shuttle you to the hospital and back. Hopefully parking is better at HH.



Sorry to get back with you so late, but I'm on travel, and have been undisciplined in getting on the forums.

Yes, on day one, Dr. Weiss came in and checked the set up before the RT doses on both hands prior to the dose, but not after that. This may be standard procedure, in that it is the last chance to confirm the dose profile is correct, with the custom-made collimators. The techs take lots of pictures to which they can refer on the subsequent days, so they can use those for confirmation for consistency.

I did not see where the Hospitality House was, but the maps indicate that it is close. You could easily walk if the shuttle is not available.

Best of luck with your treatments.


08/11/2014 00:36
08/11/2014 00:36
Re: Starting Radiation Treatments Next Monday

Kevin, what I understood from your posts is that you do not have any concern about long term risk of developing cancer with this radiation treatment? Because of your experience in this area it would be good to know your opinion.


It is a fair question, and one which a person should find adequate assurance of the radiation risk before undergoing treatments. Yes, my background is in radiation protection, which convinces me that the risk involved in the DC RT is absolutely minuscule.

In the balance, medical professionals do not prescribe radiation treatments, or any treatments, unless the medical benefit far outweighs the risk. Note that electron beam treatments involve very surface level particles, applied to a hand which contains no sensitive organs, nor is the radiation "carried" to other parts of the body.

I strongly recommend that you find the answers that you need to find assurance that the risk is extraordinarily low.

Best of luck with your search. Feel free to ask any questions that you might have.


08/11/2014 00:48
08/11/2014 00:48
Re: Starting Radiation Treatments Next Monday

Day Five;

Sorry, but this is a couple of days after the day five treatments. I went on travel directly from VCU, and have not logged on in a few days.

Day five was identical to the previous five days, with the only exception that after my treatments that I was returned to an examination room where Dr. Weiss examined my hands, asked several questions, and confirmed when my next treatments were scheduled.

I did have one question for her - she had told me during my initial phone consult/interview that after the treatments I should avoid straining or overworking my hands. When queried, she reiterated that I should avoid any strain of the hands, although normal use is fine. So I will lay off rebuilding the house and working on my classic cars!

I will be returning seven weeks from now to complete my second week of treatments.

Any sensitivities I previously had have not been reported, and my hands are fine. No changes in the nodules for now, but I will update between now and the next series of treatments.


Edited 08/11/14 03:49

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